Give Back to the Orphans During Children's Week

Children's Week is now under way and runs until May 7. The annual event is celebrated in Stormwind, Orgrimmar and Shattrath and is meant to give back to the orphans of war. So enjoy working on the new achievements and obtaining some new pets!

Pets available include Speedy the turtle, Whiskers the rat, Mr. Wiggles the pig, Egbert the hawkstrider hatchling, Peanut the baby elekk, and Willy.

Threads are already starting on the event in our general forum, so head over there if you'd like to participate in the discussions.

Patch 3.1.2 Now on PTR; Battle Devs in PvP Today

Minor content patch 3.1.2 is now on the PTR, and it includes the new art textures for Argent Dawn mounts and the equipment manager that were mentioned in a previous post. If you'd like to check out the updated mounts, you can view them here. You can view the full test realm patch notes here or below.

If you'd like to participate in the testing process, here's the FAQ. Premade characters are available, and you can copy four per account. Blizzard is asking for focused testing on the gear manager, which allows you to save gear sets and switch between them at the push of a hotkey.

And if PvP is more up your alley, you can battle members of the Blizzard development staff today from 4-6:30 p.m. PST on the Broxigar U.S. test server. Their Alliance team will be playing Warsong Gulch, while their Horde team will be playing Arena 5v5 skirmishes. So feel free to jump in and see how you handle yourself against the game's developers.

In-Game Fixes Affect Mimiron, Auriaya Encounters

Bornakk has added two new in-game fixes to his growing list. The first fixed an issue where Mimiron could randomly change targets while casting P3Wx2 Laser Barrage in phase, while the second added the following changes to the Auriaya encounter:

the damage of Strength of the Pack has been increased, the duration of Terrifying Screech has been reduced, the damage of Sonic Screech has been reduced, and the damage from Seeping Feral Essence has been reduced.

You can read Bornakk's full post after the jump, or view his complete list of in-game fixes since April 16 here.

Tourney Mount Changes, Equipment Manager Coming

Blizzard poster Naethera has posted information about two upcoming additions we can expect to see in the near future. In an upcoming minor patch, "faction mounts offered by vendors on the Argent Tournament grounds will have their visual appearances improved" to better match the faction's colors. If you've already purchased an Argent Tournament mount, it will automatically be updated.

Also, Naethera said you'll be able to purchase the 10 mounts using the original tournament look for 5 Champion's Seals and 500 gold.

And remember the Equipment Manager that didn't make it into patch 3.1? Well, it's coming in the next minor content patch. It will allow you to store sets of equipment and switch between them using hotkeys. You can read Naethera's original post below.

List of In-Game Fixes Keeps Growing

Bornakk's list of recent in-game fixes since the release of patch 3.1 has received more additions. The newest list contains numerous updates, from changes to Ulduar encounters to a Noblegarden fix where Spring Flowers will not cast or go on cooldown if the target already has the buff.

You can read the full list after the jump.

Ulduar Getting Nerfed

Blizzard has decided the first few bosses into Ulduar after Flame Leviathan to be more inline of what the difficulty for the instance. Some of the changes are already live and some will be going live in the near future.

More info after the jump.

It's Official: Unicorns Play... World of Warcraft?

Yep, you heard me right! For those of you in MMO marketing who have been struggling to find out what exactly the Unicorn species really likes (perhaps due to the issue of non-existence),'s Andrew 'Tamat' Beegle has saved you the trouble! We asked Youtube's Unicorn Talk if Unicorns were interested in MMORPGs, and it seems like the frozen hand of Blizzard has already snagged this demographic, just like they've grabbed... pretty much everyone else. I can't really recall if there are many Unicorns in Azeroth, but something tells me that these Unicorns aren't interested in that...

Check out the video here!

Minor Bugfix Patch 3.1.1a Released

A minor bug fix patch was released today, it contains a change to Paladin's Exorcism tooltip and now displays an error when you try to use the ability on another player.

More info after the jump.

Alternate Uses For Gnomes

Gnomes are annoying. Everyone knows this, and you only need to look at WoW's forums for proof. They're whiny little creatures lacking in social skills, who delight in thinking they're smarter than the rest of us. Not only that, but most of their inventions fail to work, at best doing nothing and at worst blowing up in the user's face. Well, I say it's time to put the little buggers in their place and get them to make a real contribution to society. I propose the following 10-point plan, designed to ensure that Gnomes actually become useful:

1. Jockeys
Sure, we have human jockeys, but wouldn't it be more fun to replace them with Gnomes? It'd be easier on the horses and watching a Gnome struggling to control an animal that big would be hilarious. Any Gnomish inventions built to aid them in riding the horses would, of course, be banned. Given Gnomes' size, they also wouldn't be limited to riding horses - dog or pig racing would become possible, giving birth to entirely new sports. This may put human jockeys out of work but, to be honest, they're nearly as bad as Gnomes…

Rescheduled Noblegarden Event Begins Tomorrow

The Noblegarden Easter event was originally supposed to be held on April 12, but it was delayed due to the addition of new content. Well, the festivities have been rescheduled and they start tomorrow! You have until May 3 to participate in the event, which includes new achievements and a new daily quest.

The egg hunt and daily quests begin in starting towns such as Goldshire, Razor Hill, Kharanos and Brill, so take the trek back to your roots and look for new treats and prizes found rarely in eggs. If you don't find the prizes you want, you can use the chocolate you discover as currency to buy the items from vendors.

For more information, check out the official event page. A Noblegarden discussion has already started in our forum if you'd like to add to it.