RuneScape vs RMT!

RuneScape is fighting the ever frustrating fight against gold sellers.  This week's Dev Diary is RuneScape vs Real-world Trading!
Of course, gold-sellers have to earn this RuneScape gold somehow. They overcrowd in-game resources with their bots, exploit bugs and scam legitimate players out of items and their accounts. They are the cause of the majority of rule-breaking in RuneScape, and they must be stopped. RuneScape's creator, Andrew Gower, sums it up perfectly: "There has been a significant increase in the amount of real-world trading this year. If we don't find a solution to RWT now, it will ruin RuneScape."

Real-world trading leads to all sorts of problems. We see the negatives falling into two categories: those that affect the game and those that affect our business. On the game side, the legitimate players who don't buy gold feel their efforts are going to waste - why take the time to level skills the proper way if you can just buy some gold? It cheapens the game. Also, the players who do buy gold find it becomes so easy for them to get ahead, they get bored and leave. Mod Hobagoly, Head of RuneScape Content, says, "That's the case with all cheating, whether it's buying gold or cheating your way through a console game - it's fun for a while, but the challenge goes and things quickly get boring."
Find out how RuneScape is fighting this battle, and how you can help!

Runescape's Behind the Scenes December

Runescape has announced their December plans, and in it are some amazing new features!

Kicking things off this month will be Bounty Hunter. This dangerous minigame will take place in a dormant volcano, with three separate arenas for different Combat levels. Each of them will put you in the role of a Bounty Hunter with a simple task: to kill one randomly-assigned player in the same arena.

So, where is the danger in that, we hear you ask? Well, there will be others in the Bounty Hunter area who also have a simple task: to kill you! Will you have what it takes to reach your target and gain their loot before your nemeses find you?

Also in the monthly preview are talks about their fight with RMT and Christmas celebrations that are on the way!

Runescape Duel Tourney Changes and Party Pete!

RuneScape has changed duel tournaments:
The first change is to how wins are determined. If neither player has died at the end of the three minute period, the player who has done the most damage in a duel will proceed to the next round, unless both players have dealt equal damage. In this case, the winner will be chosen by the Duel Tournament judge.

And wants to remind everyone about the party room!

You see, Party Pete is on a life-long mission to bring the 'party' to everyone on RuneScape, so he has developed an unlikely partnership with the Bank of RuneScape. Through this alliance, he believes that the 'party' will spread like wildfire.

Now, when the Party Room lever has been pulled, different things will happen according to the market value of the items in the party chest:

Lots of goodies!!

Runescape To Introduce Summoning!

Runescape has a new developer diary on the topic of an upcoming feature, Summoning!
Yes, you read that right – Summoning is coming! It's a big deal for everyone, so to whet your appetites, we're releasing four, count 'em, four mini Development Diaries in the run up to its January 2008 release. We'll be focusing on the work that goes into developing a new skill for RuneScape, so there won't be too many spoilers about the actual skill itself. Everything in these diaries is only scratching the surface – we don't want to give it all away before it comes out! There will, however, be some interesting titbits of information, which should give everyone plenty to discuss on the Forums...
Part 2 is coming soon, and when it does, we'll be sure to let you know.

Runescape Billing System Updated

RuneScape has updated their billing system.
Due to recent updates to the Billing System, you may have had some trouble trying to subscribe or renew an existing subscription. These issues have now been resolved and the system is available for you to use!
You can find the updated info here.
The pages also look very different, with each of them being headed by a logo that says 'Jagex' who, as you will most likely know, are the makers of RuneScape. The pages will all still be on a web address and, even though they may look different, they are as safe to use as always. So, when subscribing you will be able see the padlock symbol in the usual part of your browser, which indicates that any transaction or information passed is encrypted and secure.
If you've been trying to re-subscribe or sign up, it will actually work this time!

Land of the Goblins

Our latest quest starts with a little goblin and a big dream. Grubfoot, the generals' dogsbody from the Goblin Village, has arrived in the Cave Goblin Mines and wants to speak to Zanik about what his dream might mean...

Journey into the secret heart of goblin religion, battle magic-wielding skeleton priests, and take on a whole new identity as you seek out the fabled Land of the Goblins.

This quest takes the focus off the H.A.M. storyline and puts it firmly onto the goblins. More will be revealed about the Big High War God, and Zanik will move closer to fulfilling her destiny. Your path may even bring you to a goblin transformation potion!

RuneScape Assist System

RuneScape announced a new feature yesterday, the Assist System.

Today we introduce a new means for players to help each other: the Assist System. This update allows a lower-level player to 'borrow' the skill levels of a more experienced player, creating objects that they could not before.

To take advantage of the Assist System, right-click on a player you would like help from and select 'Req. assist'. That player can then click a pink message that appears in their chat box, deciding whether or not to offer you assistance.

Then promptly had to clarify the announcement.

The Assist System is designed to be a safe and convenient alternative to obtaining aid via the trading system. Before, if you had a willing high-level friend, you could do everything that the new Assist System offers.

If you can find someone willing to give up their time to help you fish, then they would surely have been willing to give you the fish previously and the Assist System is no replacement for putting in the work and levelling-up yourself.

No free rides apparently, but a new way to accomplish the end result!