5 In-Game Fixes Added Today

The thread on the official forums listing in-game fixes continues to grow with five more being added today. Here they are, straight from Crygil's post:

  • Furious Gladiator's Libram of Justice will now only grant additional healing to Flash of Light as originally intended.
  • Amice of Inconceivable Horror and Vestments of the Blind Denizen will no longer have class restrictions
  • It will now take the proper 4 seconds of drinking in arenas before a player will start gaining mana.
  • Storm, Earth and Fire talent root proc will now properly affect a 10 yard radius.
  • Mimiron Assault Bots no longer despawn during the transition from phase3 to phase 4. This should allow the achievement Not-So-Friendly Fire to be completable.

Tuesday's in-game fixes can also be found after the jump.

Post Says Why "Your Video Settings Have Changed"

If you've received the message "Your video settings have changed" at the login screen since patch 3.1.2 went live, Bornakk has provided a quick explanation on the official forums:

"After applying the new patch 3.1.2, when reaching the login screen you may receive the message, 'Your video settings have changed.' This is because the Projected Textures option in the Video Effects menu will now default to being turned on instead of turned off."

Ranged Weapons Get Buff to Boost Hunter DPS

World of Warcraft developers have implemented a buff to ranged weapon damage in an attempt to boost hunter DPS, which the team felt was "too low." According to the announcement, "Bows, crossbows and guns of item level 226 or higher (which means weapons from Kel'Thuzad, Ulduar and the Furious Gladiator pieces) will do around 30 more dps. This should translate to a hunter damage increase of a few percent."

Hunter DPS will also be receiving another buff in the next couple of weeks that hasn't been announced yet. These updates are being implemented because the team's proposed plan to change how ammo works was too ambitious to complete by 3.1, and hunters haven't been able to upgrade their ammo since the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. So according to the post, "this change basically incorporates the ammo damage into the weapons -- as you get better ranged weapons, it's as if you got better ammo to go along with them."

Check out this thread by Bornakk to see which which ranged weapons have received the DPS increase. The post also lists some other Ulduar weapon updates. You can read the full announcement regarding the buff to hunter DPS below and discuss it in this thread in our hunter forum.

Hotfixes Add Changes to Ulduar

Some changes to Ulduar have been hotfixed into 3.1.2 or are in the process of being hotfixed. Daelo provided the full list on the official forums, and they include changes to trash, bosses and hard modes. For example, here's the hard mode update:

"The hit point increasing hard mode ability for XT-002 Deconstructor has been reduced to 50% in the 10 player Normal setting, and 60% in the 25 player Heroic setting. The corresponding damage increase for XT-002 has also been reduced to 15%. Life Sparks also have half of their previous hit point values."

You can read all of the changes below and discuss them in this thread in our WoW general forum.

Nitro Boots Shut Down in Arenas

Crygil announced on the official forums that the Nitro Boots ability has been shut down in arenas because the Blizzard team currently doesn't have "an acceptable solution" to the balancing issue. However, Crygil did say, "We fully plan to continue working on this item and we intend to adjust it in upcoming patches."

Further down in the thread, Crygil suggested players don't vendor the item just yet since the team has "plans to make certain that this item is still worth the investment made in it."

Patch 3.1.2 Notes

Today sees the release of patch 3.1.2, bringing some long awaited features and fixes to patch 3.1. Azerian has already talked about the pros and cons of some of those features, so here's the complete list of the changes you can expect after maintenance is over.

You can click on more for the details, or visit our wiki article which allows you to skip to the change you're really interested in.

Patch 3.1.2: The Winners and Losers

Every so often MMOs are patched, not only with new content, but also with changes to what's already there. These changes are generally designed to benefit players, but they're not always a good thing for everyone. Therefore, I present to you an examination of some of the major changes in WoW's next patch, including who'll benefit and who stands to lose out.

The Equipment Manager
This feature was originally planned to go live with Ulduar, but was held back because it wasn't ready in time. However, work on it should be complete in time for the next patch. This new feature will allow characters to switch between different sets of gear with the click of a button, rather than manually changing each piece of equipment. What it won't do, however, is provide any more storage for different sets of equipment - they'll still need to be stored in your character's bags or in the bank. One additional feature of the Equipment Manager is being able to see all items you have available for a particular item slot by selecting that slot on your character screen. In other words, you'll no longer need to search your bags for that new piece of equipment you picked up.

New "Premium" Figures Announced

Two new World of Warcraft figurines have been announced: a Gnome Warlock with Voidwalker, as well as Orc Warchief Thrall. The Gnome and Voidwalker will stand 3.25" and 6" tall, while Thrall will be larger at 10.25". However, anyone wanting either figure will have to wait, as they won't be available to buy until January 27, 2010.

Full size images of the figures (including an unpainted Thrall) can be found after the jump.

Take a Peek at 3 Upcoming TCG Loot Cards

Fields of Honor, the ninth World of Warcraft Trading Card Game expansion, will be released on June 30. While we wait for that date to arrive, William Brinkman has written a preview of the three loot cards that will give players some interesting in-game items.

The consumable and ultra-common loot of the Path of Cenarius card will make flowers grow under your feet, whether you're standing or running around. The uncommon Piñata card will allow you to set up an Ogre Piñata that can be opened by attacking it. Eat the gumballs that fall to the ground to have your character chew gum and blow bubbles for 5 minutes. And last, but certainly not least, the El Pollo Grande card will let you summon a giant rooster mount.

You can view YouTube videos of all the in-game items in action in Brinkman's article. Or, Boubouille of MMO-Champion has provided the PTR testing codes for the items in case you're trying out 3.1.2 on the test realm. Visit Landro Longshot and enter 1111 for Path of Cenarius, 2222 for Piñata or 3333 for El Pollo Grande.

Blizzard to Put an End to Totem-Stomping Macros

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has stickied and locked a post on the official damage dealing forum to explain the dev team's design intent on totem-stomping macros. Basically, the team doesn't like the macros and is going to put an end to them.

"Blizzard does not like the gameplay of totem-stomping macros and we intend to stop it. Destroying a totem should be a viable strategy but it should be a choice and require some effort on the part of the destroyer. Making a macro to have your pet attack the totem without having to target the totem first does not in our minds constitute enough effort."

The technical change that is needed to break these macros has not been implemented yet, but the change will be announced when the team is sure it's going live.