So, I've been in a mood to design magic items the last few days. So, since it'll increase postcount, I thought I'd go ahead and share what I have here. This first one is designed for Agniray, my campaign's Sorcerer/Arcane Archer. The MM is designed to deal with two of his biggest problems: Spell Resistance and Incorporeals. The others are mostly there for options.
Staff of Meta-Magic Mayhem
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 20,400g; Weight 5 lbs.
A Staff of Meta-Magic Mayhem appears to be a gnarled staff of yew that has been warped by repeated exposure to various elemental magic effects. It gives the wielder access to the following spells:
• Piercing Toppling Magic Missile (1 charges)
• Selective Fireball (2 charges)
• Intensified Lightning Bolt (2 charges)
• Rime Ice Storm (3 charges)
Construction Requirements
Craft Staff, Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Magic Missile, Piercing, Selective, Intensified and Rime metamagics; Cost 12,200g
The next staff is designed for Gribbletoo, the Druid/Summoner/Mystic Theurge. This one's designed to give him options for dealing with large numbers of foes, as well as something to buff his Liveoak treant.
Staff of the War Druid
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 28,200g; Weight 5 lbs.
A Staff of the War Druid is made from a single oak branch. Numerous leaves continue to sprout from this still living branch.
• Strong Jaw (2 charges)
• Spike Stones (2 charges)
• Fickle Winds (3 charges)
• Sirocco (3 charges)
• Fire Seeds (3 charges)
Construction Requirements
Craft Staff, Strong Jaw, Spike Stones, Fickle Winds, Sirocco, Fire Seeds; Cost 14,100g
The next item isn't a staff. It's a magic earring(or nosering) meant to give the Paladin/Cleric/Gunslinger/Holy Vindicator some combat options since he's painted himself into a defensive only corner and rarely does much other than pass saves unless he gets a lucky crit while smiting, which has been frustrating him. It's based on a powerful Oracle spell, but eats up a Smite and Lay On Hands charge for balance.
Earring of the Divine Vessel
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 16th
Slot feet; Price 49,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Made of an alloy of platinum and adamantine, this simple stud is marked with Celestial runes reading “Good†and “Lawâ€. It can be worn either on the ear or on the nose.
Once per day, a paladin whose Lay on Hands has reached 6d6 can, as a swift action, expend both one charge of Lay on Hands and one charge of Smite Evil to activate the powers held in this trinket, becoming a divine vessel and gaining either a Celestial or an Axiomatic aspect for a number of rounds equal to the damage bonus on his Smite Evil.
In either form, the paladin grows one size category larger, gains a +3 Natural Armor Bonus, Spell Resistance equal to 12 + his Smite Evil damage bonus, a +4 bonus to saves versus poison, a 60ft fly speed(good) and low light vision. He also gains the following depending on the form chosen.
Axiomatic: +8 bonus to Str; +6 bonus to Con; DR 10/Chaotic; Resist Cold 10, Electricity 10 and Fire 10. All attacks made with melee weapons are considered Lawful for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Celestial: +6 bonus to Str; +6 bonus to Con; +2 bonus to Dex; DR 10/Evil; Resist Cold 10, Electricity 10 and Acid 10. All attacks made with melee weapons are considered Lawful for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Craft Wondrous Item, Divine Vessel; Cost 24,500 gp.
There's also one for the Alchemist of the group, who never remembers to use her mutagen/cognatogen. I haven't figured out how to price it exactly, so ignore that section. I adjusted the bomb thing in order to not make it turn out to be a worse than useless ability, since normally it would just completely erase her ability to do her regular bomb attacks.
Dragnatogen Manual
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 13th
Slot feet; Price 49,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This technical and highly thorough manual contains instructions on how to create a substance that, when added to an Alchemist’s mutagen or cognatogen, allows the alchemist to turn into a dragon. When added to a standard mutagen/cognatogen, this functions like Form of the Dragon I. When added to a Greater mutagen/cognatogen, this functions as Form of the Dragon II. When added to a Grand mutagen/cognatogen, this still functions as Form of the Dragon II, but the durations is changed to 10min/level and the alchemist also gains a bonus/detriment to one matched pair of ability scores with effects equal to the highest offered by a Greater version of the mutagen/cognatogen. The caster level of the spell is equal to the Alchemist’s level. The type of dragon whose form is mimicked is determined by the color of the scale added to the mixture, which is added at the moment of drinking.
While in dragon form, all carried equipment merges into the alchemist. Magical effects persist, but physical properties of armor do not. In addition, the alchemist loses access to her extracts and bomb making materials. However, the alchemist may still cause these to manifest within her body with a bit of concentration. As a full round action, the alchemist may call forth any such prepared extract. The liquid materializes directly within her stomach and its effects begin immediately.
Bomb making materials can similarly be called forth into the alchemist’s body, though this manifestation only requires a standard action. It materializes in the organ the dragon uses to fuel its breath weapon. This functions as a breath weapon bomb. If the damage type of the bomb matches the damage type of the dragon’s breath weapon, the bomb gains a bonus to damage. This bonus damage is 1d6 for FotD I and 2d6 for FotD 2. In all forms, an element matching breath weapon bomb gains a bonus equal to ½ the Alchemist’s Constitution modifier. The breath weapon’s shape can either use the standard breath weapon bomb cone or can instead use the shape outlined by FotD for the chosen type of dragon.
The alchemist must be at least level 11 to use the FotD I variant and level 13 to use FotD II.
Craft Wondrous Item, Form of the Dragon I, Form of the Dragon II; Cost 24,500 gp.
Finally, I created a staff for an NPC. Its main function is to disguise the fact that she now has a breath weapon from her crossblooded draconic bloodline(via the metamagicked spell giving an excuse as to why her breath weapon does more than the Dragon's Breath spell's max damage. But I also added some things just for fun. It's based on this staff, but with a lower Form of the Dragon applied.
Lesser Metallic Dragon Staff
Aura strong transmutation; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 20,900g; Weight 5 lbs.
A Lesser Dragon Staff is crafted from the metal of the dragon type the staff is associated with, though it is magically hardened to be as strong as steel. It is fairly simple in form, looking much like a dragon’s tail, with a thin pointed blade at the end. It can be used and enchanted as a Shortspear, though it cannot take on elemental properties other than those favored by the dragon it represents. When the wielder transforms into a dragon via a Form of the Dragon spell, even one not cast through the staff, the staff becomes a part of the wielder’s body and any enhancement bonuses apply to the wielder’s tail slap attacks, if any.
If the wielder uses the staff to cast form of the dragon I, she must assume the type linked to the staff. Any energy types chosen by spells from the staff must match the type as well (copper is linked to acid, bronze is linked to electricity, brass and gold are linked to fire, and silver is linked to cold).
• Telekinetic Charge (2 charges)
• Dragon’s Breath (2 charges)
• Intensified Dragon’s Breath (3 charges)
• Form of the Dragon I (4 charges)
Construction Requirements
Craft Staff, Dragon’s Breath, Telekinetic Charge, Form of the Dragon I; Cost 10,450g
Edited, Nov 6th 2012 2:28am by Poldaran