EQ Update #6 of 2016

EQ Update #5 of 2016

Holiday's Have you Feeling Spent?





Several of the requests from the past few updates remain pending. Tarl Punox clarity of information is holding up updating several quests/zones/items for example.


Big thanks to those that are reposting info under the new NPC, quest and item entries... The Broken Mirror is starting to take proper shape. You are the heart of Zam!


Here are some site updates:


Updated Items: SoulFire OrnamentationLesser Crypt SpiritSealed Letter

Updated Quests: Illusion: IksarCrypt CrimesLost or FoundForce the Forceful

Bestiary Updates: Shintl LowbrewHollish TnoopsMaugarimgoblin adeptEvay SmitLord of Ire [Plane of Hate: Revisited]The SleepbringerOverlord Mata Muram

EQ Update #4 of 2016

The Many Styles of Thurgen Thunderhead, Barbarian Fashionista


Great classic look pic, for his level 30 North Karana entry


...for his level 35 West Karana entry we see the crisp, modern look (call me young Arias).


The level 35 version appears to be newer, but is listed as being in plain old West Karana. Is this something to do with the dragon with the sheet over her face --err we mean Call of the Forsaken (Ethernere Tainted West Karana) ?


If we need to correct either entry, please let us know.



New Items: Tome: Surprise Attack Rk. III

Updated Items: Grimy PapyrusFractured Mirror FragmentAshen Grave MarkerDusky Grave MarkerDrab Grave MarkerDissenting HackbladeRemnant of Tranquility

Updated Quests: Zimel's Blades (Quest for SoulFire)Into the MuckTDS Rank III Level 102 Spells: Lesser Essence of the CitadelFate Rewards the BoldA Note of Hope

Bestiary Updates: Hierophant Prime Grekalan elemental warrioran elemental crusadera retired merchantWilcher RifunuseLyndalin Delwadamaina bokon priestessAgent of ChangeInnoruuk, the Prince of Hate ; Kaglaria froglok tada skeleton


EQ Update #3 of 2016

Heroic Adventures...



Let's use our new friend Tarl Punox as an example: He gives HA in how many different zones? How many different versions of him are there? How many of The Broken Mirror HA instances are we needing to add to the database?

New Items: Feral Tatters

Updated Quests: Light of LifeAccess to the Ancient Ruins (Inner Vergalid)The Search for the Ultimate Story (Meldrath Mansion Access)  Shadowknight Test of DisempowermentShadowknight Test of EnvenomingShadowknight Test of Raising the DeadShadowknight Test of NecropotenceFate Rewards the BoldApathy of DecayDecay DecreasedGrannus of the Cleansing Steam

EQ Update #2 of 2016

Who Are You Working For?




New Items: Crypt-Hunter's Souslayer Wristguard

Updated Items: AvariceSpell: Sothgar's Flame Rk. IIGoblin Ice NecklaceForlorn Totem of Rolfron ZekThalium OreRationLarge Raw-hide BeltSludge FlingerSpell: Zephyr: KaranaSilver AmuletRusty Short SwordRusty Broad SwordHunting BowGrade E Choresine SampleSteel IngotSimple Defiant Cloth WristwrapArrowBronze KnucklesSimple Defiant Wooden ShieldOrnate Defiant SkullstaffPetrified WoodPetrified WoodEnameled BoxGold Painted RuneStylet of Sacrificed DesiresBroadsword of the StrangerShadowthornLesser Essence of LifePeacock's CloakSlippers of LeisureSanctimonious VeneerDeadman's DrumsBlackened Alloy Bastard Sword

Updated Quests: Rogue Test of SilenceRogue Test of TrickeryRogue Test of DeceptionRogue Test of StealthRogue Test of ThieveryShadowknight Test of BashShadowknight Test of SmashShaman Test of the SnakeShaman Test of ShrinkShaman Test of the Witch DoctorShaman Test of MightShaman Test of HealthShaman Test of SightBard ReportsForce the Forceful

Bestiary Updates: ice goblin diverIcebergTundra Jacka griffennea goblin evokercentaur sheltieaviak rookcentaur courserMartyn FirechaserLord of Loathing [Plane of Hate: Revisited]a rotting Krithgor soldierThalik Silenthandan essence carrierGerot KastaneThe Silver GriffonKurrpok Splitpawa soul tamerRayneKendrickGragrotGina MacStarganOogaa Pickclaw veterana koboldAristan CorgeldMayor Salvador Westa citizenInnoruuk, the Prince of Hate [Plane of Hate: RevisMaster of Spite [Plane of Hate: Revisited]a bokona disintegrated functionarya dissolved citizena dutiful sentinel a foul rotdoga functionarya kennel keepera talentless hackan adventurer Lonyen DrelliadMayor Soltiman WexHigh Boken Cleretchest (Under the Robe Task)a bokona bokon priesta bokon priestessa devout adherenta nascent supplicanta servant of Sul an awakened citizenan avatar of Tranquilitya bubonian couriera bubonian invadera bubonian shamana bubonian warmonger a corrupted defendera corrupted fragmenta corrupted presencea corrupted scouta fragment of lifea gleaming guardiana gleaming lifegivera grand overseera leperous invader a leperous templar a leperous wraitha lucent presencea lustrous scouta pestilent invadera pestilent warriora radiant guardiana radiant lifegivera shining guardiana shining lifegiver a shining stridera winged defender Aristan Corgeld Brinda WindstriderBhaly AdanClara overtonDarwol AdanGabriel CorvalisHiggins HillermanKieran SunweaverLashun NovashineMagnus SelleckMance RandersonNeelo Leafwind Sara EggersSinia WistsongSyrina PureheartTindle VallerenTrenna Marklantotem baseTotem of Decaya lost pustulanta bubonian commandera bubonian courier a bubonian invadera fragment of lifea gleaming guardiana gleaming lifegivera grand overseera leperous archona leperous commandera leperous evokera leperous heretica leperous invader a leperous templara leperous wraith a lucent presencea lustrous scouta pestilent commandera pestilent invadera pestilent warriora radiant guardiana radiant lifegivera shining guardiana shining lifegivera shining stridera winged defenderAristan CorgeldBrinda Windstrider Clara OvertonGabriel CorvalisHiggins HillermanKieran SunweaverLashun NovashineMagnus SelleckMance RandersonNeelo LeafwindSara EggersSinia WistsongSyrina PureheartTindle Valleren Trenna Marklan a bar patrona beleaguered functionarya bloodthirsty butchera bloodthirsty citizen a bokona dealera disintegrated functionarya dutiful sentinel a forgotten guktan a functionarya gangrenous gardenera gaunt followera gruesome guktana kennel keepera leery dealera leery followera leery merchanta leery officiala leery servanta mulch monstera murdered merchanta neglected citizena pile of caustic flesha pile of decomposed flesha pious bokona quartermastera raging monstrositya rampaging monstrosity a rampant monstrositya ravenous citizena reckless monstrositya rooftop revelera skeletal sentinela slow-witted servanta sodden servanta spiritualista squeaking sneaka stealthy residenta stitched monstrositya terror sentinela thuga tsetse bilesuckera tsetse devourera tsetse feedera tsetse swarmera vendora venerated sentinela vigilant sentinela watchful bokonan elected officialan exhausted bokonan inebriated patronan overworked functionaryancient remainsGora FetidmawGramz GrogswillKarth PunoxMayor Soltiman Wexrotted remainsSeller of Salvaged Soulsa wandering officialTarris Ellarina chest (In Defense of Health)a chest (Fate Rewards the Bold)Akkapan AdanAgent of Change

New Zones: Crypt of Sul: Into the Temple (b)

Zone Updates: Plane of Hate: Revisited [The Broken Mirror Version]Crypt of Sul: Into the Temple (b)

EQ Update #1 of 2016

/salute to Tarvas for helping big-time with The Broken Mirror (there are a lot of NPC entries to catch up, but Tarvas has given several big lists to work from in the comment section of the December 30th Update).


I've had a chat with Cyliena, and unfortunately we're not going to be getting any more volunteer admn at this time. Several of you had offered to help, and believe me that is/was wanted. There are some key ways to help without the admn status though:


Edit: Clarification: doing #1-4 below can really help if you sort the information where it needs to go by posting the pieces of information as directly under the correct NPC/Item/Quest as possible. If all of those are missing, then default to posting under the zone... if the top post in the forum thread for a zone summarizes all the "needs created information" from the thread it will be a lot faster for the few of us with the admn access to do that part. I'll say it another way... anything that anyone wants to do that puts the information closest to where it needs to be in a cut-and-paste ready wording really helps.


1. Pick a The Broken Mirror zone, look over the posts and summarize it all in a "this isn't entered yet" kind of post. If you do this you will find that some posts in a thread may be entered already (with me replying to them) and other posts will be redundant as the info was entered via another thread  --but some stuff has been missed. Remember that quests/zones/NPC were missing when some of our users posted info under the zones (and some are still missing).


2. Help make sure The Broken Mirror quests/tasks are written up in a readable way. Identify missing details such as starting NPC (many of them have to be reflagged as quest NPC before the quest can be connected to them).


3. Item collector has snagged a lot of items now for The Broken Mirror. Post under the items what they drop from (as the NPC may not exist in the bestiary yet).


4. We need screenshots of most TBM NPCs.


Here are some updates:


Updated Items: Crude Binding PowderCloth VeilSkullstone of Last BreathBulging Bloody StoneBlightforgerSoulcatcher EarhoopRaw Deathseeker's LeggingsRaw Deathseeker's GlovesPoignant PestulatorGreater Essence of DecayGlowing Essence of DecayEternal SpiritBloodclot CharmLumber PlankBlue DiamondDiamondRemnant of TranquilityGiant Scarab EyePrayer BeadsRough SilkOrder of ThunderHuman Blood

New Quests: Lxavnom Labors EQ Task of Trust: Culling the Unreasonable

Updated Quests: Key to Jaled Dar's Lair (Zlandicar)Udumbara, the flower of legendTDS Progression #4a: The Pellarus SatumA Task of Trust: Problematic PriestA Task of Trust: Culling the UnworthyFaith in RelifeIn Defense of Health

Bestiary Updates: orc pawnTolony MarleEinhorst McMannusGuard TyrakMadame SerenaKobot DellinQuegin HadderGomo LimerinKyle RinlinParcil Vindera giant scaraba lustrous scoutKerath PunoxDiseased Supply CacheBhaly Adana goblin whelpa lustrous scoutRiches of AkkapanWithering MurkgliderClockwork Merchant (1120, -1035) [Enchanter Spells]Sara Eggers

New Zones: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay: Undead UndergroundPlane of Health: In Defense of HealthPlane of Health: Bane of Decay

Zone Updates: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay: Undead UndergroundPlane of Health: In Defense of HealthPlane of Health: Bane of Decay

Double Experience Weekend!

This just in (about 5 and a half hours ago, but...)

Double Experience Weekend!

From now until Monday, January 4th, 2016 you can enjoy ANOTHER Double Experience Weekend on ALL Servers!

Yes, that's right!  In a surprise announcement, DBG has bumped up the XP on all servers.  So break out those toons and help push the limits of the DBG servers by logging in and taking advantage of another 4 day stretch of double experience.  Get your high level toons to even higher levels, or create a new one and have a marathon session at the keybooard pushing them from zero to 60, in nothing flat.

But hurry, Double Experience will end at Noon (PST) on Monday, January 4th, 2016!

To quote the Everquest Forums: "What will YOU do in game to best take advantage of the Double XP weekend?"

1/1/16 UPDATE:Many players are commenting here and on the DBG Forums, that as of 9am this morning, double experience has dropped to as low as 50% bonus experience.  This may be due to an automated setting intended to kick on New Years Day.  However, it appears there is still a bonus to experience, albeit substantially less than the expected increase.   We can probably anticipate an upcoming weekend of double XP to make up for the error.

Meanwhile, it's still bonus XP so take advantage of it while you still can.

EQ Updates, December 30th 2015

A bunch of BRAND NEW entries among this update. Note that anything new takes much longer to do for the most part, especially if it is something like a new NPC entry because someone got the drop for the first time (as reported to us). A fair slice of this update is brought to you by the superior efforts of user Fayman (1 Fayman post took over an hour and a half of data entry to mostly update here). Thanks to Fayman for the help!


Here's the updates. There's a request at the end.


New Items: Cold VengeanceCopperheadAxe of FlamesRobe of Elemental FireGornin's Totemic DefenderOgre Shield of Tae Ew DominationThe WardenShadow of SsraeshzaRobe of Elemental WaterFireballLockjaw DefenderRaiment of SnowfallFire ShieldBulwark of Sindiarr The Herring KingBulwark of the Goblin KingDetheb's Bulwark of Ego MollificationCandy Cane KimonoRobe of Elemental AirRobe of Elemental EarthSnow Blossom KimonoFestive Frostfell Chain Hands OrnamentFestive Frostfell Chain Wrist OrnamentFestive Frostfell Chain Legs OrnamentFestive Frostfell Chain Feet OrnamentFestive Frostfell Chain Arms OrnamentFestive Frostfell Chain Chest OrnamentFestive Frostfell Chain Helm OrnamentFestive Frostfell Cloth Wrist OrnamentFestive Frostfell Cloth Legs OrnamentFestive Frostfell Cloth Hands OrnamentFestive Frostfell Cloth Robe OrnamentFestive Frostfell Cloth Feet OrnamentFestive Frostfell Cloth Arms OrnamentFestive Frostfell Cloth Chest OrnamentFestive Frostfell Cloth Helm OrnamentCrypt-Hunter's Exarch Breastplate

Updated Items: Raw Crypt-Hunter's WristguardRaw Crypt-Hunter's SleevesRaw Crypt-Hunter's LeggingsRaw Crypt-Hunter's GlovesRaw Crypt-Hunter's ChestpieceRaw Crypt-Hunter's BootsNarcoletus HackerMedian Essence of DecayTallow-smeared LocketSix Note BladeRaw Deathseeker's GlovesGlowing Essence of LifeGreater Essence of LifeMedian Essence of LifeShade's PhaseYoke of Suppurating MemoriesRaw Crypt-Hunter's CapBloodforged Chain Helm OrnamentAnointer's PersonaHigh Priestess' PurifierCondensed Dessicated BileFestering ClarityDissenting HackbladeRationalist's SigilSash of Triumphant ReturnPeacock's Charm

Updated Quests: Shaman Epic 1.5: Crafted Talisman of FatesDecay Decreased

Bestiary Updates: Scout Master Hemlocka lustrous scouta lucent presenceMaestro of Rancor [Plane of Hate: Revisited]chest (Under the Robe Task)a bokona bokon (warrior)a captured serapha high bokon (warrior)a high bokon (cleric)an insatiable fienda skeletal sentinelan unliving hulka withered servantan awakened mystican awakened watchera rotting followera dissolving corpsea failed corpsea neglected citiziena planar conduita ravenous fiendBokon Revel the RebornDevourer of AllHigh Priestess Kal'viusThe WatcherCitizen PainGrinderSpine EaterThe SleepbringerTukk

New Zones: Crypt of Sul: The Bokon High CouncilCrypt of Sul: The Head of the SnakeCrypt of Sul: To the Brave, go the Spoils

Zone Updates: Crypt of Sul: To the Brave, go the SpoilsCrypt of SulCrypt of Sul: The Bokon High CouncilCrypt of Sul: The Head of the Snake


The Request: We do not have all instance zones of The Broken Mirror existing in the database. I have looked around a bit and am not getting clear answers (or at least not as clear as the following which is from a Fayman post here):


"Named in the instances of Crypt of Sul:

Citizen Pain (To the brave, go the spoils!)
Grinder (The Head of the Snake) (Skeleton)
Spine Eater (The Bokon High Council) (Ghoul)"


In the above quote (my underlining) Fayman was telling us 3 named, but also gave us the name of the instances they are from. So I was able to add those instances as new zones. Fayman also tells us what kind of creature the named were. Getting all the instance zones in the database is kind of key to allowing all our users to contribute easily.

EQ Updates for December 29, 2015

She's Just One Insignificant Human...



...but killing her carries a -500 faction hit with Claws of Veeshan, so clearly she isn't so insignifcant after all.



Here's some site updates:


Updated Items: Pestilent ShortbowVeined Pulsing CordStone of Reversed ResonanceCold Sticky RingTentacled AventailMarred Furry MantleBand of IntrospectionFine Animal PeltIntricate Defiant Crystal ShardGrimacing BulwarkBone Embroidered CapeDiamondGlowing Essence of LifeRaw Deathseeker's TunicRaw Deathseeker's LeggingsLesser Essence of DecayGlowing Essence of DecayDamsel of Decay Leather Chest OrnamentDamsel of Decay Cloth Robe Ornament

Updated Quests: Journeyman's BootsWeapons of the GruntWeapons of the HordeWeapons of the High GrimlingA Task of Trust: Problematic PriestFate Rewards the BoldSeal of Approval

Bestiary Updates: TukkScout Charisaa lesser spirita giant messengerAshenbone Broodmaster [Plane of Hate: Revisited]High Priest M'kari [Plane of Hate: Revisited]Kamiowe OrdupFenlu Coia lucent presenceEvay SmitLord of Ire [Plane of Hate: Revisited]Mistress of Scorn [Plane of Hate: Revisited]VimVigora wooden chestDreadA scar-covered shiverback [Plane of Fear: RevisiteKoth the Lobe-gorged [Plane of Fear: Revisited vera grim ruffian [Plane of Fear: Revisited version]an ice-encrusted spinechiller [Plane of Fear:Revisa trembling courier [Plane of Fear:Revisited versia writhing maw of misery [Plane of Fear: Revisiteda wailing wrenchHigh Boken CleretAnashti Sul, Damsel of Decay


*Plane of Fear: Revisited (aka the new version for The Broken Mirror) only has 9 NPC known/listed here at Zam (and that is after adding 7 of them in this update). Please post the missing ones under the zone entry and we'll try and get them added asap.

EQ Updates, December 27th, 2015

98 New Bestiary Entries for Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay!


New Items: Political ActionCrypt-Hunter's Dragonbrood Leggings

Updated Items: Leg-ChopperOpalScaleflinger of EmolliousRaw Deathseeker's LeggingsScaled Ring of EmolliousFlaking Ring of EmolliousDamsel of Decay Plate Hands OrnamentDamsel of Decay Chain Feet OrnamentEmollious' Shield of SheddingRaw Deathseeker's ArmwrapsMinor Essence of DecayMedian Essence of DecayLesser Essence of DecayGrim Scale of Brawny BitsEternal SpiritDamsel of Decay Plate Helm OrnamentDamsel of Decay Cloth Arms OrnamentSliver of EmolliousDamsel of Decay Leather Legs OrnamentDamsel of Decay Leather Chest OrnamentGreater Essence of DecayGlowing Essence of DecayFumigator's AlacrityPlaguemonger's Shoulder Guards

Updated Quests: Fire Beetle Eyes

Bestiary Updates: a sarnak avengera sarnak extremista sarnak zealotGorgul Paclocka Coldeye wolf tenderBlueface the Hoarda Coldeye hunterSayrookColdeye Keymastera Coldeye elitea Coldeye ice tenderColdeye Chieftain IcebiteGrock Mist SeerColdeye Chieftain RumblebellyGrummusDiseased Supply CacheEmolliousa rotting chestGrannus of the Cleansing SteamHigh Bokon BoromasAnashti Sul, Damsel of DecayAnashti Sul, Lady of LifeAnashti Sula bar patrona beleaguered functionarya bloodthirsty butchera bloodthirsty citizena bokona bonegnawer butchera boken bodya brutalized zombiea bubbling puslinga clever buboniana clumsy buboniana dealera decay rodenta disintegrated functionarya dissolved citizena dutiful sentinel a forgotten functionarya forgotten guktana foul rotdoga functionarya gangrenous gardenera gaunt followera gruesome guktana kennel keepera mournful peasanta mulch monstera murdered merchanta museum greetera neglected citizena persuaded citizena pile of caustic flesha pile of decomposed flesha pious bokona quartermastera raging monstrositya rampaging monstrosity a rampant monstrositya ravenous citizena ravenous revelera reckless monstrositya retired salespersona rooftop revelera rotten servanta skeletal sentinel a slow-witted servanta sodden servanta spiritualista stitched monstrositya swollen pulsinga talentless hacka terror sentinela thuga tireless sentinela tsetse devourera tsetse eatera tsetse feedera tsetse swarmborna tsetse swarmera venerated sentinela vigilant sentinela waiting rottera watchful bokona worn administratoran adventurer an aggravated citizenan assistant to Darkseeran elected officialan exhausted bokonan impatient wandereran inebriated patronan overworked functionaryan unpleasant functionaryan unskinned citizenancient remainsBokon DeckerBokon StuppaCarmit EllisonChas C. ReisburyCheri HowlettChristena HouseCynthia FrieslandDeirdre BostGora FetidmawGramz GrogswillJohannes FrieslandKarth PunoxKorinth the crusherLonyen DrelliadMayor Soltiman WexOscar Little DocRotbotherrotted remainsSarah MannSerenaded SallyThe CuratorTobias FischerTwillius Quill


We need confirmation of the raid mobs for The Broken Mirror in respects to their names and zone locations. Example: Is Vim and Vigor one NPC or two? Please post corrections and new information under the zone pages if there is no NPC page yet.