With the coming of Factional Warfare in the newest expansion Empyrean Age, comes testing before it launches on Tranquility!
Greetings again from the QA team! Since we got such good feedback and information last time, we're going to be running another series of playtests for Factional Warfare. Next week, June 4 to 6 (Wed, Thurs, Fri) from 11:00 to 14:00 EVE time (GMT) each day we're going to be convening on our test server, Singularity, again for the playtesting and we would really love to see as many folks show up as possible.As work on the summer expansion nears completion we are putting our first release candidate up on Singularity this coming week, just like before the playtesting will be focusing on all the mechanisms involved in Factional Warfare, the main feature of the expansion. We will be applying a new mirror to Sisi just before this series of play tests begins.