Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday July 11th

This week's Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday highlights upcoming creature changes, the build status for Deployments 10 and 11, and an overview of Progressive Weapons with Art Director Victor Meinert AKA _Slash.

Build Status D10 and D11

Deployment 10 is on the Public Test Server. We are applying another build today to fix a few nagging issues *looks glaringly at the Military Surplus*, and it will be on it's way to Live servers after a few weeks of testing. You can find out what was changed for D10.3 in our Test Server Patch Notes section of the website (once the build is published later today).

As for Deployment 11, we'll be wrapping up content building this week and having our "stability week" to bug fixes and minor tweaks next week.

Read the entire feature here .

Tabula Rasa Weekend Wrapup 6/30/2008

Tabula Rasa has posted their Weekend Wrapup and here it is, just in time to get your fix before heading home and logging in!

Happy Monday! I know, I know, your weekend was WAY too short, but let's kick this week off right with a Weekend Wrapup about your community events. First let's get an update from PlanetTR's Andriss with the results of the Blind Race Event and then find out who to congratulate as the winner of the Friday Night Fights with PTR's Deadringer.

Planet TR's Blind Race Event

Our second blind race went just as well as the first!

We had four teams competing, and a couple of them only met their partners that day! The first team completed race in about 30 minutes, but they worked hard throughout the week to perfect their time. The rest of the teams eventually found their way through the route and the fustrations of being blind.

Also included are details on the Friday Night Fight!

Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday 6/27/2008

Today's Tabula Rasa Friday Feature, well, features, new screen shots of new shotguns, new red shirt designs, and the new incoming tooltips!

Two new incendiary shotguns will be making their way to you in Deployment 10. These aren’t your grandpa’s shotguns - they are equipped with not one, but two and three barrels for the ultimate Bane killing experience.

  • Double-barrel shotguns: Will appear at Level 23. These shotguns do more damage that standard shot guns, but don’t get too trigger happy just yet. These shotguns fire slower, consume twice the ammo, and gain heat faster.
  • Tri-barrel shotguns: Will appear at Level 34. These shotguns do more damage as well, and have a wider arc. And just like the double-barrel shotguns, you must be wise with your shots, because in addition to their awesome fire power, these shotguns fire slower, consume triple the ammo, and gain heat faster than standard shotguns.

You can find the entire write up here!

Tabula Rasa Weekend Wrapup

The folks at Tabula Rasa have posted the latest weekend wrapup, a listing of fun events that took place over the past few days. This week's edition highlights player events held at PlanetTR.

Friday Night Fights
It was another great night for Friday Night Fights! This week we were in the Arena on Cassie for the weekly bloodletting!

Round One: Andriss defeated Sliversoul, Glass beat Blackburne, Farging took down Kaczmanchoy, Fuzzball defeated Machka, Slamscape took out Bethel, Setite overcame Ozzadner, Atreties beat Dunkler and Voideca got a bye.

Round Two: Glass defeated Andriss, Farging took out Fuzzball, Slamscape beat Voideca and Setite defeated Atreties.

Semi-Finals: Glass beat Farging and Setite defeated Slamscape.

Finals: Glass beat Setite.

In the final challenge match of the evening Glass and his partner Farging deveated Setite and Andriss and in a very special match Glass defeated GM_Vagabond.

It was a busy night for FnF and things are about to get busier as we prepare for the first ever FnF Night of Champions Tournament. We've been talking about this for a while and it's just about time to get the ball rolling and crown the very first FnF Grand Champion. In addition to this preparations are currently underway to announce and induct the very first class of the FnF Hall of Fame!

Keep an eye out for updates.

- DeadRinger

For more details, visit the weekend wrapup here.

Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday June 20th

This week's Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday gives the result of two very important poll questions: What would you change about Tabula Rasa, and what would you add? Check out some answers:

What would you change?


  • Aggro System
  • Crafting does not compete for skill points
  • Crafting things other than consumables + mods
  • More level appropriate ammo schematic drops, weapons, armour, etc, less paint
  • Donald Rumsfeld CP Commander (AFS) <- Explained later
  • TSR Base Damage +25 - 40% in PVE so 1 shot kills on trash happen
  • Restore reflections to linker bosses
Read the rest of the results here.

Tabula Rasa Feedback Friday June 13th

Tabula Rasa's Feedback Friday has an awesome answer to the PvP MMO question, and a look at Deployment 10 Patch Note Previews.
Q: Why are you making TR a PvP MMO? The new Wargame testmap on PTS and the balancing of the abilities tend to prove that this is the way it is headed, why?!?

A: PvP has never been and is not going to be the only direction we want TR to take. It is true that a lot of changes and additions have been made with PvP in mind and the Wargame is a good example, but in this case for instance, it is mainly because we had the systems mostly in place already and could reuse part of it in that map. The PvE aspect of the Clan Owned Control Point system needs more work done to it before we can have you test it. But it is going to be a big part of the COCP system. Another example is the attention we bring to developing instances and the storylines in general. We hope that some of you enjoyed Velon Hollow on PTS and the stories told in that instance. We have wonderful writers working with us and we will be counting on them to continue dazzling you with their narrative talents. So PvP is an important aspect but Tabula Rasa has tons of stories and plenty more to come that tie it into an obvious PvE world.

Don't forget to check out what's coming in Patch 10!