EQ Update #249

In this update, Drewinette added The Articles of Holding to a bunch of backpack recipes.

I also submitted some code to remove proc spells from the spell list tool for all classes. Hopefully should see that go live early next week.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #248

In this update, new comments are caught up to this post. Also a bunch of illusion items were added to the Legendary Enchanter Illusion quest entry thanks to RondorNorador. If you have anymore matches of items to illusion scrolls, please post away in the quest entry.

Click Read More to see all the udpates.

EQ Update #247

In this update, recent new tradeskill items were updated to show which vendors they are bought from in Plane of Knowledge. Also some Damsel of Decay ornamentations were tied to the suits they make.

Also Barudin314 updated druid, enchanter, mage and monk spells/tomes level 76-80 with their expansions via the spell search tool.

I'll work on getting new comments updated today.

Click Read More to see the rest of the updates.

EQ Update #246

In this update, a bunch of new illusion spells were uploaded. We'll get these added to the Legendary Enchanter Illusion quest entry soon. Thanks RondorNorador!

Also 76 through 80 spells for bards, beastlords, berserkers and clerics have been tagged with their expansions for the spell search tool.

EQ Update #245

In this update, more new tradeskill items were uploaded. Also 71 through 75 spells are now completed with their expansion tags for the spell lookup tool. We'll eventually get all the spells tagged.

The fix for the "Expected token not present" Lucy message for chrome based browsers didn't go in yesterday. I'm waiting on ZAM to restart Apache (the web server software) to make that happen.

Click Read More to see the updates.

EQ Update #244

In this update, level 71 through 75 spells for bards, beastlords, berserkers, clerics, druids and enchanters has been updated with their expansions via the spell search tool. More spells will be tagged today for more classes from 71 to 75.

Since our item collector is up and running we have some new items that have came in. I believe some of those new items were tradeskill items that were accidently pushed live from the upcoming expansion. We'll probably leave those alone for now until I can get the new expansion added in code soonish. We'll fix the item icons as well for some of these new items.

I also worked on some fixes regarding the Sarnak Illusion Item and other illusion items showing Unknown info. Also some fixes regarding the spell slot info showing Unknown info for those illusion items. Those should be pushed through soon. It will require another run of the spell parser so we'll wait until the next patch for that.

Another fix for Lucy should be rolled out today regarding the "Expected token not present" error message.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #243

Various updates to items, quests and NPC's today.

I'll be working on tagging spells level 71+ today with expansions so people using the spell search can find their spells a little easier.

Also I'm continuing my work on the whole spell system, trying to bring it up to date. Hopefully in the near future I'll be rolling out some more fixes for that.

Edit: Spells are updated to the latest patch and the item collector is now patched as well.

Vulak`Aerr and Fippy Darkpaw are merging!

We haven't seen this in a while, server merges!

On October 18, 2017 Vulak`Aerr server will be merging into the Fippy Darkpaw server.

To see details on this transaction, click here.

Also you should be seeing spell SPA slots up to 32 now on spells. I am working on other spell fixes such as the unknowns and other spell SPA information that isn't showing up like it should.

EQ Update #242

In this update, all new comments were updated to this post.

Some code changes should be coming for spells hopefully today or tomorrow for the SPA slot issues and other missing spell information.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #241

In today's update, a few patch related things have been updated. We'll need some updates on a few NPC's that were updated in this patch. Also our hotzone wiki for the Franklin Teek hotzones was updated with tables to make it easier to figure out which zones have augs and which zones we still need aug info for.

Work on the item collector has begun and hopefully should have it available soon.

Speaking of spells, I have been working on updating the spell scripts for Lucy which pull spell information for allakhazam as well. This means SPA slots all the way to 32 and fixing all the unknowns in spell info and general funkyness with how our parser does things. I'll be sending some of this code for review to ZAM soon so the site will see some improvements on that front soon.

Edit: Spells are updated.