Daybreak Winter Extravaganza! Dec 18th - 31st


Join us in celebrating Daybreak this winter with these incredible offers and more. It's the Daybreak Winter Extravaganza!

Lifetime All Access Membership

PC players, if you play EverQuest or ANY of Daybreak's All Access games, you're in for a treat. Available for a limited time and in limited quantities**, lock in lifetime membership benefits in every All Access game with the Lifetime* All Access Membership! All Access currently includes DC Universe Online, EverQuest, EverQuest 2, and PlanetSide 2.

No more resubscribing. No more recurring payments. All the access. All the time. Plus, if you already have an active All Access membership, we will convert your unused time to Daybreak Cash when you upgrade to this lifetime offer! But don't wait, because these WILL sell out.

The Lifetime* All Access Membership is available on PC for $299.99 USD, now through December 31, 2018, while supplies last**. Get yours today!

*For the life of the participating game(s). 
**Only 4,000 Lifetime All Access Memberships are available. Offer may end before December 31, 2018.

12 Months All Access Membership + Bonus

For those not ready for a lifetime commitment, this special 12 Months All Access Membership will still get you 12-months of membership for every All Access game - EverQuest, DC Universe Online, EverQuest 2, and PlanetSide 2 - AND bonus items.

Combined, this offer comes with over $900 USD of special bonus items from the All Access titles, with EverQuest bonus items valued at over $200 USD. Set yourself up for a great 2019 with these bonus items in EQ!


  • Level 85 Heroic Character
  • Golden Hero Satchel - 40 slot bag!
  • Crate of Golden Hero Armor

This membership subscription is recurring and will be renewed as the basic 12 Months subscription after the initial year.

The 12 Months All Access Membership + Bonus is available on PC for $199.99 USD, now through December 31, 2018. Get it here!

Frostfell 2018

Finally, don't forget about this year's Frostfell celebrations, going on in-game now. For a very limited time, all racial heritage crates will be in the Marketplace for the holidays, and all the limited-time pet bundles are making an appearance too. Don't end the year without getting your Cat in a Bag, Dog in a Crate, or Gnoll in a Barrel!Learn more here!



As an All Access title, DC Universe Online (PC) is included in the Lifetime All Access Membership and the 12 Months All Access Membership + Bonus. Console players, make sure you click through for special PlayStation 4 and Xbox One membership and marketplace offers that you will NOT want to miss.

Click here to learn more about DCUO's extravaganza and bonus items!


As an All Access title, EverQuest 2 is included in the Lifetime All Access Membership and the 12 Months All Access Membership + Bonus. Like EQ, EQ2 also has the yearly Frostfell event underway.

Click here to learn more about EverQuest 2's extravaganza and bonus items!


H1Z1 joins the celebration with a marketplace sale (ALL items 50% off!) and the new Slay Ride Crate.

Click here to learn about all of H1Z1's offers.


As an All Access title, PlanetSide 2 is included in the Lifetime All Access Membership and the 12 Months All Access Membership + Bonus. Make sure to check out the Auraximas holiday event, daily sales, and a new Holiday Directive rounding out PS2's holiday cheer.

Click here to learn more about PlanetSide 2's extravaganza and bonus items!


Plus, get deep discounts and limited time offers from our partners over at Dungeons & Dragons Online® and Lord of the Rings Online™! Don’t miss out on great store savings up to 75% off, new free quests, in-game boosts, and winter festivals with frosty rewards!

Click here for DDO offers and click here for LOTRO offers.

The Daybreak Extravaganza and special offers begin at 1PM PT on December 18, 2018, and end at 11:59PM PT on December 31, 2018. Daybreak does not ensure continuous or error-free access, use or availability of any game content, feature, gameplay, or server and may change, modify, disable, suspend or remove any such content, feature, gameplay or server at its sole discretion. If you are currently an All Access Member with a 1, 3, 6, or 12 month membership, the Lifetime All Access Membership and charges will take effect immediately and the remainder of your previous membership time will promptly be granted to your account in Daybreak Cash. The 12 Months Membership + Bonus membership subscription is recurring and will be renewed as the basic 12 Months subscription after the initial year.

EQ Update #107

In this update, all TBL armor now has a TBL expansion tag. All tier 1 raiding armor (not TS) have recipes as well.

All TBL augs have a expansion tag and those that are crafted are flagged as crafted. The TBL aug wiki page now is linked to all the items we have uploaded to the site.

All TBL weapons and shields have a expansion tag and each have a screenshot to show you what they look like. I'll get the page for weapons and shields built soonish.

Many more TBL items were given an expansion tag and flagged if they are crafted or not. We'll get recipes for those created when we get all the components into our item database.

Misc recipes I had made during beta were created. We're still missing quite a bit of the sub components in order to make other recipes. We'll have to wait until our item collector is running in order to get the those uploaded.

TBL Spell rank items are now attached to their ranked spell quest entries.

I decided to just list out the updates by date instead of trying to piece everything together. It's a pain in the butt to do so. It'll kinda of give everyone an idea of what went on each day.

Anyways, still plenty more to do. We'll get spells updated soon I hope. Ops needs to run a few things for me in order for us to be able to get spells updated. They are a bit busy right now.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

TBL Expansion Launch and EQ Update #106

Tomorrow morningish, depending where you live, The Burning Lands launches folks. We have plenty of info on the expansion and are still working on tagging items and so forth and will continue to add more info in the future. You can check out our The Burning Lands wiki, it has plenty of info on the expansion. It isn't 100% complete yet, we're still working on it so we'll have some of the other pages available soon.

Click Read More to see all the updates.


All EverQuest servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 5:00 AM PT (13:00 UTC) for an update as we prepare to enter The Burning Lands.

Estimated downtime is expected to last approximately 7 hours, with servers unlocking for play around noon. Please be aware that this downtime may be extended in the event of delays.

Update notes for this downtime can be found in the Game Update Notes section of the forum once they are available.

*Convert to your local time


December 11th, 2018

*** Highlights ***

- EverQuest's 25th expansion, The Burning Lands, is now live!
- Added the Faction Window to allow the quick viewing of your current faction standings. See the UI section below for details.
- Items will now display their lore text to players at level 50 and higher.

*** The Burning Lands ***

- The longstanding peace between the jann is over, and war has broken out between the djinn from the Plane of Air and the efreeti from the Plane of Fire! What has sparked this dispute and who will emerge victorious? Will you survive the Trials of Smoke and help end this conflict?
- Many items found in The Burning Lands will have a new stat called Luck. See the item section below for details.
- Players with The Burning Lands will have two new shared bank slots available.

*** Items ***

- Items will now display their lore text to players at level 50 and higher.
- Added a new stat, Luck, to many items found in The Burning Lands.
- - Luck can be found on new items and the amount of luck you have will influence the outcome of many skills, abilities, and spells. You can see the luck on items by inspecting them. Items with a percentage symbol next to their luck total can have their luck increased via item fusion (hover over the percentage for more information).
- - Many items with luck can utilize the Item Fusion Window to improve that item's luck stat. At the cost of one Crystallized Luck, this window allows you to fuse two items together (the base item and the component) to increase the luck on the base item. Fusing two items will result in the luck on the base item being increased and the component item will be destroyed. After fusing two items together, the base item will receive the higher luck of the two, plus one. For example, fusing a base item with 2 luck and a component at 4 luck will result in the base item having 5 luck.
- - Crystallized Luck can be purchased from Noble Exchange Merchants for platinum, from Loyalty Vendors, or from the Marketplace.
- Corrected an issue where players could equip multiple lore equipped items using bandolier.
- Upgraded the effect of Threads of Potential and Boon of the Soother.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Doing tradeskill combines that don't require a skill will no longer proc unrelated skills or abilities.
- Changed the name of two alchemy recipes to match the name of their products (Ward of Retribution, Wasp Swarm).

*** Spells ***

- Cleaned up messaging when an aura spell fails to hit a pet or mercenary due to being in a different environment type (such as water or lava) than the caster.
- Aura spells that kill their targets in one tick now properly report the death.
- Melody now skips to the next song if a recast timer hasn't elapsed, instead of interrupting the melody.
- Modern generic proc spells on items will no longer cause odd skill increases.
- Bard - Moved the Dirge of the Darkvine line of songs from Statistic Buffs -> Armor Class to Statistic Buffs -> Shielding since it adds shielding and not armor class. Extended the base duration to one minute as the line was originally intended to function. 

*** NPCs ***

- Fixed the bug that was causing Heratius Grolden in Tenebrous Mountains to spawn when killing the placeholder trigger NPCs instead of the rare trigger NPCs.

*** Progression Servers ***

- The Agent of Change will not appear in Cazic-Thule until Planes of Power has unlocked on the server.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Corrected an issue where an issue with one of your characters could stop you from logging into your account altogether.

*** UI ***

- Added a Faction Window that allows you to check your reaction and standing with every group in EverQuest.
- - This new window can be accessed by clicking the EQ Button and selecting Character -> Faction Standings or by typing /faction.
- - Hovering over a faction name or reaction entry will display your current reaction value with a group as well as the number of points needed to reach the next reaction rank.
- - Hovering over the standing progress bar will display your current standing (how much you have done to help or hurt this group) as well as the minimum and maximum possible standing with the group.
- Items located in your Item Overflow will now be listed in the Find Item Window.
- Added Rampage, Wild Rampage, and Flurry tags messages to the full round of melee attacks. Removed the single line messages that indicated something flurried or rampaged.
- Consolidated many chat messages that were duplicates of melee and non melee hits, including: Flurry, Finishing/Crippling Blow, Assassinate, Deadly Strike, Slay Undead, Headshot, and critical spells. These messages no longer have a separate line of text, instead they end with an indication of the special attack type in parenthesis.
- Added an indicator for twincasted and critical damage over time spells.
- Corrected an issue where players could not make a hotkey for Remove Traps.
- Using the AA ability 'Buy All' button with purchase confirmations enabled will now display the number of ranks and total cost of the purchase. This applies to both player and mercenary AA purchases.
- Corrected an issue where a new group wouldn't display the role of a master looter for the leader in the group window.

- Changed -

- Added -

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #105

In this update, many TBL NPC's were either created or updated with screenshots, locations and other info.

Many recipes were updated between Drewinette and Grizabelle.

Right now I am collecting info on spells and AA's for all classes in TBL. Once I get that done, I'll go back and update the rank spell quests for TBL and build the wiki pages as well for the spells. At some point I'll input AA's either into the TBL wiki or our AA database which needs a massive cleanup =\.

I have opened a couple TBL wiki pages so folks can view what has been done so far. The augmentation page and achievements. The augmentation page has dead links for now until we get items uploaded and recipes created when those items are uploaded. That page is also missing info on where these augs are from but we'll fill in the blanks as we get the info. Our item collector developer Rswiders has been working on updating the item collector with all the changes to items. Hopefully soon we'll be able to start uploading items.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

Final Fall Run, XP Bonus!



Fall Fun

Adventurers, this year's final round of Fall Fun is here!

From Thursday, November 29, 2018, until Monday, December 10, 2018, ALL players will receive 1.5 times as much experience in their adventures across Norrath!

Get ready to grind, Norrathians - you've got to be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead!

Server Downtime: Wednesday Nov 28, 2018



All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 7:30 AM PT* for an update. Downtime is expected to last approximately 4 hours.

Patch notes for this update will be found in the Game Update Notes section of the forums once they are available.

*Convert to your local time


Happy Thanksgiving!

We here at Allakhazam want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope all that high end stat miraculous meal and miraculous drink keeps you full today.


1 X Turkey

1 X Deviled Eggs

1 X Mashed Potatoes

1 X Green Bean Casserole

1 X Sweet Potatoes

1 X Ham

1 X Bisquits

1 X Pie

1 X Drink


1 X Several Pounds to your Waist





Counts Toward Bliss Skill

Learned Recipe

Trivial: 1

Class: All

EQ Update #104

In this update, many TBL quests/achievements were created. Also a bunch of work has been done in the TBL wiki pages to display all the info. We'll make the TBL wiki public soonish, as soon as I can fill out the other pages.

Coirnav unlocked Luclin today. For those looking for information on Luclin, check out our Luclin Progression Wiki.

For those still having trouble with the site not loading any of its graphics, we have identified the cause and will get that fixed soon.

Click Read More to see all the updates.


Server Downtime November 14th @ 6:30AM PST

Site News: Spells are updated for the November patch. Search box has been fixed as well.



All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, November 14th, 2018 at 6:30AM Pacific (2:30 PM UTC) for maintenance. Downtime is expected to last 5 hours.

November 14, 2018

*** Items ***

- If a player purchases item(s) from the marketplace, and all inventory and bank slots are filled, then items will now be placed in Item Overflow instead of causing the purchase to fail.
- Added a new type of item, lore equipped items. Players can own many of these items, but may only wear one at a time.
- Corrected the typo on the spell for Lifesoothing Potion
- Corrected the spelling of several 'Crystalized' items to be 'Crystallized' items.

*** Spells ***

- Added messaging when a spell fails to hit a target due to being in a different environment than the caster.
- Healing spells now report actual and potential healing to all players in the area. Added an additional chat filter option to turn off heals that land for zero.
- Paladin - Corrected an inconsistency in the maximum targets hit by the Splash of Sanctification. All ranks are now unlimited as intended.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Changed how guild data works on the server to help alleviate server lag.

*** UI ***

- Added chat messages for player summoned healing auras.
- Fixed an issue where players with large bags could not open all of their bags at once.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #103

Yay we are on the new host now! I hope the site loads faster for everyone. We had some issues that we're ironing out.

The search box at the top right of the site isn't working at the moment, we'll get that fixed soon. For now I've installed a google search box on the front page on the right that will help you search the site.

We've been busy inputting info for The Burning Lands and I've also been busy working on development.

New comments have been caught up except for quests, we'll get those updated soon.

NPC pages now show when a NPC was added to the npc table and also shows when it was last updated. The date added will probably show zero's for NPC's added before Prophecy of Ro since that is around the time that particular column was added to the NPC table.

Click Read More to see all the updates.