EQ Update #65

In this update, Planes of Power Elemental Armor recipes were given expansion tags along with consume container and class tags.

Also the Planes of Power progression wiki article for armor has been updated to show all ornate and elemental armor along with recipe links.

Grizabelle tagged more jewelcrafting recipes with various info.

I've started going through new comments and updating them. I'll try to get a bunch knocked out today.

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EQ Update #64

In this update, Planar Ornate armor for Planes of Power had their recipes given an expansion tag along with the correct class and consumed containers flags set. So you can now search for those using the recipe search tool. I'll work on Elemental armor recipes soon too.

I am working on updating the armor guide on the PoP progression wiki as well with all of the armor. I should have that done sometime today.

Grizabelle marked a bunch of jewelcrafting recipes with new tags such as Innate Recipe and Learned Recipe.

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EQ Update #63

In this update, KoryuRagestorm updated A Formal Dinner Party with missing text, some quest items and clarified some steps and how to solve the puzzle. He also updated the Skull of Null task by updating missing item links, info and quest giver text.

Speaking of Skull of Null, the item group for this was added. It will require people to run those items through the item collector again which is being worked on at the moment. We'll let ya know when it's updated for the latest patch.

Grizzabelle updated a bunch of jewelcrafting recipes with info on wether they count towards 350 skill, their daybreak recipe id's and such.

We should be running the spell parser today along with pushing the recipe changes live. I'll let ya all know when we do either.

Edit: Spells are updated and recipe changes are now live.

Edit: Item Collector is now patched for the 4-18-2018 patch.

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EQ Update #62

In this update, new comments have been caught up to this post.

Spells will be updated early next week due to some work done on the spell database table.

A fix for the advanced recipe tool and some new features for it will also go live early next week. Below is a screenshot of what it will look like.

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EQ Update #61

In this update, some new ornament sets were uploaded with screenshots of them thanks to KoryuRagestorm.

Also a variety of items were updated with info, some from new comments.

A variety of quests were updated as well.

A bunch of fishing recipes were updated with info with one new recipe added we didn't have before.

Speaking of recipes, one of our admins Grizbelle reported the advanced recipe search tool wasn't working like it should and I confirmed that as well so I am working on that now. I'll let ya guys know when that gets fixed.

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EQ Update #60

In this update, some new items were uploaded for the quarm server and some PoR drops as well I believe.

Some collectable items for the 19th anniversary quests were updated as well with info.

Also items from the LoN set Storm Break were given a SoD expansion tag.

A few PoR items were given an expansion tag as well along with being tied to their quests.

A bunch of DoDH NPC's were updated with various info.

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EQ Update #59

In this update, new comments were caught up to this post.

Some new Prophecy of Ro items coming in and some old Kunark quest items.

There are a list of new items that we're not sure what they're for. You can find a listing of recent new items here.

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EQ Update #58

In this update, new items were sorted through. Di'Zok ornaments were added to the Ring of Scale Ornament wiki page. Militant ornaments were placed into the Iksar Heritage Crate quest entry.

Some Veil of Alaris recipes were added as well.

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EQ Update #57

In this update, new comments have been updated to this post.

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EQ Update #56

In this update, many notebooks that can be worn (who knew?) or notebooks that are worn have been uploaded. Whoever uploaded those, can you tell us what they are for? Or if someone knows, please let us know.

Did everyone enjoy the font change in game for April Fools? Bristebane is quite the prankster.

I am still working on database improvements behind the scenes myself.

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