Issue 14 to Go Live Soon; Start Downloading Now

Issue 14, which will feature the Mission Architect system, will be hitting the live servers soon. It's currently on the test server if you'd like to try your hand at creating your own missions and story arcs, or you can start downloading the free expansion now in preparation for the big day.

According to a post on the official Web site, "It is important to note that you will not be able to see or experience the 'Issue #14: Architect' content until it has been officially released on the live servers, but, again, receiving it ahead of time will allow you to play right away (once the content is available), instead of waiting for a large patch to download."

While you wait for the download to complete, check out our preview of the Mission Architect system. Our very own Andrew "Tamat" Beegle is excited for this new update to go live. What do you think?

Issue 14 Open Beta has Begun

Earlier this month, Andrew "Tamat" Beegle got a chance to preview the Mission Architect feature debuting in the upcoming Issue 14 update. He was highly impressed with the new system that allows players to create their own missions and story arcs to share with the City of Heroes community. But how will you feel about it? Here's your chance to find out.

Issue 14 has entered the open beta phase, so any interested players are welcome to try out the Architect feature for themselves before its official release. All of your creations during open beta can be saved and used once the update goes live, so you can get a head start on your missions and story arcs.

If you're not sure about how to get on the test server, here's all of the information you need. Let us know if you agree with Tamat's opinions from his first look at the Architect.

"Mac Special Edition" Extras Available From PlayNC

Existing City of Heroes players can now buy the extras from the Mac Special Edition of the game separately, without having to purchase another copy of the game. These extras are now available from the PlayNC store, priced at $9.99 / £5.99. The following items are contained in the pack:

  • The "Mission Teleporter" power
  • The "Valkyrie" costume set

Captain Dynamic: Part II

Rooster Teeth in partnership with NCsoft has released the second of a three part hilarious series introducing players to Captain Dynamic and the new Mission Architect. In this episode, Captain Dynamic tries to explain his powers and how he came to be known as Captain Dynamic. Additionally you'll get to meet his Arch Nemesis, "The Great Face" who to me, looks like Pee-wee Herman with more white makeup. Scary stuff.

If you missed the first episode, give it a gander before watching the second; which is viewable after the jump.

Allakhazam Previews the CoH Architect System

Allakhazam Editor-in-Chief Andrew "Tamat" Beegle has had ample opportunity recently to preview and discuss the new "Mission Architect" feature that will be a part of Issue 14 in City of Heroes, and if his editorial is any indication, he's impressed. Basically, this new feature from NCsoft allows players to create their own missions and story arcs to share with the entire community. They can even be rated on a scale of one to five stars, and players can gain rewards if their creations earn high marks. Check out all of our recent news surrounding the Architect system:

Issue 14 Overview : Here's the official announcement straight from NCsoft, as well as a hilarious video by Rooster Teeth.

Architecturally Advanced: An Interview with NCsoft : Tamat had the opportunity to sit down with Matt Miller and Joe Morrissey to discuss the new Architect system. The duo provides some in-depth information on the subject, such as the fact there's currently 10 mission goals open for use by players. Keep reading  to find out everything they had to say about the system.

The Future of MMOs Begins with NCsoft : Tamat provides his personal opinion about the Architect system in this editorial. If you're curious about what he thinks, this quote says it all: "I've never seen a more complete, not to mention more remarkable, addition to an MMO." Check out his full editorial to find out why Tamat feels this way about this addition to City of Heroes.

The Future of MMOs Begins with NCsoft

It seems to be a popular belief that all of the original ideas for an MMO have already been used in some fashion. Of course, this kind of small, defeatist thinking is fuel for the originality fire that seems to be raging over at NCsoft, as demonstrated in City of Heroes' new Architect system.

The Architect system gives players the ability to design their own missions and story arcs to share with the entire City of Heroes community. In yesterday's press release, NCsoft outlined some of the additions that players will see with the architect system. "Using an intuitive interface, players can browse through other player created missions and create their own missions from the ground up. Players will determine details ranging from environments, mission objectives, and enemies, to written fiction and character dialogue; giving their stories nearly infinite depth and personalization."

Architecturally Advanced: An Interview with NCsoft

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to preview the new Architect system that will soon be making its way to City of Heroes. This new system that will be included with Issue 14, gives players the ability to create their own missions from the ground up. As I mentioned earlier, we were able to sit down Matt Miller and Joe Morrissey to talk about the addition in more detail.

ZAM: Will you be giving the players the individual ability to create environments? A map creator, if you will. I did notice that there are a limited number of environments -- I mean, there are still a lot of places, but there is a limited amount, and that's not something you can create more of.

Matt Miller: Right, when it comes to the map creator, we're very much interested in pursuing that and seeing exactly how we can make that and get it into the mission creator. We have experience with that with our base building, so we do kind of have some 'backbone' technology for getting that done. The real question is like with anything we anything we ever add to mission architect; any more level of customization that the player gets, we have to completely re-think rewards again. Because now it's like "well, how can this be exploited?" And the thing is, at the end of the day, we're only 70 or 80 developers trying to out-think hundreds of thousands of people, so we're going to fail, a lot. Hopefully we can plug holes pretty quickly.

Issue 14 Overview

NCsoft today announced that Issue 14 will have a mission creator called "Mission Architect". This makes City of Heroes the first AAA MMO to offer players user created content! I've had the opportunity to play around with it and I can safely say that this is by far the coolest feature I've seen added to an already live MMORPG.

"First City of Heroes® set a new standard for player creation and customization in MMOs with its Character Creator. Now, with Issue 14, this game takes another giant step, allowing players to design their own missions and story arcs to share with the entire City of Heroes community across all of our live servers. Using an intuitive interface, players can browse through other player created missions and create their own missions from the ground up. Players will determine details ranging from environments, mission objectives, and enemies, to written fiction and character dialogue; giving their stories nearly infinite depth and personalization.

Among other rewards, architects who create extraordinary content will garner acclaim and reputation. Community feedback will be paramount and some missions will elevate in status, unlocking new rewards and benefits for their creators."

The guys over at Rooster Teeth have created a hilarious three part video series in light of the new update, which can be seen after the jump.  If you'd like to know more, please visit the City of Heroes official website for all the specifics. Also, stay tuned for our exclusive interview with Matt Miller and Joe Morrissey, two of the developers that worked so hard to develop the Architect system.

City of Heroes Weekend Extravaganza

This weekend, City of Heroes is making things interesting, and doubling your rewards earned. Much like a credit card, this is a great promotion to bring the game into the mainstream. The current advertisements coming on for it have been terribly successful, and if nothing else, extremely funny.

"During this time players will get double rewards in the following categories:
  * Experience
  * Prestige
  * Influence
  * Infamy"

The best part is, anyone and everyone who plays can get this! There’s no special-terms of service loop like a credit card, but just a totally perfect reason to dedicate your weekend to being a hero or a villain.

Source: City of Heroes

New City of Heroes Ad Released

We brought you the first two ads, and coming at us hot and fast is a third in the series of possibly the best Massively Multiplayer ads to come out in a long time.

Many of you recall the first ad, titled “I'm a Hero. I'm a Villain,” and probably laughed at the blatant copying of Steve Jobs insulting Bill Gates. The second ad was based on the Day Jobs feature, and of course everyone can tell this is a terribly dull Day Job.

The third and latest video portrays a hero and his sidekick, or perhaps a villain and his henchman. Regardless of who it is, it does point out that City of Heroes has made a leap to Mac, and it is always more fun to play with a friend. Now, for us to go get out our spandex and fly about the town...

Source: City of Heroes Online