Some of the fine folks over at were able to sit down and have a nice talk with Brian Knox, the Senior Producer over at En Masse Entertainment. The topics? Bread and butter topics like solo play, PvP, and class playstyles. Here's a little teaser of what you can see in the interview:
Is the Priest the only healing class? Will other classes get boosts of healing to support themselves if the Priest goes down in a fight?
Brian Knox:
Mystics are also healers, so they can assist priests and even serve as the main healer for a party. Every class has the ability to use a few "get out of jail" cards or even some potions that can restore health up to 50 percent, so there are definitely ways for the other classes to stay alive if the party's healer is taken out. When comparing TERA to other MMOs, the healing system is radically different. Healers in TERA need to move and remain active, and they must always be aware of not only their allies’ health but of their location on the battlefield.
You have mentioned before about keeping a strong singular focus in TERA, an issue with many MMOs. Can you tell us maybe what you feel is the focus of the game?
Brian Knox:
TERA started with a single vision in mind: to keep players focused on the middle of the screen. Our action-combat system evolved directly from that vision. From there we strengthened the game with core RPG and MMO elements that users expect from a top quality game. As a startup developer, you only have so many resources at your disposal, so keeping this focus has really kept us from straying from our vision both with the game and as a company.
Looks like some juicy data to drool over for a while! It's mentioned that En Masse is planning on rolling out many more updates as we all get closer to the TERA's release date. While this is staple for almost all game releases, there are certain to be a lot more in-depth information coming due to the aggressively competitive nature of the game's combat system. When we catch wind of it, we'll let you know. If you have questions or thoughts about what you read in the interview, feel free to come back to ZAM and leave a comment! Interview Link:
Tera Official News Thread: