Your Next: Friendly Competition

This week we begin with a little trip down memory lane and a few thoughts about Guild Wars 2. I know I’m supposed to be talking about EverQuest Next and Landmark, we’ll get there really soon, I promise.

With the rumors of a Guild Wars 2 expansion looking more solid every day (at this point we’re just waiting for the official announcement), I found myself downloading the client for a trip down memory lane. After years invested in World of Warcraft, and the disappointment of Star Wars: The Old Republic, GW2 sits as my second MMO love. It’s true that it’s sweeter the second time around, but you never forget your first.

As this column goes live GW2 will be on sale at 75% off, and after the announcements at PAX South interest in the game will be peaking. I imagine many old faces will be returning to mingle with the new ones. If you’re wondering whether it’s worth your time, I definitely recommend it. It’s fast paced, fun and polished with plenty to do, and it’s really grown into itself over the last year. While there’s no shortage of things to do with other players, the traditional raiding endgame is absent, so if that’s your one and only love you’re better off looking elsewhere. No doubt there will be big things happening over the next few months, so it’s a perfect time to jump in.

Two of my favorite aspects of the game are the build system (which is beautifully elegant in design) and the combat system. Both these systems are best demonstrated in the various PvP types; the PvE content is not the best light to see them in, but it’s been this way since launch and the efficiency-obsessed corner of the community has only made the situation worse. This may be about to change though, and the reason why might interest those of you keeping a close watch on the development of EverQuest Next and Landmark.

We got to the part about EQN! If you made it this far, allow yourself a little treat as congratulations. A bon-bon, perhaps, or a glass of wine. Don’t overdo it though, there’s a few hundred words to go.

Guild Wars 2: PAX, Double XP and Huge Sale

Last week, we reported that ArenaNet is hosting a Guild Wars 2 panel in the Main Theater at PAX South this Saturday to talk about what they have planned next for the game. We already knew that the panelists would include ArenaNet President and Co-Founder Mike O'Brien alongside GW2 Game Director Colin Johanson, but today ArenaNet has announced that the panel will be hosted by Jennifer Hale, a star voice actress with a long list of work including Queen Jennah in Guild Wars 2.

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Teaser

Warning: Here Be Spoilers!

The last episode for Guild Wars 2's Living World Season 2 came out earlier this week, but it didn't end without building the hype for what is next. After players finished the episode, they were shown the below cinematic that ends with the above Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns logo and that players will find out more on January 24th at PAX South.

Guild Wars 2: Point of No Return

Later today, the Living World Season 2 Finale episode launches for Guild Wars 2. This patch, the Point of No Return, continues the story with players following Caithe's trail. The Pact Fleet is ready to launch, but Glint's egg is still missing. Caithe's past has led players to a mysterious door with a final memory seed left.

Guild Wars 2: Point of No Return

Next week will see the release of the 8th and final release in Guild Wars 2's Living World Season 2. The episode, Point of No Return, picks the story back up that players witnessed at the end of 2014. Glint's egg is still missing, but players will still need to rally their allies and the pact fleet as they launch an assault against Mordremoth. In this finale episode, players will face a decisive moment as they reach "a point of no return."

Guild Wars 2: New Daily Achievement System

Yesterday, ArenaNet announced that the Guild Wars 2's Living World Season 2 is being put on hold until January. While they did announce that Wintersday, a test ladder season in PvP and the WvW Sneak Attack event would be coming with next week's patch, today they sweetened the deal with the announcement of a completely new Daily Achievement system.

Guild Wars 2: Season 2 Returns in January

In a blog post today, Colin Johanson of ArenaNet announced that Guild Wars 2 Season 2 will be going on Christmas break, with the next episode of the season set to launch on January 13th. While there will be no new story for a month, ArenaNet has a host of new events during the break including the return of Wintersday.

Guild Wars 2: Seeds of Truth

The next episode in Guild Wars 2's Living World will launch later today. The episode, Seeds of Truth, picks up where the last episode ended when players were shocked after Caithe ran off with the dragon egg that could be the one hope in defeating Mordremoth.

Guild Wars 2: Seeds of Truth

Guild Wars 2's two-week Living World cadence continues as ArenaNet unveils the title and trailer for next week's episode, Seeds of Truth. In last week's episode, players were surprised as an ally, Caithe, stole the dragon's egg right in front of them. In Seeds of Truth, players will learn that sometimes to catch a thief, you must become a thief.

Guild Wars 2: Major PvP Update

ArenaNet today announced that the December 2nd patch for Guild Wars 2 is getting even bigger with major updates to the game's structured PvP content. This update comes just days before the inaugural World Tournament Series (WTS) Championships in Beijing.