I'm finding Psycho-pass enjoyable, but I don't think it's anything special. Haven't seen 21 yet.
The twist wasn't entirely surprising, and I find it difficult to see how they can take the series to a satisfying conclusion. If the Sybil system is an effective tool for improving society, then any concerted effort on the main cast's part to dismantle it is moronic. Reducing crime, poverty, and unhappiness isn't nefarious no matter how oppressive you try to make the method seem. If the Sybil system isn't an effective tool for improving society, then that makes it merely a tyrant the main cast will attempt to depose, and boy have we seen that before. I guess the best hope is that Tsunemori will make the correct--but difficult--choice to support the Sybil system and leads the rest of her crew to do the same. HOwever, masaki (more concerned with free will than overall social order or improvement) will succeed in destroying the Sybil system despite the cast's best efforts, ultimately being killed off by Kogami. Their society will then have to relearn how to make decisions for themselves without the aid of the Sybil system, as good as it was.
I don't think it was meant to be a twist, or at least not an earth shattering one.
I just liked the decisions that the main character had to make (Tsunemori, obv). I also liked the other, stereotypical, characters that were a part of the show.
I also do agree that they simply did not have enough time to finish the series. The last few episodes lack the same momentum and... creativity I guess.
well I was off target about sybil going kaput, but otherwise fairly close. Tying in a new inspector to parallel Tsunemori was a nice touch, but ultimately the ending was too safe and predictable.
Urobuchi is familiar enough with literary devices, but it seems like he's mostly throwing them out because he can and not because he's using them to accomplish anything. So ginoza becomes his father, what does that have to do with anything? It was too clean and exact of a parallel to seem natural, but if you're goign to force it then you should have a purpose.