It's Friday, so that means the Grab Bag
is here!
Q. My Question is about skilling up Spellcrafting. I thought that I had read in an earlier Grab Bag that if you crafted an item that conned red or orange to you and were successful your skill would always go up a point as opposed to trying to skill up using yellow to green items (the chances of always raising your trade skills were not as high). I was crafting in TNN and noticed that I wasn’t always seeing my skill raise as I made each gem, and in fact, it sometimes took 5+ successes before I would see a single point raise in my trade skills. Is this normal or was there a change or something that I missed?
A. Someone by the name of the Lady of Jewels seems like the perfect one to ask: Making a tradeskill recipe will never guarantee a skill up, no matter what the recipe cons to you I'm afraid. However, we did increase skill up chances across all tradeskills in a previous patch cycle.
Q. With the release of the ‘Origins’ server, are there still going to be patches on the live ToA servers for those of us who choose not to move?
A. The Bearded Wonder explains that the ‘Origins’ server is just another ruleset server: Updates and content for all servers will be ongoing.