First World of Battleships Teaser Trailer Released just released the first teaser trailer for World of Battleships at Gamescom. And when we say teaser, we mean it. Watch all of the welding below while we wait for more details on this free-to-play naval action MMO based on epic sea battles of the 20th century.

BFF Report Episode 78: Gamescom 2011

Mike B. aka Fony's latest BFF Report is all about Gamescom 2011! He talks about Dota 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, WildStar, Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes, The Secret World, World of Warcraft and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Fony's rendition of the Assassin's Creed trailer is... well, let's just say you need to see it for yourself.

Click here to watch BFF Report Episode 78: Gamescom 2011!

WoW Patch 4.3 Details Released at Gamescom

Blizzard is unveiling all sorts of World of Warcraft patch 4.3 details at Gamescom. In addition to the officially announced Transmogrification feature that allows players to customize the appearance of their weapons and armor, Lead Game Designer Tom Chilton told Kotaku that 4.3 includes "three dungeons for five-player instances and a new raid instance culminating in the Deathwing fight."

Our friends over at Wowhead summarized all of the 4.3 announcements that have been made in various interviews. Here's the list:

  • Deathwing in 4.3: According to Kotaku: "The Deathwing fight will be the most epic boss encounter to date, including a battle phase that takes place on the massive dragon's back as he flies through the sky."
  • There will be three 5-player instances: One will be Caverns of Time: War of the Ancients according to Wowhead's German localizer said Blizzard indicated that another 5-man will be old content revisited. Wowhead's money is on Ahn'qiraj (AQ20/AQ40).
  • There will be a cross-realm raid finder.
  • From the Video Gamer transcript, apparently there will be a Darkmoon Faire Island with Whack-a-Gnoll.
  • There will be armor customization in 4.3: the Ethereal ability to transmogrify a player's armor, reskinning it to look like other armor in the game.
  • Purchasable 100-150 bank spaces for old gear: This may also serve as cross-realm storage or multiple character storage. This is unconfirmed but was hinted at; it makes sense, especially with the name "Void Storage."

World of Warplanes Debut Trailer Released released the debut trailer for World of Warplanes at Gamescom today. As you might expect, the video showcases aerial combat. Check it out below!

In addition to the trailer, revealed some details on the warplanes that will be available in the game:

"Upon its beta release, World of Warplanes will feature around 60 airplanes from Germany, USSR, and USA, with British and Japanese planes to be added with the further content updates. New branches and new planes will be added gradually over the process of development as it is done in World of Tanks, and the total number might reach several hundred aircraft."

NCsoft and Carbine Studios Unveil WildStar

NCsoft and Carbine Studios unveiled their new project at Gamescom today! It's a future fantasy MMO called WildStar where players can make their mark as Explorers, Soldiers, Scientists or Settlers and lay claim to a mysterious planet called Nexus on the edge of known space. Here are some details on the four paths:

  • Explorers are rewarded for climbing high mountains and revealing hidden caverns.
  • Soldiers earn rank and glory conquering hordes of enemies.
  • Scientists collect the darkest secrets of the planet to unearth the story behind the Eldan disappearance.
  • Settlers build a new life on an extraordinary world.

The game boasts a unique art style, which can be seen in the cinematic trailer below and in the screenshots in our gallery. Head over to the new WildStar site to sign up for the beta and keep reading after the jump for more details on the game, including its immersive Momentum Mechanics system. No release date has been announced.

UPDATE: Details have been released on the three confirmed races and classes in the Gamescom demo. There's also some gameplay footage at the link!

Gamigo to Launch Otherland in 2012

Back in 2008, dtp entertainment and its RealU development studio announced they were working on an MMO based on Tad Williams' Otherland series of sci-fi novels, which are set in a future where people can fully immerse themselves in an online world. It looks like players will soon get their hands on the game now that gamigo has signed a license agreement to publish the title in North America. In fact, gamigo announced today at Gamescom that the game will launch in 2012 with the closed beta scheduled to begin early next year. You can register for the beta on the Otherland site.

Perhaps the most exciting part of this announcement is the reveal of the first Otherland trailer. RealU has been building the game using the Unreal 3 engine since 2006, and the graphics look quite impressive. Watch the video below for a taste of what this free-to-play game will offer players next year.

Once you've watched the trailer, keep reading after the jump for more details on Otherland.

Blog Covers Guild Wars 2 Gamescom Demo Changes

Game Systems Designer Jon Peters has written a dev blog entry that outlines all of the changes the ArenaNet team made to the Guild Wars 2 demo for Gamescom. The list is extensive:

  • Skills no longer cost energy. This means energy potions are also gone. In place of the energy-potion button is a new dodge button.
  • A weapon’s skills are now learned by fighting with that weapon. Non-weapon skills will be unlocked using a collection mechanic similar to Guild Wars.
  • The Gamescom demo is the first time you'll see the story from the charr perspective, as well as the charr starter area.
  • Both asura and sylvari have the chance to explore the high-level area of Sparkfly Fen.
  • All of the big, giant bosses have improved; from better cameras to view them to new things being done with their skills.
  • You can now try out our character customization (seen above). Each race has its own unique set of options, including charr horns, norn tattoos, and asura ears. There is a large variety of faces and hairstyles, and you can even customize facial features, including five sliders just for your human character’s nose!
  • Almost every weapon for every profession has changed in some way or another.
  • Structured PvP is playable in the demo. ArenaNet is introducing their first map, the Battle of Kyhlo, a conquest map with siege weapons and destructible environments.

Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes Announced

Ever wanted to play a Warhammer Online PvP arena game? Well it looks like you're going to get your chance with Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes. EA and BioWare Mythic announced the upcoming free-to-play title at Gamescom today, and it features three team 6v6v6 combat and the ability to swap your heroes on the fly.

So what does this mean for Warhammer Online? In today's producer's letter, Kai Schober promises that "the WAR rages on!" The team will continue to develop and support Warhammer Online, and has actually increased its pool of resources since BioWare Mythic brought in new people to develop Wrath of Heroes.

You can sign up for the Wrath of Heroes beta on the game's official site. Watch the announcement trailer below to see some in-game footage.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Launch Date Revealed

EA and 38 Studios announced at Gamescom today that Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning will launch in North America on February 7, 2012 and in Europe on February 10, 2012. You can pre-order the fantasy RPG on Origin now for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is our first glimpse into 38 Studios' original fantasy universe that will act as the setting for an upcoming MMO, as well comic books, novels, toys and additional games. The RPG is being made by a dream team: Curt Schilling, a three-time World Series champion and the founder and owner of 38 Studios; Todd McFarlane, a legendary comic book artist and owner of a successful toy company; R.A. Salvatore, a best-selling author who is best known for his Forgotten Realms novels; and Ken Rolston, a renowned designer who played a big part in The Elder Scrolls series of games.

Watch the new Gamescom trailer below for a taste of Reckoning's plot and gameplay.

Enter The Secret World in April 2012

Funcom announced at Gamescom today that The Secret World is scheduled to launch in April 2012! Starting August 26, players can register to join upcoming betas through an interactive social media campaign that will be made available on the game's official site.

So what are we all going to do for the next eight months? For starters, we can gather around and watch the fourth Secret World CGI trailer that was released today.