Even More In-Game Fixes Implemented

Blizzard poster Bornakk has listed even more in-game fixes that have been implemented since patch 3.1 went live on Tuesday. These follow the fixes we reported on here and here.

  • Several changes to the Razorscale encounter have been made including the range and damage of the Dark Rune Watcher’s Chain Lightning being reduced, and the radius of Razorscale’s Devouring Flame being slightly reduced.
  • To increase the challenge, Hodir’s hard mode should need to be completed faster than before and the bonus of the Moonlight buff that NPCs provide to players should be decreased.
  • Totem of the Dancing Flame should no longer cause a target affected by Stormstrike to take additional damage.

You can read the rest of the fixes after the jump.

Blizzard Hotfixes Death Strike Healing Nerf

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has announced on the official World of Warcraft forums that Blizzard has hotfixed a change to the amount of healing provided by Death Strike. He explained the reasoning behind the nerf:

"Originally, this ability was something you would use only situationally to heal yourself at a cost of damage. Since then we have redesigned the death knight class sufficiently to where Death Strike was a major rotational ability for Blood. Given how much the attack is hitting for, we think the amount of healing it provided was too much.

Healing still scales based on diseases and the damage is unchanged. Blood retains its other tools to heal."

So what do all you Death Knights out there think about the change?

Hacks and How To Avoid Them, Part Two

In the first part of this article, I described how players' accounts can be stolen through the use of keyloggers, phishing scams or by simply asking for passwords in-game. In the second and final part, I'll be taking a look at three more ways that MMO accounts are stolen: through insecure passwords, buying gold or being taken by a friend.

Insecure Passwords
If you have a poor password, you put yourself at risk of someone guessing it or being a victim of a "brute force" attack, where an automated system attempts to guess your account's password. However, even strong passwords can put you at risk if you use them in more than one place. Corrupt forum administrators have been known to try their users login details in MMOs in the past, stealing their accounts if the login details match up. Some websites that require you to set up accounts with them could also be subject to a similar attack. However, it's not just your game account that's at risk from this type of hack - email accounts can also be stolen if they're web-based (i.e. with Hotmail, Google or a similar provider). This can be even more dangerous than your game account being stolen, as once someone gets into your email, they have access to all the information stored in your inbox and your "sent messages" folder. In other words, they could be able to see what type of accounts you have (and not just game accounts, but online banking accounts too) and use your stolen email address in order to reset or change their passwords. If this happens, you've not just lost one account - you stand a chance of losing EVERY account you have access to online.

4th Phase of Arena Tourney Ends Next Week

The fourth and final phase of the 2009 Arena Tournament will be ending on Monday at 9 p.m. PDT in North America and on Tuesday at 9 p.m. CEST in Europe. The top eight teams will be invitied to the regional finals, which makes this an important step for all participating competitors.

As always, for more information on the tournament you can visit the official page on the World of Warcraft Web site or visit the official tournament forums. The team who wins the global finals will earn $75,000.

While we're on the topic of the Arena Tournament, feel free to check out parts one and two of Editor Christopher "Pwyff" Tom's "History of Competitive WoW." He discusses how World of Warcraft became an eSport.

More Fixes Listed; 'Hot Hot Hot Streak' Removed

Blizzard poster Bornakk has listed some more fixes that have been applied to the game since patch 3.1 went live Tuesday. These followed the fixes we recently posted. Here's the first few fixes, and you can find the rest after the jump:

  • We have made it so player cannot attack additional quest giver NPCs at the Argent Tournament.
  • Pets have been properly trained to now attack Kologarn when instructed.
  • Hunter pets should now have their talents refunded when a hunter switches talent specs, even if they are dismissed at the time.
  • When re-implemented into the game, the trash mobs before XT-002 Deconstructor should be a little easier to defeat.

In addition, Blizzard has removed the Hot Hot Hot Streak achievement, along with the Flawless Victor title it granted. Bornakk said "it was often being earned through methods that were not what we wanted to encourage." It could be brought back soon, however, although no promises have been made.

Ensidia Claims World 1st Kill of Yogg-Saron

It looks like Ensidia has claimed the world first defeat of Yogg-Saron in 25-man Ulduar. You can find the full loot list over at MMO-Champion, which includes a Fragment of Val'anyr, part of a new legendary one-hand mace. You need 30 of these things to form Val'anyr, Gavel of Ancient Kings.

Ensidia is known for clearing end-game content quickly, but what are your thoughts on the kill?

Also, as Boubouille noted on MMO-Champion, the "loot ilvl isn't higher than the one on the other bosses. It looks like Blizzard wants players to run hard-modes for the higher tier of gear and not just complete the instance in easy mode." What do you think?

Blizzard Lists 15 Fixes Since Launch of Patch 3.1

Blizzard poster Bornakk has provided players with a list of 15 fixes that have been applied to the game since patch 3.1 launched. Some of them have been mentioned in previous ZAM posts, but here they are in one location.

  • We have altered XT-002 Deconstructor's heart aggro radius down to 60 yards so players will no longer get stuck in combat when at the entrance to his room.
  • The trash mobs before XT-002 Deconstructor have temporarily been disabled. These mobs will return in the future after we have resolve the issue with them being linked.
  • Shattering a Construct during the Ignis the Furnace Master encounter will now decrease the number of Strength of the Creator stack buffs he has by one.

Keep reading after the jump for the rest of the list.

NetEase Gets WoW License in Mainland China

Blizzard Entertainment announced today that World of Warcraft will be licensed to an affiliated company of NetEase in mainland China for three years following the expiration of the current agreement. The companies have had a partnership for Warcraft III, StarCraft II and Battle.net since last summer. Here's what Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment, had to say about the announcement:

"We appreciate the enthusiasm that Chinese gamers have shown us over the years, and we've always worked hard, in collaboration with our partners, to ensure that these players receive the same high-quality service and gameplay experiences that we deliver in other regions," Morhaime said.  "This new agreement with NetEase will support that goal for years to come, and we look forward to collaborating with them on a smooth transition for World of Warcraft moving forward."

The full press release regarding the announcement can be found below.

Blizzard Hiring For "Next-Gen MMO"

Blizzard has advertised 26 vacancies on games industry site Gamasutra, including eleven jobs on a "Next-Gen MMO" and three on an "Unannounced Game Team". Given the number of positions, it would appear that production on Blizzard's next MMO is starting to ramp up. When we hear anything about this project, we'll be sure to let you know.

Emblems Removed from Freya's Gift

Per a "Blue" post, Emblems of Valor and Conquest have been temporarily removed from Freya's Gift to fix an issue.

We have temporarily removed Emblems of Valor and Emblems of Conquest from all levels of difficulty from the chest, Freya's Gift, that you receive upon completion of the Freya encounter. We will restore these in a future patch when the issue has been resolved.