EQ Update #301

In this update, many of the remaining RoS items that we were waiting on to be named in beta are now on the site. We'll get them tagged RoS soon. Also quests for all the spell runes have been created with a majority of the rank 2 spells/songs/tomes filled in for classes, we'll get the scrolls attached to those quests over time.

A few new comments were updated and we'll get all the rest caught up today.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #300

In this update, more work was done on Ring of Scale. More augments were added to the augment wiki page. The RoS raid progression wiki page was updated as well.

Drewinette added a bunch of new RoS jewelcrafting recipes as well.

I also took screenshots of all the Ring of Scale weapons and shields. We'll most likely be missing item entries for a majority of these until after the expansion launches until people run these items through the item collector. I'll be working on adding these screenshots to the Ornaments, Weapons and Shields wiki page coming up soon.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #299

In this update, more Ring of Scale items were added for spells. Also all Ring of Scale quests have been added, we still need to fill in the information on them though. Also all the partisan and mercenary achievements have been added for Ring of Scale. You can check out the wiki page on Ring of Scale progression here.

Also Drewinette did various updates to some East Cabilis NPC's and other areas as well.

Click Read More to see the updates.

EQ Update #298

In this update, more RoS quests were added and others were updated. Also all group armor for RoS has their recipes corrected, see the RoS visibles wiki page for that information.

RoS achievements were added to beta recently and those will be worked on after all RoS quests have been entered.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #297

In this update, more Ring of Scale scrolls/tomes were tagged. Also some NPC's were updated with screenshots with map locations.

Click Read More to see the updates.

Incoming Bonus Experience and IC is patched!

Get ready for some bonus experience folks, Daybreak announced today we'll be getting 12 days of it.




Fall Fun

Adventurers, the final Fall Fun bonus is here!

From Wednesday, November 29, 2017, until Monday, December 11, 2017, ALL players will receive 1.5 times as much experience in their adventures across Norrath!

Get ready to grind, Norrathians! It's time to reap those rewards.


Also our Item Collector is patched now for the November 21st patch. Sorry for the wait on that folks.

EQ Update #296

In this update, Ring of Scale's Veeshan Peak was updated with NPC's along with their screenshots and map locations of some named.

We're working on the item collector and hopefully should have that up and running soon.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #295

In this update, a few RoS NPC's were updated with information. Also tradeskill containers were added to The Overthere with map locations. RoS Fell Foilage group quest was added.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #294

In this update, new comments were updated to last night. More Ring of Scale updates coming later today.

Also I identified some run away ad issues causing browsers to eat up memory and crash the browser tab. I've sent that report off to ZAM for them to fix it.

Click Read More to see the updates. 

EQ Update #293

In this update, various Kunark related content was updated.

Click Read More to see all the updates.