I only request it be constructive to save each other time and forum space.
This topic spawned from Allegory, Timelord, and Myself talking one night. After a week of not talking about it and letting my mind wondering. This is the direction I took with the game.
I enjoy card games but I also feel having it board and movable tokens adds more to the dynamic of the game. (NOTE: This can be done without that as well if to simplify the game) The theme of the game is Alchemy. The further I thought of the game, I felt myself in-visioning a person working and studying to create a "Philosopher Stone."
I deemed this as the point of the alchemists goals to be the one who creates this items. I figure this would be one of the goal to win the game but that is later. I also imagine a more realistic alchemist, who uses energy and science to create realistic scientific objects. This created a resource, Energy, and physical augmentation, chemicals/raw components. I would also imagine monsters, Homunculi or chimeras, artificial created monsters with life. This gives a reason for different monsters others then just race or fantasy. This is my concept for the theme of the game.
Game Play:
Each play has a deck of X cards which cannot increase or decrease, Every player has exactly X amount.
Note: Resource cards are excluded from the deck as they only serve as a place holder for spending resources in the game.
Each Alchemist has an innate amount of resource which he/she can use every turn. At the beginning of a players turn, resources reset and the player is allowed to summon/upgrade monsters, gathers, or spell(Transmute) cards. The next phase is the battle phase. You can move/attack/defend during this phase. The last phase is for discarding used cards or paying for the refund cost to require the card. (Will be explained later)
The board/map is a simple hexagon repeating pattern of 21 across and 21 wide. The board objects and points of interest are set by the players of game during the First phase of the game.
The cards are arranged in 3 rows of 5.
First row are 5 Monster Slots.
Second row is 3 Gathers Slots and 2 Instant Play Slots.
Third Row is 5 Transmute Slots.
Equip Cards are Played and Placed under Monster cards. Only 1 Equip card can be on a monster at a time.
Transmute cards can change possitively or negatively other monsters or transmute cards. I also was thinking about chimeras that merge together. Now we can do it with predetermed cards to make the chimera or on all cards have a secondary fusion effect or if they can be fused together.same thing goes for augment/transmute cards. some monsters or equip cards are stronger with one thing but weaker with others.
Artifacts are cards that are like teirs. they take either time or more resources to summon. artifacts provide a buff to player who owns or to game play. a total of 3 artifacts can be played on each
players side. only 1 artifact can be played per turn. if an artifact requires "Charge Time" aka multiply turns to become active. Some monster, uprgrade, transmute cards require atleast a minium number of artifacts to be played. this allows a unique dynamic to the game and how to acconplish your goals.
Phase 2 will have a seperate topic.
Phase 3 is the phase to require spent cards. When a card is used, it goes to one of two places. The discard pile or the graveyard. Cards sent to the graveyard can not be returned to the game. Cards sent to the discard pile can be returned to the players hand at the cost of energy. Amount yet to be determed. cards may have unique property that allows the alchemist to reclaim the card for free at the end of the turn. So cards after use are moved straight to the graveyard. This allows for a unique value in cards and how much is spendable.
Since the game isnt random with shuffle and draw. i think cards that adjust gameplay and can negate card effects should make for a different play with different people.
The alchemist is a player on the board that can move only 1 space per turn. he has a summoning and casting range. Casting range is determined on the card.
Phase 2:
During this phase. Monsters can move, attack, defend. A card can move and attack or defend in a turn.
Monsters have four stats: Attack, Defense, Health, and Movement. Monsters can move up to the designated amount of spaces according to the monsters set stats per turn.
Monsters have two stances. Attack and Defense stance.
Monsters in attack stance can attack other monsters adjacent to them, 1 once per turn and can defend 1 attack per turn.
Monsters in defense stance cannot attack other monsters, yet they can defend multiple attacks per turn until the total of defense points of the defending monster is less than or equal to 0.
Unblocked attacks will deal damage to the Health of the attacked monster.
Monsters in defense stance have a field of control 1 space around them. Monsters cannot move though an enemies field of control. you may only attack or retreat. retreat can only be done during players turn and moves monster back away from enemy 1 space until out of field of control or monster movement spaces are used up.
Monsters Attacking other Monsters in Attack Stance:
If monster X with 10 Attack points, attacks monster Y with 10 Attack points, then no damage is dealt to both monsters.
If monster X with 20 Attack points, attacks monster Y with 10 Attack points, then monster Y takes 10 damage to HP.
If monster X with 10 Attack points, attacks monster Y with 20 Attack points, then monster X takes 10 damage to HP.
Monsters Attacking other Monsters in Defense Stance:
If monster X with 10 Attack points, attack monster Y with 10 Defense points, then no damage is dealt to both monsters and monster Y has 0 def points till next turn
If monster X with 10 Attack points, attack monster Y with 20 Defense points, then no damage is dealt to both monsters and monster Y has 10 def points till next turn
If monster X with 20 Attack points, attacks monster Y with 10 Defense points, then monster Y takes 10 damage to HP.
So the monsters can be honestly anything, fused with almost anything. So honestly what the monster looks like isn't an issue.
So for this. I am focusing on what they can do. I plan to add abilities to this. Good or bad isn't the point. Just proposed abilities that monsters may or may not have. (Note: Some monster may not have any abilities or may have multiply abilities)
Charge: Able to trigger from 2 spaces away from enemy monster. Moves monster next to enemy and deals bonus damage on attack
Vamp: Damage dealt to enemy hp returns X health to attacker. health cannot exceed max health of monster
Double Strike: Attacks same target twice per attack.
Retaliate: Allows monster in Attack Stance to defend a total of 2 attacks per turn
Phase: All attacks in are unblock-able against enemy monsters in attack stance
Thorn: When in defense stance, attacking enemy monster is dealt X damage.
Leader: All allied monsters within the field of control of the monster with this ability are able to move together up to this cards total movement point.
Vanguard: All allied monsters are unattack-able within the field of control of the monster with this ability, as long as it stays in Defense Stance. (Note: the monster with vanguard is attack-able)
Fleet: Able to Retreat without using movement points.
Pierce: Decreases the defense of the monsters attacked by this card by half when for the attack.
Rally: Allied monsters within the field of control of this card gain bonus stat. (Note: Could be Defense or Attack)
Berserk: Gains 1 Attack point for every 1 health point lost.
Dodge: Monster dodges first attack per turn
Intimidate: Enemy monsters lose x stats within field of control. (Note: Could be Defense or Attack)
More to come, leave comments for any ideas to add more. Trying to avoid Dots/Hots and % chance stuff
Ran out of time, Will Edit more later.
Edited, Jan 8th 2013 4:31pm by hairybeavet
Edited, Jan 8th 2013 4:55pm by hairybeavet
Edited, Jan 8th 2013 10:05pm by hairybeavet
Edited, Jan 9th 2013 10:33am by hairybeavet
Edited, Jan 9th 2013 1:08pm by hairybeavet