This promotion is only for Station Cash. Any card that offers Station Cash is eligible, but must be redeemed for SC. If you have the All In One card that works for SC or 30 days, you must redeem it for SC or you'll just get 30 days added to your account. It will not triple the subscription time. The offer is only to triple Station Cash.
Occasionally we run promotions to move the cards in stores, which is why we sometimes exclude credit card and other purchases of SC. In order for the stores to keep our cards stocked, they have to see them selling. The best way to get them to sell is to run a promotion. This will also show that there's a demand for the card and will aid in getting the cards available in more places. It's just one of the things that businesses must consider when they have a retail presence. I know it's not fun for those who can't get cards locally yet, but we're trying to get to the point where the cards will be more readily available so even more can participate. Hope that makes sense!