Hotfix Notes for April 9, 2015

This hotfix was pushed to live servers last night:

*** Hotfix ***

- Korucust's Royal Pain - Lowered the difficulty of NPCs in this mission.
- Liquid Courage - Fixed an issue that was causing the bonus objective to be awarded to the incorrect person (or nobody).
- The triggered version of the Iksar broodling in the Plane of Fear that's spawned via the harbinger of Fear will now properly drop the Child's Tear instead of a citizenship token.
- Fixed several epic 1.0 quest turn-ins that were made non-multi-questable in the last update.

Daybreak Players Step Up to Organize Fan Faire

Shortly before the sale of Sony Online Entertainment - now Daybreak Games - was announced, the word went out: SOE Live wasn't happening this year. Formerly known as Fan Faire, the annual gathering of players and SOE developers to celebrate their favorite games had become a vacation mainstay for many people.

After the announcement a dedicated group of players decided to pick up the project themselves. Project Fan Faire is in motion, but because there no big backers, they are running a Kickstarter in an attempt to fund the event. Tickets include admission to the event, three catered meals, and access to all player panels.

For more information, like Project Fan Faire on Facebook, or check out their website or Kickstarter!

April 9, 2015

April 8, 2015

April 7, 2015

April 6, 2015

Double Experience Weekend!

Announced this evening for EverQuest was a double XP weekend (for all players):

Starting at 12:01PM PDT on Friday, April 3, and running until 9:00AM PDT on Monday, April 6, 2015 don't miss your chance for extra experience!

And for EverQuest II (for All Access members):

April 2, 2015

Here are today's updates. Enjoy your holiday weekend!!

New Items: Saryrn Council Shield OrnamentRobe Of The Green OrnamentLove Lords Robe OrnamentEbonysoul's Shield of Deception OrnamentFracture OrnamentSkinner's Coat Ornament

Updated Zones: Chardok: Korucust's Royal PainThe Grounds: Cleansing the GroundPlane of War: Liquid CourageTimorous Deep: Pirates of Timorous DeepWestern Wastes: Dead Dragons

Updated Items: Words of Wealth: Top RightWords of Wealth: Top LeftKromzek Architect BlueprintsUnrefined EmeraldUnrefined DiamondUnrefined Sapphire

Updated Quests: The Big OneAnniversary Solo Task: Belle of the BallAnniversary Shared Task: Cleansing the GroundAnniversary Shared Task: Dead DragonsAnniversary Shared Task: Korucust's Royal PainAnniversary Shared Task: Liquid CourageAnniversary Shared Task: Pirates of Timorous Deep

Updated Bestiary: Popple DopNot Poddle PopLieutenant ArathurDefender OramDefender SiltanA Vigilum of the EyeSentry VakPraetor IglakReane GoldsunRaphar BalAn Optio of the HandQuestioner RedhandsQuestioner Masakaa scoundDefender UrikLegionnaire BrillBowmaster StanielBlademaster Kelsitcharisen soldierDefender StavrosDefender PaulsDefender AntorinTrainee DurvichTrainee BarkisTrainee KelwynTrainee RobertScound DralinScound Trevora Bolvirk elitea shadow stridera storm giant architectOptio DunarWatcher CaalArx Guardian Truefoot

April 1, 2015

It may be April Fool's Day today, but this is no joke: The Plane of Mischief received a surprise update today - a quasi-reversion to its long-past state (more), bringing back a few old quests. Some original NPCs don't appear to be present and the respawn timer is reportedly different from that of its original version, so this may have been a manual update rather than a full-on reversion.

Update, April 2: The zone is now back in its regular form.

New Items: Heroic Incarnadine GemstoneHeroic Lump of Felsic LavaHeroic Flame Alchemist's JewelHeroic Rock Guardian ShardHeroic Eye of the Serpent

Updated Items: Helm of Manifested EtherSpell: Nurturing Growth Rk. IITome: Holdout Blade Rk. IITome: Conditioned Reflexes Rk. IISpell: Splash of Pyroxene Rk. IIStone of TranquilitySong: Brusco's Burning Call Rk. IITome: Reflex Rk. IIGloves of Latent EtherFine FeathersBracer of Latent EtherTome: Monkey's Spirit Discipline Rk. IISpell: Remote Moonfire Rk. II

Updated Achievement: Achievement: Hunter of Crystal Caverns, Fragment of Fear

Updated Bestiary: an assassin protectorGeneral Jared BlaystichWatchman SayureA Ry`Gorr InspectorGeldenDoomscale Cult Coffersa rageblind slashera cliknar enslavera slow chargerEngineer FriliimCommander Kurt Ellis

March 31, 2015