Wowhead Weekly Episode 33

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 33! This week the ladies discuss Children's Week, Pepe Costumes, the contents of the 6.2 PTR and more!

Formerly Hardcore: 5-Man Dungeons in 6.2

Hello and welcome to the 5th edition of Formerly Hardcore, ZAMs column on Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft. For this column, we’re going to take a look at some of the features from the patch 6.2 Public Test Realm. Right after I posted my previous column on the remaining bosses of Blackrock Foundry, Blizzard announced the PTR was coming up for the next patch – and here I thought I’d be doing something on Garrisons or pet battles for this week’s column.

Along with the PTR announcement came the first set of patch notes, which were massive. Since then we’ve seen a few iterations on those patch notes, datamined information from Wowhead and other sites, boss videos from guilds trying out the new raid encounters and so much more. I won’t try to cover everything that’s shown up in patch notes and build update posts in a single post, despite what the length of some of my columns might imply. Instead we’ll focus on a couple of new features from the PTR notes that immediately caught my eye: Mythic and Timewalker Dungeons.

Wowhead Weekly Episode 32

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 32! This week the ladies discuss the EU WoW Token, Warcraft's movie delay, the contents of the 6.2 PTR and more.

Wowhead Weekly Episode 31

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 31! This week the ladies discuss the 6.2 PTR build.

Friday Update Arcade: Episode 27

Lindsay "geektr0n" Ferguson hosts ZAM's latest installment of Friday Update Arcade! Topics discussed include the PC launch of Grand Theft Auto V, Mortal Kombat X having some Steam issues, a new trailer for Star Wars Battlefront and some speculation that WildStar may be going free-to-play.

BlizzCon Tickets On Sale This Week

Those planning to attend this year's BlizzCon will have two opportunities to purchase tickets to the event this week. The first window is at 7pm PT (10pm ET) on Wednesday, April 15, while the second is at 10am PT (1pm ET) on Saturday, April 18. Tickets will be sold on Eventbrite once again for $199 each (limit four per household), plus a $4 handling fee.

Full details on the ticket purchasing process can be found below.

Formerly Hardcore #4: Adventures in BRF, Part 4

Hello and welcome to the 4th edition of Formerly Hardcore, ZAMs column on Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft. For our fourth column, we’re continuing our look at WoW’s latest raid, Blackrock Foundry. So far we’ve covered eight of the ten encounters in BRF, as well as some talk about my experience with using WoW’s Group Finder tool and Looking For Raid difficulty. That leaves us with two bosses to go.

Wowhead Weekly Episode 30

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 30! This week the ladies discuss the new Warcraft pint glasses, the WoW Token launch, Noblegarden going live and Wowhead's Egg Hunt giveaway.

Friday Update Arcade: Episode 26

Lindsay "geektr0n" Ferguson hosts ZAM's latest installment of Friday Update Arcade! Topics discussed include the announcement trailer for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, a free weekend for old Beta players on Elder Scrolls Online, Hearthhead's Blackrock Mountain Molten Core preview, The Witcher 3's expansions and more!

Film Friday: Eight New Trailers

Eight New Trailers

April is rushing right by, but we made sure to snag eight of the latest videos on their way through! To welcome your weekend we have trailers from Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Crookz, DC Universe Online, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, EVE, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Windward and World of Warcraft.