Mark Jacobs blogs about WAR

In perusing the web for Warhammer Online information for the Allakhazam community, I came across Mark Jacob's brand new blog site.  He gives the first few blog posts dedication to Warhammer Online, talking about how WAR fits in the MMO genre.  Check them out!:

So, in an interview with MTV, I said that it was important for the MMORPG market for WAR to succeed. Of course, this point has been taken a bit out of context by a few people (no shock there) who seem to think I’m a bit full of myself or a way too proud of WAR. Actually, neither is true. My point regarding WAR’s importance to the MMORPG market is based on a number of things:

To view the other blog posts, head on over to his WordPress blog site !

Developers uncredited - Warhammer Dev Discussion

As published by shacknews , there are many developers who have put their time, heart, and soul into the development of the games that they are working on who are left unmentioned, unaccredited.  Sometimes you hear news of massive layoffs just prior to the release of a game, wheras others - you just don't hear anything.

There is one such individual who would like to discuss their personal accountings of this growing trend.

This individual is a former employee of EA's Mythic - Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning development team, and wishes to remain annonymous, but would like to speak out about the increasing issue that is happening with not only the company that he worked for, but within many companies in the industry.Design & Conquer

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