Wowhead Weekly Episode 18: More Warlords Q&A

Join Olivia and Perculia once again for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 18! This week's episode was a continuation of your Warlords of Draenor questions.

Friday Update Arcade: Episode 11

Lindsay "geektr0n" Ferguson hosts ZAM's latest installment of Friday Update Arcade! Topics discussed are:

  • World of Warcraft passes 10 million subscribers
  • New League of Legends Map!
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition Review
  • Far Cry 4
  • Goat MMO Simulator

Film Friday: Thirteen New Trailers (Part One)

Thirteen New Videos: Part One

We'll be taking next Friday off to digest all that turkey, but settle back this week for a mega two-part edition of Film Friday. Coming up first are some great new videos from World of Warcraft, three different Final Fantasy games, DCUO and Mordheim City of the Damned!

WoW Surpasses 10 Million Subscribers With Warlords

Were you one of the players hammering at the World of Warcraft servers during the launch of Warlords of Draenor last week? According to Blizzard, you definitely were not alone.

Wowhead Weekly Episode 17: Draenor Post-Launch Q&A

Join Olivia and Perculia once again for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 17! This week was all about your Warlords questions, discussing garrison concerns, queries on followers and missions, as well as buildings and outposts and more.

Friday Update Arcade: Episode 10

Lindsay "geektr0n" Ferguson hosts ZAM's latest installment of Friday Update Arcade! Topics discussed are:

  • Warlords of Draenor Launches
  • Blizzard Reveals a New IP: Overwatch
  • Hearthstone Expansion Announced
  • StarCraft II Looks Awesome
  • Heroes of the Storm goes to closed beta!

Film Friday: Eight New Trailers

We're back post-BlizzCon madness and have eight more great videos to share this week. Strap in for a look back 10 years ago, an invasion in Times Square, the re-birth of a Kickstarter campaign and more!

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Now Live

World of Warcraft has released its latest expansion: Warlords of Draenor. It adds the new world of Draenor to the game, extends the level cap to 100, introduces Garrisons, new dungeons, raids and more. The Standard Edition is available for $49.99 and the Collector's Edition can be picked up for $69.99. A retail-exclusive Collector's Edition, featuring a hardcover art book, mousepad, and a behind-the-scenes disc can be purchased for $89.99.

Warlords of Draenor sends Azeroth’s heroes beyond the Dark Portal on a desperate mission to save their world from the vicious Iron Horde—a formidable army of the most infamous orc clans from Warcraft’s battle-scarred history. As players explore the savage alien world of Draenor, they’ll encounter fierce new foes and befriend unlikely allies, construct and command a mighty Garrison, and take their place on the front lines in the battle to save Azeroth from a future forged in iron.

Warlords of Draenor Launch Guide

Our Wowhead team has compiled a list of our most useful guides and content to help you build your garrison, pick your gear, play your class and more. The database is also completely up-to-date for the expansion.

Wowhead Weekly - BlizzCon 2014

Join Olivia and Perculia for a very special edition of Wowhead Weekly! This week the ladies recap all the BlizzCon excitement from the World of Warcraft Arena Championship Casting Desk.

BlizzCon: Opening Ceremony (Live Updates)

The BlizzCon opening ceremony begins today at 11am PT/2pm ET! We'll be live updating this article as the ceremony progresses, so keep checking back.

The ceremony has ended, check out everything below!