Game design and balance have always been topics that interest me. Previously I've thought about the subject in the medium of video games, but as I've been getting more table top and board games under my belt that thinking has shifted. There's also a far lower barrier to entry designing such a game, which helps tremendously.
I enjoy card games, but many typical trading card games have the inherent flaw of requiring the purchasing of specialized cards. I'm a very strong believer that one of the core concepts of any game is that players start out equal regardless of outside circumstances. The idea of being able to buy an advantage has always grated harshly against me, and as it's become more and more prominent *ahem f2p models and legitimate RMT* I've grown to begrudgingly accept it, but never lost my loathing.
Then I played quarriors and dominion. They're mechanically very similar games, one being with dice and one being with cards. The key concept in each is that of deck building. You buy the game set and it comes complete with all the cards you will ever be able to play. Nobody can use extra cash to buy a card you do not have access to by default. All the cards are presented in a common pool, and through certain mechanics player go about choosing cards to build their decks with as they play.
I've played these games, and while I think they are fun to play, I also find them to be flawed. It is very important to me that a game be both fun and competitive. Neither quarriors nor dominion are competitive. They are too random, and have each their own specific mechanical problems.
But I found them so interesting, that I thought to use them as a base to build off of.
So the card game I'm hoping to design has to be both:
1. Fun
2. Competitive.
1. What makes a game fun is a very broad question. To me a fun game is easy to start playing and has enough depth to keep you playing as you begin to master it. In other words it has a low entry barrier and a high skill cap. Soccer is a game even children can begin to play, and yet professionals are able to play significantly than those of even medium experience. Fun games also allow interesting things to happen. While the core gameplay of a game can be enjoyable, it's the crazy stuff you tend to remember and enjoy the most. In MMORPGs Timelord likes to talk about the time he maintanked as a warlock in WoW. I still remember the manaburns and BCNM40 as a bard in FFXI. In fighting games it's the daring, risky, and flashy moves that are the most exciting. In card games it's the ability to win in a variety of quirky ways, like instead of outright killing an opponent you force him to run out of cards. I think it should be possible to win in crazy ways, and games should allow for players to pull stunts. And lastly they need to be dynamic. doing the same thing over and over again will always become tiresome, no matter how enjoyable it was to begin with.
2. I think competitive games tend to have a stricter set of criteria that is easier to define. First of all competitive games need to not be solvable, because then they are no longer games but puzzles. Chess is only considered competitive because it is presently impossible to solve. Competitive games need to have a variety of viable options, that is to say in another way that they need to be balanced. And lastly they need to have an amount of depth that allows player to distinguish themselves through skill.
So I have six goals to meet.
The final puzzle piece game together when I was reading Sirlin's blog about a Starcraft class at UC Berkley. Dominion is a game I found to be fun, but not competitive. Starcraft is a game I found to be competitive, but not fun (personally). What if I combined ideas from both?
One of the key features of card games, Dominion included, is that they are random. You shuffle the cards, draw a set number, and you deal with what you're dealt. This makes the games more dynamic, but somewhat reduces how much control players have over their chance of victory. Some might say a little bit of randomness is acceptable, but I'm a purest. So I decided my game would have no randomness. How would I achieve this in a card game? You no longer draw cards, you select them. Your entire deck is your hand. You may play any card at all so long as it is a legal option. This may sound strange, and it is, but I'll try to go more into detail about that later.
And being a purist there is another issue I felt of great importance that needed addressing. In chess and go it is generally assumed that the first player to move has an advantage, however slight. Taking turns creates an imbalance in the game. There are a variety of ways to handle this. Games like chess tend to have player alternate sides. Other games try to "snake" turns to lessen that advantage. Still other turns have a bidding/choosing (cyclades, dominant species, dust, risk legacy) mechanic for turn order. That's pretty good, but still imperfect, and I'm a purest. There is only one way to deal with turn advantage and that is to eliminate it completely. Like seven wonders, turns must be simultaneous. Turns make certain mechanics easier, but the sacrifice cannot be made.
With those two issue gone I believe I have the foundation for a perfect game. One that has zero randomness and zero turn advantage.
In doing this though, I have created certain other issues for myself. Randomness is so abundant in games for a very important reason. It is a very easy way to create dynamism in a game. Without it many games tend to become solvable or at the very least highly predictable. solvable means the game is no longer competitive. Repetition means the game is no longer fun. so we need to reinsert dynamism with a different method. The way to do that is with imperfect information, allowing for deception. Rock, paper, scissor is a game that is not random, solvable, or predictable. The same goes for the classic boardgame battleship. Without all the information available, the game cannot be perfected calculated even though there may be no random elements, and so players are forced to guess what their opponent is doing.
Luckily that is easy to do with cards, as anyone who has watched yugioh knows. "I summon one monster FACE DOWN in attack mode."
Let's get back to an earlier issue though. Your entire deck is your hand? Wouldn't player just spam the best card over and over again? Well that's not too hard to prevent. In most card games, even if you draw the best card you have on the first hand, often you cannot play it immediately due to requirements. In starcraft if I want to build carriers firs tI need enough minerals and gas, then I need enough food, then I need the thing that builds carriers, then I need enough resources to build that, then I need to have an army that can defend me while I am doing all that, and then I need to make sure the opponent isn't counter building against my carriers. That's a lot of things I have to go through before I get carriers.
So if you've read this far, you'll notice I have yet to describe any actual mechanics. Those will be left to another post and are still in the works. This post was about the design philosophy. It's worth writing all those words because many games are flawed on a fundamental level due to problematic design philosophy.
Diablo 3 is a quick example. Ignoring the numerous other complaints you may have about it, let's only look at respeccing. Diablo 2 did this completely wrong in that respeccing meant restarting the character over from scratch. Blizzard realized this was dumb and corrected their design philosophy. They decided then that players should basically be able to respec for free at almost any time in Diablo 3. I think this was a good philosophy. However, with nephalem valor and elite farming blizzard decided it might be too easy if players could respec for each individual encounter, and so they made the buff disappear when you changed specs. This is stupid. To solve an entirely different problem they went and broke the thing they fixed.
This is like feeding a class of kids peanut butter crackers and then realizing Timmy is allergic to peanuts. So you take the peanut butter off for him. He then complains the cracker is too dry. So, you decide to add some peanut butter to the cracker to make it less dry. You broke what you just fixed to solve an unrelated problem. This is laziness on a developer's part.
And that is why it is important to have a consistent and articulated philosophy of design.