Stargate Worlds Creative Director Speaks

Chris Klug, the creative director for Stargate Worlds has taken some time out of his busy day to talk a bit about how the universe of SGW will work!
"We have to ask ourselves: what would make the story that SG-35 lived (for example) as interesting as the story that SG-1 lived. The bad guys have to be as challenging; the stakes have to be as high; the drama has to be as gut wrenching. The assumption we must make is that these stories happened, it was just that you didn't hear about them.
If you're ready to be a Stargate hero, check it out!

Stargate Worlds Trailor Posted!

Did you miss last night's 15 second trailor for Stargate Worlds that aired during the premier of the Stargate Atlantis 4 premier?

Never fear!  Here's linkage!

The Year of Startgate Worlds

Stargate Worlds has declared 2008 their very own year!
A brand new game logo has debuted on our Web site. We move forward with excitement and proclaim 2008 to be the year of Stargate Worlds! Welcome back!

The team at Stargate Worlds has returned from a well-deserved holiday break and are already hard at work here at Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment. As you are most likely aware, our game is due to be released on store shelves in the last quarter of the year, so we have some work to do!

What should you expect from us? will continue to bring you the news and features you demand, plus a few exciting new developments along the way, including radio shows, more developer chats, a new web kit, and more varieties of podcasts to feast on.

What can we expect from you? Your thoughts, of course! This game is for you, and one way to ensure that we create a product our users demand is by taking the pulse of our forum -- reading what you, the upcoming player, have to say about what you see and hear on this site -- and mold some of those thoughts and hopes into the fabric of the game itself. So if you have not made a forum account yet, now is the time to sign up and get talking!

Just before we left for break Stargate Worlds Studio Head Dan Elggren released a special nugget into the forums -- a new planet! Check it out here.
Lots of exciting stuff!

Stargate World Sound Designer Chats About Industry

Stargate Worlds Sound Designer Nick LaMartina did an interview with Digital Content Producer and it's now available for all of us to read!
Video games are now bigger than the film business, the industry video-game developers putatively mimic in their workflow: Scripting, preproduction, editing, sound effects, postproduction, and a final layback are milestones in both domains. However, game-audio professionals will point out that games are very much their own animals.
Find out what he has to say about the challenges that face sound teams in games around the world!

Mmolecule Interviews SGW Lead Systems Designer

Mmolecule has an interview up with Chris Bernert, the Lead Systems Designer for Stargate Worlds!
There have been a lot of rumors and speculation about what happens when you die. Can you elaborate on this process?

Well, there is a great white light and you then begin to see many loved ones around you as you begin to float upwards and… Oh, you mean within the game.
All kidding aside, no one truly 'dies' in Stargate Worlds. They are just defeated. When a player is defeated they have three options; one is to revive in the nearest hospital. Two is to get revived by another player or three which is to revive where they were defeated. The penalties associated with these three choices are not finalized at this time but needless to say we want to make sure we find the balance between making defeat meaningful verses making it annoying.
It's a great look at what plans are this early out!

Stargate Worlds Gallery Updates Concept Art

Stargate Worlds has some new screen shots up!
Concept art including concepts for bridges, as well as the first look at vendors in the slums of Lucia, are now available for viewing in the Stargate Worlds Gallery section!
The new screen shots are, of course, amazing to drool over!  For a place to chat about this upcoming game, try our games list entry!

Stargate Worlds Desktop Art

Last week Stargate Worlds added more desktop wallpaper to their gallery!
More of Lead Art Director Howard Lyon's masterpieces come to life for your desktop, including Tollana, the Castle and Agnos! Available in 5 different sizes. The two wallpapers for Tollana depict the planet after its attack by Anubis in Season Five's "Between Two Fires." Other worlds, such as the Castle and Agnos are original creations for Stargate Worlds, and envision the grandeur and immensity of locations not available in Vancouver, Canada.
Their wallpaper gallery is truly amazing!

SW Adds New Concept and Screenies to Site

Stargate Worlds has some new screenies up on their official site!
The new images include an in-game screenshot of the Ancient planet, recently revealed as "Agnos." Other images include a Goa'uld/Jaffa tent on a desert world, various Goa'uld and human buildings, and a first look at concept art for a Goa'uld character!
You can find the gallery here.  The added screenies and concept art are the first 11 on that page!

Stargate Worlds Hires New Asst. Producer

Last week Stargate Worlds posted a quick intro from their newest staffer, assistant producer Erin Ali!
It’s only my second week and my desk already looks like someone has been sitting there for months! My name is Erin Ali and I’m a new Assistant Producer with SGW. I graduated from the University of Advancing Technology this past April with a Bachelor’s in Game Design. Being a native of Arizona, I’m pretty used to the desert – not so much for warm winters and scorpions though! I’m really excited to be on the Stargate Worlds team and already it’s been a fun and challenging experience. Outside of work I like to read and also am an avid blogger with the 1Up Network. When I’m not at my computer or indoors (cleaning and rearranging my furniture likely), I prefer to hike, run, and rock climb. Oh, and I’m your gal if you ever see any sales going on at a local office supplies store!
Sounds like she's a busy gal!  We're looking forward to more news from the SGW crew!

Stargate World Video Podcast with Artists

Stargate Worlds has a new video podcast available.

The lead artist for Stargate Worlds sits down to discuss working with the art team, his favorite episode of Stargate and out-of-this-world bathroom utilities! Includes interviews with Art Director Howard Lyon and Lead World Builder Josh Kurtz.
Check it out!