EQ Update #87

In this update, new comments were updated to this morning.

Also the Halloween achievements for cat collecting have been updated with all the familiars and adoptable items that give those familiars.

I installed a google calendar on the right side of the front page for those who want to use it to keep track of in game events. Let us know if we should put more on there.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #86

In this update, Exalted cultural symbol books, patterns, boot augs and their recipes were all given a TSS expansion tag.

Also a few new items were added to Marcia Attamilgad.

A bunch of RoS recipes were updated by Drewinette.

All spells via the spell search tool should now have a expansion tied to them unless the spell has been removed from the game, which I'll get those removed soon from showing.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

July 2018 Patch

Edit: Spells are updated. Also all spells for all classes via the spell search tool should now have an expansion set.

The July update is coming up tomorrow morning. 


All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 6:30 AM PT* for an update. This downtime is expected to last approximately 6 hours.

Patch notes for this update can be found in the Game Update Notes section of the forums once they become available.

 Patch Notes are below.


Also Legacy of Ykesha is opening on Agnarr tomorrow at 2pm PT. We have plenty of info on Ykesha here on the site. You can get started by looking over the zones here. Plenty of things become available on progression servers during LoY, take a look at our guide on what unlocks for LoY here. Sort by expansion in the header for that table so you can see what all unlocks in LoY.



July 18, 2018

*** Highlights ***

- Keep an eye out for a special gift for All-Access members coming soon!
- Marcia Attamilgad has located a few new items for her stash. We're not asking questions.
- The /melody command will no longer be interrupted when singing a song that fails due to targeting or other failures. See the Miscellaneous section below for details.
- Potion packs have returned to the Marketplace. If you consumed a potion pack that did not give you a potion, you should now have those packs restored to you in the Item Overflow Window.

*** Items ***

- Fixed several bugs with the focus effects from Sebilis Hardcore Heritage breastplates.
- Changed a number of fishing pole items to be unbreakable. Fishing poles that have a chance to break while fishing now display the Expendable flag when inspected.
- Augments can now be removed with distillers of greater rank than the one specified.
- - An augment requiring a Class V Augmentation Distiller to be removed can also be removed with a Class XI Augmentation Distiller.
- - The system will attempt to use the lowest rank distiller in your inventory.
- - Augments requiring a unique distiller (like the Small Gem Glue Solvent) will still need that specific distiller or the Perfected Augment Distiller to be removed.
- Horn of Unity - Adjusted spell stacking for Blessing of Unity to reduce the number of other buffs it conflicts with.
- If one of the new augment based ornaments made from container-based ornaments is attunable, it is now also tradable on Free Trade servers.
- Bottle of Clarity Pack will give out the appropriate level potions from level 30 to 60.
- Modified the way you get potions from Bottle of Healing Pack, Bottle of Clarity Pack, Bottle of Alacrity Pack, Bottle of Spirits Pack, and Bottle of Replenishment Pack. These items now allow you to preview the potion you will get from them.
- Darkened Coif of Wrath is now a head item.
- Darkened Sleeves of Wrath is now an arms item.
- Removed the endurance cost from Rousing Zeal, Soothing Zeal, Rousing Consumption, and Consuming Zeal, the click effect on some Paladin and Shadowknight Breastplates.
- Hero's Forge ornaments can now be placed in Donal's Vambraces of Mourning.
- Fixed incorrect lore text on Token of the Light Army and Token of the Obliteration Army.
- Fixed the mixed up descriptive text for the various Rallosian Ornamentations.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Burning your bread no longer irrevocably damages the bread tin.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Fixed an issue that caused some characters not to have credit for tasks that they had previously completed but cannot repeat.
- Under the Robe - Arsin the Blaze should now spawn properly in this errand. Note that he will not spawn 100% of the time.
- The Handmaiden - Render should now spawn properly in this errand. Note that he will not spawn 100% of the time.
- Sathir's Tomb (Raids) - Pets will no longer attempt to open or close the hallway doors in the tomb.
- The Silent Schism - Spells that do not have a mana cost will no longer cause the achievement 'Burn the Heretics' to fail.
- Defenders of the Faith - The two valkyries needed to complete this quest should spawn properly.
- Drusella's Vault and Crypt Robbers - Implemented some mechanics changes and bug fixes:
- - NPCs lose the ability to summon while they are inside Drusella's aura.
- - Fixed the bug where Tomb Rot would be applied after Drusella's Vault was successfully completed and The Sathir Line had not yet been started.
- - Increased the number of characters required in the room to trigger Drusella's Vault.
- - The Whirlwind Slash cast by the animated bladestorms should now sync up better with the warning aura disappearing.
- - Fixed a bug that caused the deathslime goos to change targets every 5 seconds. They will now switch targets if their previous target is dead or otherwise gone or when 30s have passed since they started chasing that person.
- - The deathslime goos will prefer not to chase tanks or healers unless there are few other choices.
- - The deathslime goos now show the name of the person they are chasing as their alt name. They no longer display their name.
- - Decreased the max speed of deathslime goos slightly.
- - Increased the spawn interval of deathslime goos by 50%.
- - Increased the damage that the globs of goo take from ice spells by 15%.
- - Decreased the health of the globs of goo by 15%.
- - Decreased damage inflicted by Caustic Ooze by 25%.
- Melalafen is no longer a required target for the achievement Conquerer of The Western Wastes.
- Made several changes to Frostcrypt Raids:
- - Beltron will no longer leave his room.
- - Harfang will no longer leave his room.
- - Hearol the Tactician will now clear detrimental spells when he teleports away.
- - Shades of Calm - the meditating shades will engage more often now.
- - Construction of Shadows should work properly now.
- Death, Death, Death - Increased the time limit from 40 to 60 minutes.
- Death, Death, Death - Slain bosses leave behind chests near Tudasali with items that may help you progress.
- Veeshan's Peak Key - The medallion pieces in the Swamp of No Hope and Kaesora now spawn in multiple locations. Their appearance has been changed to something a bit more visible.

*** Spells ***

- Fixed a bug that caused Sanctuary buffs to drop when consuming some types of potions.
- Items, Familiars, and Glyphs that previously conflicted with the Wild Growth line of spells will no longer have stacking conflicts.
- Druid - Adjusted Pack Regeneration, Pack Chloroplast, Regrowth of the Grove, Oaken Vigor, and Blessing of Oak so that they match other regeneration spells and gain power as the caster gains levels.
- Added a message and chat filter when you or others take damage from auras.

*** AA ***

- Numerous abilities that can only be obtained by completing quests or as achievement rewards will now display in the AA window prior to obtaining rank 1. The descriptions for these abilities have been updated to include information on how to obtain them.
- All - Banestrike has been changed to a passive ability that triggers off of melee attacks, ranged attacks, and direct-spell damage. The ability has been changed to not break root.
- All - Consolidated ranks 1-3 of Hastened Banestrike to be ranks 2-4 of Banestrike.
- Melee Classes - Adjusted the bonuses granted by Innate Darkblade, Duelist, Fellstrike, Fury, Holyblade, Innerflame, Natureblade, Rage, and Songblade. Reduced the bonuses granted by these lines for levels 40-80 and increased the bonuses for levels 85-110.
- Bard - Fixed a bug where A Tune Stuck In Your Head was extending the duration of Vainglorious Shout.
- Berserker - Removed the hit limit from Blood Sustenance.
- Enchanter - Fixed a bug that prevented Rank 8 of Color Shock from functioning.
- Monk - Doubled the duration for all ranks of Swift Tails' Chant.
- Monk - Significantly increased the effectiveness and endurance cost for all ranks of Ton Po's Stance.
- Ranger - Reduced the base damage of all ranks of Headshot and increased the maximum melee damage cap from 750k to 6m. This should result in critical Headshot attacks dealing significantly more damage than before.
- Shadowknight - Removed the hit limits from melee leech effects and removed the 8% chance for Mortal Coil to trigger Mortal Residue.

*** NPCs ***

- Many Chest NPCs that were body type Humanoid, Magical, or Undead are now body type Construct.
- All raid bosses should be able to mitigate heroic effects more equally. Previously some bosses were much weaker than their counterparts.
- Party goers in Sul Vius: Demiplane of Life will no longer be so aggressive toward visitors while they are attending the party.
- Assistant T'os has returned to dry land.
- Marcia Attamilgad has located a few new items for her stash. We're not asking questions.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Bottle of Health Pack, Bottle of the Ursine Pack, Bottle of the Avian Pack, and Bottle of the Cetacean Pack will now create potions with actual effects on all servers.
- Instances given by Agents of Change will no longer send characters into the instance if too low level.
- The various "Voice of" NPCs in Veeshan's Peak are no longer charmable.
- The books to make Exalted Cultural Symbols now become available when The Serpent's Spine expansion unlocks.
- Slayer achievements and the Banestrike AA ability are no longer restricted to Rain of Fear.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Trial heroic characters can once again be deleted.
- Added an on/off argument to autofire. This does not change current functionality, it just allows you to specify on or off.
- Bard - The /melody command will no longer be interrupted when attempting to sing a targeted song without a target, a song with no cast-time (Alliance of Sticks and Stones), or a song that costs more mana than the bard has available.
- The forage button no longer gets into an unusable state when zoning.
- Improved the classic Giant's ability to hold weapons in its left hand.
- Fixed a problem that caused some Hero's Forge armors to display incorrectly for Frogloks.
- Hero's Forge, Heritage Crate, Pet Crate, and similar achievements have been moved to the new General -> Vanity category.
- The Autumn Appreciation events have been moved to the Events -> Seasonal category.
- Improved water pathing in Combine Dredge.

*** UI ***

- Fixed a problem that caused the group window to show incorrect information to players whose group status changed while zoning.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #85

In this update, new comments were caught up just a few minutes ago.

Also Grizabelle updated a bunch of baking recipes with various info.

Ranger and Rogue spells/tomes level 96 through 104 had their expansions set via the spell search tool. Also scrolls/tomes were corrected with expansion tags, linked to their spell quests etc..

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #84

In this update, new comments were caught up to yesterday morning.

Monk, Necomancer and Paladin spells/tomes level 96 through 105 had their expansions set via the spell search tool.

Grizabelle updated a bunch of recipes with various info.

If you use the Stylus addon/extension for your browser (NOT Stylish), I have made a dark theme for the site and the official eq forums. This was a personal project for me and ZAM has nothing to do with it. If you are interested in using either, all you need to do is visit either site and click on the stylus icon in your browser and click on Find styles. My dark themes should be listed.

If you are having issues getting logged into the site from chrome, try clearing your cookie for the site or clear all cookies. The problem has been reported to ZAM and they are working with the people who this issue stems from.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #83

In this update, Magician spells level 96 through 105 have had their expansions set via the spell search tool.

Also many EoK achievements have been edited. Some were created as well. I removed some of the achievements having the word Achievement: in front of their names. We don't need that in front of achievements now that we have a database table column for it so people can use the quest search to specifically filter for achievements/collections and so forth. Also corrected a bunch of EoK collection achievements not being tagged as collections. I added the point values and zone names to many of those achievements too. I'm still going through all of these achievements as well so I'm not done. Many haven't been created either. You can view all the EoK achievements on this wiki page.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #82

In this update, new comments were caught up to last night.

HH Old Seb and Lower Guk items tags were set for expansion, item level, and seasonal.

Drewinette entered in recipes for the fereth armor ornamentations.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

Independence Day experience is here!

Daybreak is giving us some bonus experience this Saturday through Thursday!


Are you ready to experience a week full of bonuses?

Marketplace Image

From 12:00 PM PT on Saturday, June 30, 2018 until 12:00 PM PT on Thursday, July 5, 2018ALL players on ALL servers will be awarded with 76% bonus experience, faction hits, and rare spawns!


Additionally, members will receive 25% off ALL items in the in-game Marketplace! If you've been been eyeing something in the Marketplace, now's the perfect chance to snag it.

Not an All Access member yet? With bonuses, discounts, access to new content, and more, there’s never been a better time to join!

Make haste, Norrathians, and take advantage of these epic bonuses! 

EQ Update #81

In this update, I went through the Darkened Hardcore Heritage items and set some expansions that were missing. Also tagged items for their required level and tagged them as seasonal. Still not done with all those items yet.

The Barbarian Heritage Crate achievements are all entered in along with the quest entry for the crate itself. Once we get our item collector up and running we'll start getting the items on the site. We're looking for a C++ developer to help with our item collector. If you are interested in helping out, let me know.

I went through some of the new comments this morning. I'll go through the rest soon.

Spells/Tomes/Songs for Bards, Beastlords, Berserkers, and Clerics level 96 through 99 have been tagged for their expansions via the spell search tool. Those classes should now show expansions for all their spells.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #80

In this update, the rest of all the Distillate potions are all marked with the expansion they are tied to and recipes as well.

I cleaned up the Serpent's Spine RK3 quest entry to make it a little easier to view the spells for each class.

Spells have been updated to the June patch. This update should fix several SPA issues with spells. such as SPA 148 not showing the correct info on blocking and SPA 457 now shows lifetaps percentages of hitpoints given back and shows max hitpoints given back if a max value is assigned to the spell. New targettypes were added as well, 48 (Caster Next on Hatelist), 39 (No Pets), 35 (Special Muramites) and 21 (Undead).

Click Read More to see all the updates.