EQ Update #311

In this update, more RoS achievements were added. Also raid entries and their zones were created but will need at least basic info on them.

All RoS scrolls/tomes/songs should be attached to either a vendor or their rune quest.

A few NPC's had their info updated as well.

I'll be making a pass over new comments today.

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EQ Update #310

In this update, more RoS items were updated. Some conflagrant augments were updated with recipes. Also more scrolls were expansion tagged and linked to their rune quest. More NPC's were updated with information and drops.

Also Druid and Enchanter spells level 100 to 105 have been tagged with their expansions via the spell search tool.

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EQ Update #309

In this update, more RoS achievements and quests were created and other quests updated.

The RoS wiki was updated with these new created quests as well.

A few NPC's were updated with their drops.

A bunch of scrolls/tome/songs were attached to their reward quest.

Also some achievement rewards were tagged and linked to their achievement with some screenshots of the rewards on their item pages.

Once I get some major achievement and quest entries done for RoS, I'll begin uploading screenshots of all the RoS weapons and shields.

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EQ Update #308

In this update, more RoS scrolls were tagged and linked to their rune quests. More RoS achievements were created and linked to the achievement wiki page. More updates to RoS NPC's with various information and screenshots. Some new collection items made their way through from testing out the item collector, we hope to release it soon to the public.

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12-14-2017 Patch and EQ Update #307

December 14, 2017



*** Tradeskills ***


- Corrected an issue that prevented players from completing tradeskill combines intended for Ring of Scale. This includes the upgrades to armor for Empires of Kunark and within Ring of Scale.



*** Quests And Events ***


- Crypt Robbers - Area of effect spells should no longer set off traps.

- Fell Foliage (Mission) - The mission instance no longer has any requirements to enter the zone.

- End of Empire (Raid and Mission) - Talendor's Fiery Breath will now work in the raid and in both the mission and raid will have a slightly narrower cone.



*** Spells ***


- Beastlord, Magician, Necromancer - Level 106 and higher pets can now be summoned without a valid pet focus item.

- Enchanter, Magician, Wizard - Fixed several spells that had "Unknown String" descriptions.

- Median Clawed Tablets of the Ring of Scale and Median Marked Symbols of the Ring of Scale will no longer give Promised Alleviation scrolls to players who are not Magicians or Beastlords.



*** Miscellaneous ***


- Fixed an issue with Monk Health and endurance from level 106 to 110.

- Fixed a bug that caused a reduction in player AC from levels 106-109.



- The EverQuest Team


In this update, more RoS items were tagged. Collection items that we had uploaded to the site were tagged and linked to their quests. Also Fereth ornamentations were tagged and linked to the RoS wiki ornamentations wiki page.

I created a page for RoS achievements as well and we're working on created entries for all of them.

More RoS spell/tomes were tagged and linked to their rune quest.

I also set expansions for level 100 through 105 spells for bards and beastlords using the spell search tool.

Some RoS NPC's were updated with missing vendor items, screenshots. Also some new NPC's were added in Skyfire Mountains that we hadn't seen before.

Poisoncrafting Table was added to The Overthere with a map location screenshot. Also the static container was created here on the site so we can use that in recipes.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #306

In this update, all new comments are caught up to this post. 

We're continuing to work on RoS information, check out our RoS wiki for a central place for information on the expansion.

Spells were updated last night. Also the item collector should be updated soon.

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EQ Update #305

In this update, more Ring of Scale achievements were added along with the rewarded items they give.

Some new RoS hunter acheivements were added along with the NPC's that tie into those achievements.

Collection items we have found so far were added to their particular achievements. I've been marking on my map, spawn points for collections as well and we'll publish those on our RoS wiki at some point. Also achievements for all the collections in RoS have been added, you can use our quest search tool (premium feature) to sort by era and collections to see a listing of all of them. We'll get a listing of them added to our RoS wiki when we get all the pieces on the site for each collection.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #304

In this update, new Ring of Scale items were uploaded to the site, we'll get them all tagged soon. This includes new armor ornamentation pieces and rewards from finishing achievements and collection pieces. More RoS achievements have been added as well. Also some updates were made to RoS quests as well.

Some updates were made to RoS NPC's to add them to their hunter achievements and screenshots and map locations were added to some.

New recipes were added for some SoF spells.

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EQ Update #303

In this update, all rank 1 RoS scroll/tomes/songs were tagged RoS. Also all type 3 augs have been added thanks to Rswiders. I added them to their vendors in OT ( Justyl, Grifand, Trapat ) and gave them an expansion tag as well. Items on the raid and group merchants in the OT bank were added along with the new currencies added to the site.

A few more RoS quests and NPC's were updated as well.

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EQ Update #302

In this update, many RoS items were given a RoS tag. All of the RoS spell quests are updated with what spells/songs/tomes are rewarded for each level.

Screenshots have been uploaded for the raid tradeskill weapons/shields, you can see some of those screenshots on the Ornaments, Weapons and Shields wiki page, I'll be adding more later today.

A few RoS quests were updated as well by Larth, thanks!

New comments were caught up until about mid day yesterday.

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