EQ Update #291

In this update, Ring of Scale Tier 2 Group armor recipes were all added.

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EQ Update #290

In this update, all new comments are caught up to this morning. We'll get some more RoS updates done today.

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EQ Update #289

In this update, all Cleric and Paladin level 105+ scrolls/tomes are tagged with their expansions. Also recipes for all the RoS Tier 1 Scale Touched group armor, have been added.

More progress has been made on the Ring of Scale wiki. We'll be opening that up to the public here soon even though it still needs lots of work done to it.

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EQ Update #288

In this update, some new ornaments and tradeskill items are coming in from RoS. Also all spells 105 to 110 are tagged with an expansion now. Bards through Berserkers RoS songs, tomes, spells are all tagged RoS now.

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EQ Update #287

In this update, more RoS tradeskill items were added and tagged. Also some new RoS alchemy recipes were added. A few more RoS NPC's were updated with screenshots and some unseen NPC's were added.

Two new NPC's are located in the Ring of Scale The Overthere bank that allow you to purchase Velazul's and Selrach's armor for new raid and group currency.

Bards to Magicians levels 105 through 110 had their spells tagged with an expansion. We'll get the rest of the classes tagged soon and the scrolls/tomes/songs tagged as well.

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EQ Update #286

In this update, more RoS tradeskill items were tagged. More RoS recipes and their quests were created thanks to Drewinette. More RoS spell scrolls are tagged thanks to Barudin314. I also added all the spell vendors in The Overthere last night and added all the spells/tomes they sell. More RoS NPC's were updated with screenshots and information about them such as location and if they see invis.

Also some spells were added to some of the NPC's since we have beta spells in our spell database now. Which means you can now search your class for spells 106+. Keep in mind that all spells are going to show up in that search including subspells of buffs that cast multiple spells. We'll get those exlcuded at some point. Also we don't have those spells tagged for RoS yet so you won't be able to search by expansion for them, just set the level to 105 and up and you'll be able to see all the new spells.

You can now set your level to 110 on lucy when viewing an item with stats to change how the stats look with a level change, the default is still set to 105. I'll bump that default up to 110 later on when people have leveled up after RoS releases. You can view the allakhazam item link for the full stats if you don't feel like typing in 110 everytime.

Speaking of lucy, when looking at raw spell data all but 2 of the columns should all be named now.

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EQ Update #285

In this update, more RoS items are coming in and being tagged with expansion tags and recipes added to them. New recipes were added for RoS weapons. Two of the tradeskill quests for RoS were updated with the new items that came in thanks to Drewinette for all of that. Barudin314 updated a bunch of RoS placeholder scrolls with a RoS tag and he also created a progression wiki page for Dragons of Norrath.

I worked on the RoS wiki some more and added visual armor tables for all the tradeskill armor with recipes. Also added to the RoS ornaments, weapons and shields wiki page, screenshots of all the group weapons and shields.

Our item collector has been updated for the latest patch and spells should be updated sometime later today, the update will include the latest RoS beta spells.

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EQ Update #284 & Fall Bonus!

In this update, all new comments were updated to early this morning. Also more RoS items were given an expansion tag and RoS NPC's given screenshots.

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The Fall Fun Continues November 15 - 28!




Fall Fun

It's time for another round of Fall Fun bonuses!

From Wednesday, November 15, 2017, until Tuesday, November 28, 2017, ALL players will experience 50% shorter instance lockout timers while adventuring!

You'll want to gear up and get out there - half the lockout time means that you can have twice the adventures!

EQ Update #283

More Ring of Scale updates were done. Also Ring of Scale tradeskill quest named Details of the Sky was added by Drewinette.

Forum fixes are complete and everything seems to be working like it should. Also a large majority of the unknown columns in spell data were given a name if you look at the raw spell data on this site. I went with the naming scheme that raidloot.com uses on their spell parser so thanks goes to those guys for figuring out what those columns are for. Lucy raw data will be updated when we next run the spell parser due to how Lucy operates.

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EQ Update #282

In this update, more RoS tradeskill items were tagged and new recipes created thanks to Drewinette. Also more screenshots were added for NPC's.

We'll be working on the website later tonight around 10pm PT. We'll need to bring the site down in order to put in all the fixes we'll be doing. We're planning for 11:30pm PT to bring the sites back up but it might take longer if we need to do more work.

Edit: We'll be purging watched forum threads/posts dating pre 2016. So if you want to watch a thread/post dated before 2016 you'll need rewatch those threads/posts after tonight's maintenance is done.

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