A small group of developers won a contest to create an official NASA MMO, and they're now looking for help to fund the beta. Project Whitecard Inc. and Virtual Heroes of Applied Research Associates are hoping to raise $25,000 on Kickstarter by October 11 to kick off the development and finish the first beta of Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond. They've already raised more than half of their goal.
Are you wondering what features will be included in the NASA MMO? Here are some details from the Kickstarter page:
"Play as an aspiring astronaut in Astronaut:Moon, Mars and Beyond, the official NASA MMO game. Set in the year 2035, you will embark on an adventure into space, Mars, the asteroid belt, and the outer planets.You will uncover secrets about a threat to civilization as we know it, and build you and your team a high-tech inventory of space gear including a home base, somewhere out there.
Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond features a new mode of game-play: mission-based space exploration, providing exciting player vs. environment and compelling team vs. team play. A goldmine of NASA MMO content will be employed, permitting authentic solar system exploration, and delivering engaging Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics concepts."
The team plans to deliver the Astronaut Academy, the first version of the game, next year. To keep tabs on Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond, follow the game's Facebook and Twitter pages.