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PnP RP: An adventure logFollow

#27 Jul 30 2012 at 1:03 AM Rating: Excellent
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Remember what I said about my concerns that they would go outside the box enough to break what I had planned? That didn't quite happen, but it very nearly did.

CR20 encounter w/ 2 level 10s and a level 9, played with some abilities locked but with specific other ones added in. Maximized the HP of the foe. Gave her a weapon that does an additional 1d4+2 Dex damage on hit and instantly shatters non-artifact level weapons on successful parry/sunder attempt. The players fought tooth and nail to win the encounter and very nearly did(I had a backup plan for the main villain's general to show up if she lost the fight, but I didn't want to have to use it).

The main heroes and an NPC ally(Samantha) enter the fortress and face off against an Evil Eye, the same type of foe that the cohorts faced in the last adventure. It manages to bloody them a bit, mostly through use of its Flame Strike gaze and some high rolls on the damage dice. Proceeding on, they manage to avoid the rot grubs. Poor pit placement(really, its just an over-reliance on them causing there to be no path that anyone can travel and not end up adjacent to a pit) and difficult terrain(the floor was slick with gore) nearly spells the end for Samantha during the encounter with three Leukodaemons. Obrek gets bloodied as well.

They had a little trouble destroying the first control orb that shielded the adamantine door leading towards the throne room. I was using it as a bit of foreshadowing, so it wasn't smashable via normal means. I kept mentioning that it was evil and shielded against normal attacks, but they weren't quite catching on that they had to use either some kind of holy attack(Lay on Hands, Smite Evil, holy water) or something that bypasses normal protections(Gribbletoo's scythe does divine damage and is not subject to any form of DR or resist on any of its attacks; could also summon Lantern archons to bypass the protections). Eventually had to have Samantha start helping Obrek in attacking it, and she chastised Gribbletoo for not helping as well since it was taking too long.

They head down the other wing and find some prisoners, who tell them that the Leukodaemons are infecting people with some kind of disease. One of the prisoners is a cleric, who recognized some potions in the next room as Remove Disease potions. The players head into the next room and find another Leukodaemon infecting a prisoner. Nervous about the difficulty of their fight with the three of them, they blow far too many of their resources on the single enemy encounter. They then cure the prisoners of their diseases and shatter the second orb.

When they return to the entryway, they find the door open and a pair of evil eyes. The use of resources on this particular encounter was justifiable. Due to some bad luck on her part(I rolled the targets and spell effects of the attacks randomly), she eats two Flame Strike gaze attacks simultaneously and once again is nearly killed. Players blow a fair ton of resources bringing the foes down.

Finally, they reach the throne room and are faced with a woman looking like a swashbuckler(really Astaroth in disguise). In round two, the ground shakes and its revealed to the players that their cohorts just blew themselves up(see post for last adventure). I activate a certain house rule(Limit Breaks) and give them back some of their daily resources. For Obrek, a charge of Smite Evil. For Gribbletoo, some charges on his Scythe/staff are replenished. They deal a fair bit of damage in round two, but Obrek and Samantha are both hurting, with around 6 dex damage apiece.

In round three, I shatter both Obrek and Samantha's weapons(a sunder and a parry, respectively) and knock both paladins into 0 Dex. Gribbletoo goes into panic mode and starts pulling out all the stops. A pit, several Ball Lightnings(divine damage as they were conjured via the staff) and multiple summoned monsters later, he finally goes down. Took 6 rounds to pull it off, thanks to some poor rolls on the villains attacks and saves. Astaroth was down to around 20 or so HP remaining(of nearly 300).

The characters watch helplessly as the villain prepares to use the blade to devour the soul of each of them in turn, starting with Samantha and gloating the entire time. She's struck by an arrow and Falric arrives, Veil and several paladins in tow. He tells Veil to get the heroes out of there. She uses her teleportation amulet to get the three injured people and herself out. The heroes pass out from their wounds and awaken almost a week later in a healing ward in the Temple of Iomedae. Falric never returned and Obrek no longer feels Iomedae's presence in the temple.

Now I need to set up the next adventure, which is basically Mt. Ordeals from FFIV. Since the one roommate is visiting family this week and won't return until next Sunday, I'll have two weeks to plot it out. Which is good, since I have no idea how to stat up Astaroth's fiendish earth themed general.
#28 Jul 30 2012 at 2:00 AM Rating: Excellent
16,960 posts
Just as planned.
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#29 Aug 03 2012 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
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Interesting note: They very nearly won because I didn't understand certain rules about the Synthesist summoner archetype. Dismissing the eidolon doesn't remove ability damage, so he went down a lot sooner than we played him as going down at.

Anyway, I'm currently working on designing Astaroth's Four Generals, who are very heavily based on FFIV's Elemental Archfiends(VERY heavily based). As the players will learn during this upcoming session, Astaroth very narrowly escaped Death by Iomedae, so while she recuperates, these four are gonna stand in for her during the missions where she has things to get done.

The first, which they will encounter on the upcoming mission, will be Scarmiglione, the General of Earth. I haven't quite finished figuring out how to run this encounter, but I'm thinking of making him a double encounter, first fighting the animated body of a necromancer and following up with him bursting out of the slain caster's chest shortly after attempting to leave. The necromancer part should be easy. Now I just need to find an undead(large or huge) that can fill in for the second form.

The part that'll really make this encounter a bit of a challenge is the fact that the paladin won't have access to his smite or lay on hands abilities for the duration of the adventure.
#30 Aug 03 2012 at 4:12 AM Rating: Excellent
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While I don't have time to finish him today, here's where I'm going with Scarmiglione.

Minotaur + Skeletal Template + Fiendish Template + Huge + 5 Fighter Levels + 2 Racial HD. I'm adjusting DRs and making up for it with more HP and armor class to make it feel less frustrating(those templates add DR 10/good and DR 5/bludgeoning, which is painful...dropping it to DR 5/good and upping HP to almost double since at least each hit will then feel like they're doing something).

Making him Huge so they can't just drop him in a pit. Smiley: tongue
#31 Aug 03 2012 at 6:40 AM Rating: Excellent
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So, I've been thinking about it while away from the desk, and I think the remaining half of the campaign is gonna focus on preparations for the final battle. Building an army, taking out strategic enemy targets, etc. All Fable or ME3 style.

Assuming my players go for it, of course.
#32 Aug 14 2012 at 12:30 AM Rating: Excellent
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Since my players seemed to enjoy the investigation mission I had, I think I may need to incorporate something like this into one of our sessions. About the same time Simon is ready to make another attempt on the city.

I once ran a slightly modified version of an idea I found in an old issue of Dungeon magazine. The PC's all had ties to an urban city, and felt a certain degree of responsibility for protecting it. An unfriendly mage, who I was building up to be a nemesis for the PC's dropped a Joker/Riddler style scenario in their laps, in the form of a series of delayed blast optimized fireballs, trapped in amber gemstones, scattered around the city and set to explode at a specific time (say three hours from now). There were a series of clues that hinted at where each explosive device was.

I then reached beneath the table, pulled out a digital alarm clock, switched the alarm switch on, and said, "When this alarm goes off, the explosives go off. Now, Go!" They had to tell me what their characters were doing, solve the riddles, and retrieve the devices, all in three hours "real time" instead of game time. This made for a VERY interesting session, as it basically eliminated all the hemming and hawing and min/max strategizing that normally happens, as each player takes 20 minutes deciding which weapon to use, etc. In fact, the players actively avoided combat, because it's such a time sink. They also avoided splitting the party up, which would have slowed them down as well. I more or less ignored travel time, figuring the city was small enough, they could get where they needed to go pretty quickly, and that travel time would be simulated by the additional time it took to describe their deeds in words, rather than simply doing them.

The locations of the explosives varied greatly, requiring different tactics. One was in an area of high civilian concentration. One was at the bottom of a dam (on the water-filled side, of course) whose detonation would have flooded the city. One was at the top of a tall sculpture, requiring a series of successful climb checks to retrieve. You get the idea.

They also had to figure out what the heck to do with all these explosives, since the party's spell casters were not high enough level to dispel them.

The best part was, the whole scenario was really a diversion, to distract the PC's while the mage busted one of his henchmen (who the PC's had captured) out of prison. They figured this out near the end, and showed up just in time to see the escape vehicle (a stagecoach) pull away from the prison with the henchman at the reins. The whole scenario ended with a wild-west-style stagecoach chase through crowded city streets.

Basically, it was a blast! Don't remember the name of the Dungeon article, unfortunately.
Perhaps have the diversion be so he can bring down Archimedes instead of busting out a henchman.
#33 Aug 15 2012 at 12:31 AM Rating: Excellent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
My brother's starting up a group and we're meeting for the first time tonight. Should be interesting.
#34 Aug 15 2012 at 1:08 AM Rating: Excellent
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Paskil wrote:
My brother's starting up a group and we're meeting for the first time tonight. Should be interesting.
Let us know how it goes.
#35 Aug 22 2012 at 1:26 AM Rating: Excellent
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The PCs remembered enough details of the last adventure to set in motion(though they don't realize it yet) the arrival of some gunslingers from Alkenstar to Valor's Triumph. Which meant I got to design another character. Human Musket Master Gunslinger, Captain Oliver is the leader of a small militia company sent by the Duchy of Alkenstar to track down thieves who stole a ton of gunpowder(most of which blew up in an earlier adventure). I couldn't decide on what gender to make Captain Oliver, so I'm going with gender ambiguous(I'm actually naming the character Polly/Paulie Oliver).

Anyway, on to last weekend's adventure.

Right after the final member awakens from their coma, the four are called to the office of Velandrathal Argentus. She explains that she's tasked with investigating the explosion that the cohorts triggered during their last mission. They recall that the substance that exploded was held in barrels and that Astaroth mentioned Alkenstar.

Over two weeks, Obrek discovers the fact that the paladins of Iomedae can't access all their powers and they see neither hide nor hair of Falric. They managed to avoid a bar fight with a drunk and distraught Samantha by realizing the futility of arguing with a drunk person. She tells them that Falric was prophesied to die saving "the man who saved his life from his fated doom" Obrek's backstory has him as a young cleric picking up the Will of Iomedae(Falric's sword) after the paladin was knocked unconscious in combat and using it to bring down the demon they were fighting.. Word of this gets out and the town is demoralized by the news that Falric is likely dead.

Daven Battleheart sends the party on a quest for the old barracks of the Knights of Vindication, an order formed a thousand years ago in response to the apparent ability of the Sorceress Adeira to cut off a paladin from his god. He feels that their secrets might allow the paladins of Iomedae to fight despite the Goddess not answering their request for aid.

They set off and encounter Veil on the mountain. She's trapped by a couple Rawbones(skeletons with intestines and a stench that can peel the paint off of walls). They kill the undead and she explains that she sensed power on the mountain and came here to become strong enough to never let another friend fall after Samantha screamed at her and blamed her for Falric's death. This is a direct reference to Tellah's reason for being on Mount Ordeals in FFIV.

CR8 Wizard form Milon ended up being more dangerous than CR12 Huge Undead monstrosity form Scarmiglione. Mostly because my freehanding a map ended up robbing the latter of any good charging avenues. Hungry Pit almost killed Veil and Tikal. Tikal was actually the only one to fail the initial save. Veil fell in because I'm playing her as adapting her tactics based on what she learns from Obrek and GribbletooFor instance, one time she watched Gribbletoo throw a grenade down a pit after Obrek had jumped into it to attack the enemy that had fallen into it., so she got too close in order to buff everyone in the party, including Tikal.

Gribbletoo flew down into the pit and Dimension Doored Tikal outside. Obrek activated Shield Other and ate some of the damage Veil was taking, buying her enough time to get up a stoneskin and fly out of the pit. Around the time she flew out, the others managed to take out the Rawbones between the party and Milon(after forcing Obrek to eat two fireballs and a lightning bolt in the process). Milon used some D.Door trickery and cover to hide from the party long enough to throw up some buffs and make one last major attack on the party before getting cut to ribbons by an angry paladin.

Scarmiglione did some really decent damage to Obrek, but overall went down like a punk.

Then the party reached the barracks of the Order of Holy Vindication(which is what they'd been sent to find). Inside, they met with a golden(literally) haired guardian. He instructed them to spend time meditating and praying in the chapels. The party did so, and in the process met with either their gods or some extraplanar entities. After being unable to decide who to pray to, Tikal was visited by the guardian, who summoned forth an old friend of his, Breanna the Bralani Azata. The celestial being offered her some strange advice "Sometimes you have to hurt the bad guys in order to stop them from hurting the good guys.". Then she got distracted and gave Tikal her shoes and a new weapon(Sparkwake Starknife reskinned as a Chakram). And taught her how to use her Elemental Ray power as a whip, allowing her to use it to make certain combat maneuvers at a distance.

Agniray met the being he worships, Empyreal Lord Ragathiel. Ragathiel expressed his annoyance at the worship of another Ifrit, since "You people will worship anything that's on fire". He then learned of how Agni threw that Runestone at the Evil Eye and expressed his exasperation, but ended up granting a boon to the sorcerer anyway, enchanting his bow and granting him a new robe, as well as teaching him how to use his Elemental Ray to push as well as damage. Giving the low wisdom character hard to control rocket jets seemed to me like a great idea for entertainment in the future.

Gribbletoo met with his God/dess Gozreh(Mother Ocean and Father Sky). Gozreh expressed satisfaction with Gribbletoo's work fighting the forces of destruction and granted him a magical armband and an enhancement to his magical eye. The latter s/he granted by carving a rune on the magic eye with a lightning bolt. Much lulz was had at this.

Despite hours of prayer and meditation, Obrek was not answered by Iomedae. Instead, the golden haired guardian revealed his true identity, that of Peace Through Vigilance, one of Iomedae's servantsand possibly her love child with the dragon god, Apsu. He revealed that the reason the paladins of Iomedae were unable to call on their powers was because she was missing, last seen in this region. He taught Obrek of the ways of the Knights of Holy Vindication. "Be not like the Archon, rigid and set in his ways. Be as the Angel, flexible and caring only about doing good. Worship your Goddess, but do not turn away the aid of Her allies." He then enchanted Obrek's shield, protecting him from acid. He also gave Obrek the first of his Artifacts(each player gets two), a set of bracers left behind by the Vindicators that functions based on what medallion he has set inside. They came with a medallion that harms those who harm the wearer.

As they prepare to leave, time stops for all but Obrek and Gribbletoo. They are greeted by the Norn, Verdantia reference to Ah! My Goddess! She's basically Belldandy.. She reveals that she is leading the mothmen and warns them that they must prepare for a grave battle to come(I explain to the players out of character how this means their actions will now reflect on an ME3-like military readiness score).

They return to VT and Obrek is wakened just before sunrise by the feeling he should go to the Temple of Iomedae. There, he finds an Angel(a Solar) who he immediately recognizes as Falric. The paladin-turned-angel tells Obrek that Iomedae's absence was caused by her chasing Astaroth through countless planes and that it had an unintended side effect. The paladins guarding the front at the Worldwound were largely comprised of Iomedae's worshippers, and her absence allowed the demons there to break past the front, unleashing a ton of demons on the world. He explains that he has to leave VT to help re-establish order there, but that Iomedae has not forgotten VT. She then appears and makes Obrek her new Scion, proclaiming it to the city just as the sun rises over the eastern peaks.
#36 Aug 26 2012 at 12:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Since my players seemed to enjoy the investigation mission I had, I think I may need to incorporate something like this into one of our sessions. About the same time Simon is ready to make another attempt on the city.

So, in conjunction with the "bombs around the city" adventure, I'm going to introduce Simon's new posse, a group of folks meant to parallel the PCs a bit(Simon puts the team together based on what's working for the heroes). I'm currently brainstorming ideas of how to match the party without completely copying the party. In the first appearance, they'll hold a crowd hostage as means of ensuring that they escape without conflict, but should conflict occur, they will be a fair bit higher level than the party. Here's where I'm at so far.

1. Simon - Master Summoner
Parallel's and contrasts against Gribbletoo. The leader of the group. When confronted, he'll be 1 level higher than the main PCs.

2. Name Undecided. Potentially a Duelist, a fighter of some kind, or maybe a Stalwart Defender. Edit: Perhaps Armor Bonded.
Meant to be a high AC character, similar to Obrek. If a duelist, will end up with AC lower than Obrek's, but will make up with it by having touch AC high enough to be kinda ridiculous. Will be the same level as Obrek.

3. Name Undecided. Arcane Bomber Wizard
Meant to parallel both Tikal's bombs(will use acid) and Agniray's blasting spells. Will likely make use of acid themed magic. Will be the same level as Tikal.

4. Name Undecided. Zen Archer Monk.
Will parallel Agniray's later focus on bows(by this point, he should have 4 levels of Arcane Archer), while contrasting his chaotic spirit with his calm focus. Will be the same level as Agniray. I'm kinda picturing him as the Hun with the bow on Mulan.

Edited, Aug 26th 2012 12:48am by Poldaran
#37 Aug 30 2012 at 2:36 AM Rating: Excellent
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I'm working on a BBEG Henchman(the Arcane Bomber mentioned above) and giving him an artifact that works kinda like this. It'll be only be useable by people with a specific trait(which will be a free campaign trait to characters in my next campaign) so the current PCs won't be able to use it(plus it'll radiate evil). As an artifact, they'll have no way of destroying it currently, so they're gonna have to lock it in a vault or something.

Where the PCs from the next campaign will steal it. Smiley: nod
#38 Aug 30 2012 at 4:07 AM Rating: Excellent
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Not sure how well the formatting will keep, but here goes anyway. This is where I'm at.

Male elf wizard(Arcane Bomber) 13
LE Medium humanoid
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17
AC [25] Touch AC [17] Flat-Footed [21] (4[Bracers of Armor 4]+2[+1 Mithril Buckler]+3[Dex]+2[Pendant of Natural Armor 2]+3[Ring of Deflection +3] + 1 [Dodge])
hp 117 (13d6+39)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +13; +2 vs. enchantment
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Adeira’s Grasp(+1 Flaming Corrosive Bladed Gauntlet) (1d4 + 1 + 1d6 Fire + 1d6 Acid)
Special Attacks Acid Bomb 7d6+6(21/day; DC 22);
Spellblast Bombs(Sac spell->+Dmg =2x Spell Level; +Attack = Spell Level)
Adeira’s Grasp: Free action to add weapon bonuses to touch/ranged touch attack spells
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 13th; concentration +19)
7th(1)— Finger of Death(DC 25)
6th(3)— Contagious Flame x3
5th(3)— Teleport, Hungry Pit(DC 21) x2
4th(3)— Dimension Door x2; Black Tentacles
3rd(3)— Force Punch(DC 19); Lightning Bolt(DC 19); Fireball(DC 19)
2nd(3)— Scorching Ray(3 rays) x 3
1st(3)— Burning Hands(Reflex DC 17); Shocking Grasp; Vanish

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 19
Feats Arcane Strike, Dodge, Extra Bombs, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus(Necromancy), Greater Spell Focus(Necromancy), Toughness, Scribe Scroll, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell
Traits Magical Lineage, Fast-Talker, Reality Warper(+1 untyped bonus on saving throws)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +13, Fly +3, Knowledge (arcana) +22, Knowledge (All others) +10, Perception +17, Spellcraft +22, UMD +13

He's meant to be a blaster(and necromancer, but that happens off screen so I just reduced his number of spells and handwaved it as those being some necromancy spells). I think what's going to really get the players is when he uses the gauntlet in conjunction with the Contagious Flame spell after either dropping one(or more) into a Hungry Pit or hitting them with Black Tentacles. They've seen Hungry Pit before and they did not like how much it hurt them. Smiley: sly
#39 Sep 04 2012 at 3:55 AM Rating: Excellent
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I've finished statting up the second of Simon's Crew. I give you Illaria Heavenschild.

LN Medium Human Fighter(Unbreakable) level 15
Init +5; Senses ; Perception +13
AC 36, Touch 17, flat footed 33 (ACP: +4 Full-plate, +2 Shield, heavy steel)
(+3 Dex, +3 Natural, +11 Armor, +5 shield; +4 Deflection)
hp 210 (15d10(8)+60+15+15); DR 3/--
Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +13(+4 Mind Affecting)
Speed 30
Single Attack +2 Icy Burst Adamantine Warhammer +22 (1d8+7 +1d6 Frost(+2d10 on crit) 19-20(+4 to confirm); X3)
Full Attack +2 Icy Burst Adamantine Warhammer +22/17/12 (1d8+7+1d6 Frost(+2d10 on crit) 19-20(+4 to confirm); X3)
Space 5ft.; Reach 5
Special Attacks Bashing Finish(Free on Crit) - Shield, heavy +X(bonus used on crit) (1d8+4) + Bull Rush
Hammer the Gap: Consecutive hits deal extra damage equal to number of previous hits in a turn
Str 16 + 4 = 20, Dex 16 + 4 = 20, Con 14 + 4 = 18, Int 14, Wis 14 + 2 = 16, Chr 12 + 2 = 14
Base Attack 15 CMB 20; CMD 35
Shield Focus: +1 AC when using a shield,
Improved Shield Bash: When shield bashing still apply shield bonus to AC,
Martial Weap Prof, Shield Proficiency, Armor Prof Heavy, Simple Weapon Proficiency,
Two-Weapon Fighting; Imp Shield Bash: Don’t lose shield AC when shield bashing;
Toughness; Iron Will; Lightning Reflexes; Great Fortitude; Imp Crit(Warhammer);
Shield Slam: Free Bull Rush with shield bash attack; Critical Focus; Hammer the Gap;
Shield Master: Add Shield’s Enhancement bonus to attack and damage; Bashing Finish;
Combat Reflexes; Bodyguard: AoO to Aid Another(AC); In Harms Way: Take Damage for ally who you’ve used Aid Another on to Improve AC; Endurance; Diehard: Staggered at < 0;
Heroic Recovery: 1/day new Fort vs. Ongoing effect; Heroic Defiance: 1/day delay condition til end of next turn;
Stalwart: Fort/Will partial -> negate; Unlimited Endurance: Exhausted only has Fatigued penalties

Skills Acrobatics*+10; Climb*+13; Diplomacy+12; Handle Animal†+10; Heal+8; Intimidate+10; K (Geography)†+3; K (History)†+3; K (Nature)†+3; K (Planes)†+3; K (Religion)†+3; Perception+13; Sense Motive+8; Stealth*+10; Survival+16; Swim*+13
Languages Common, Celestial, Elven
Amulet of natural Armor (+3) +3 Nat Armor (18000gp)
+2 Light Fortification Full-plate (9000gp)
Fortification, Light : 25% chance of critical hit or sneak attack is negated (+1 bonus)
Belt of physical perfection (+4) +4 STR +4 CON +4 DEX (64000gp)
Cloak of resistance (+3) +3 saves (9000gp); Headband of mental prowess-2 (+2) +2 CHR +2 WIS (10000gp)
Potion of Cure serious wounds x2 - (750gp); Potion of Lesser restoration - (300gp)
Potion of Endure elements - (50gp); Ring of Protection (+4) (32000gp)
Ring of Sustenance - (2500gp)
+2 Bashing Shield, heavy adamantine (9000gp)
Bashing : Medium light shield deals 1d6, Medium heavy shield deals 1d8, +1 to hit (+1 bonus)
+2 Icy Burst Warhammer (32000gp)
Icy Burst +1d6 frost damage +1d10 on a critical hit (+2 bonus)

Her gear is mostly a gift from Simon(she had the hammer before, but he had it enchanted). As such, he's built it consciously as a foil against things he knows about the party. She's basically built as similarly to Obrek as I could while retaining her own characteristics. As his older sister, that gives me justifications for the similarities.
#40 Sep 05 2012 at 7:24 AM Rating: Excellent
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I'm working on the Zen Archer Monk now(will likely finish it tonight). I'm thinking of having the players play as the villains for a session and handing whomever gets the monk a tin can filled with ice cream koans written on scraps of paper. Then, whenever the monk is asked a question, the player draws one at random, leaving the others to interpret what was said.
#41 Sep 08 2012 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
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Sent out to defend a village, our heroes traverse the mountain roads. On the way, they hear a strange sound, much like thunder. Investigating, they find a number of Alkenstar musketeers being attacked by a group of dragons. Seeing that several are wounded, they rush to help. The leader, Captain Paulie/Polly Oliver asks them to clear out the cave a few hundred feet away as several orcs are inside blocking the obvious retreat.

After the path is cleared, they rush inside and, knowing that the cave networks in this area honeycomb all through the mountains, blow the entrance. Veil teleports out with the wounded(she can only use her artifact to teleport with three others), leaving the party and the healthy gunslingers to work their way through the mountain.

They work their way through the mountain, discovering numerous other orcs and killing them all. They also talk with a water elemental who only wants to keep "solids" away from its lake. Due to the fact that the orc NPC I snagged and reworked slightly to play the statblock for the Orc Raiders was a fighter with a freaking 8 in Con that went unnoticed to me, the fights were over rather quickly. The 18 Str and the power attack/furious focus, however, also meant that they did a rather decent bit of damage when they hit. In fact, Agni learned first hand why sorcerers don't front line during the first fight and avoided actual death by 2 hp during the very first round.

Things were mainly uneventful until the last room, where they met Cagnazzo, Astaroth's General of Water. He summoned two 12 headed cryohydras and ported out to go help Valvalis, the General of Air, who was busy dealing with a second village, Willowspring, which Samantha is protecting with a group of paladins. The Hydras go down in one round, which was expected, since the PCs also gained control of 3 man musketeer squads for this fight. But one of them almost took down both Obrek and Gribbletoo in a single attack, thanks to 12 heads each using a 3d6 breath attack. In basically a single action, both of them took approximately 130 damage.

They leave the cave to see that they're near the remains of what once was Ken's Brook, the village they were sent to protect. Tracks several hours old lead in the direction of Willowspring. One of them spots several figures on flying skeletal beasts traversing the night sky. A bird(feather token summon) sent by Samantha lets them know that Simon and his two companions saved Willowspring, killing the orcs and animating them. They spared the town for some reason(Samantha doesn't know why, but Illaria convinced Simon that there was no point in killing the villagers since they'd used up all their onyx on animating the orcs).

Obrek is upset about the village being destroyed and has vowed vengeance upon Cagnazzo. He's also talking about getting a gun, now that they're present in this part of the world, and engraving the fiend's name on a bullet. Since he's also been talking about reclaiming the shattered remnants of his old sword, I'm thinking of having Oliver forge the few fragments of the blade(it was valuable mithril and most of it got looted, but a few pieces are left behind) into a pistol for him after they find them.

Gribbletoo has finally amassed enough wealth to begin constructing his Alchemical Golem. Its size will limit where he can take it, but it should be interesting to see what he does with it.
#42 Sep 08 2012 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
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Oh, and I've been trying to figure out what to do with Samantha, since the vision they saw earlier was of her body warped by something. I'd always planned on having her potentially taken to another plane and coming back messed up by what happens to her, but now I know how I'm gonna work it. She's gonna come back as an Oracle of the Dark Tapestry and seem like two beings. And she will be. Her other half will only really be important as the PCs from the third campaign work to try to fix the horrors wrought by the PCs from the second campaign. To combat the danger, they'll go back in time and be forced to awaken beings that even the gods fear.

We have kind of a mythology surrounding our very first trio of characters, Marnid, Pythagoras and Garduum. They've been said to have almost destroyed the world 3-4 times by now. In desperation to stop the 2nd game PCs from going on a godslaying rampage and utterly destroying arcane magic, the 3rds will likely find themselves at the Godzilla threshold, forced to awaken the fabled trio, the only ones capable of going against the 2nds and Adeira, if they ally with her. Of course, they'll agree to help and will do so by each speaking a single word. Hastur. Hastur. Hastur.

At which point Samantha will appear.

#43 Sep 12 2012 at 4:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Okay, so I've finished statting up my monsters for this week. Once again, I'm going to attempt to get the players to use something I allowed them to craft back during the first few missions that they've never used. The mythical Sunrod/Tanglefoot Bag combo. Early on, they talked about it, how they could use the item to make it easier to see enemies obscured by fog or smoke sticks(they imagined using the combo to provide such an advantage often). I agreed and said that sure, having a sunrod stuck to you while in a fog/smoke reduces the concealment step by 1(full --> partial --> none).

Thing is, they've never used it. I'll throw very hard hitting enemies at them where it would be wise to make it so that the enemy can't see you but you can see it. They just throw damage at it and hope the paladin doesn't die. Well, this time, with the party split adventure, they'll have no choice. For one, they won't have the paladin. And for two, the monster is providing the cover(Gribbletoo can see through it, but no one else can). And if they wipe, well there'll just not be any magical syrup bottle in his future.

The monster(they'll fight a pair of them):
Snowstorm Owl CR 9
XP 6400
N Large magical beast
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, stormsight; Perception +20
Aura blizzard aura (100 ft.)


AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, -1 size)
hp 91 (14d10+14)
Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +9;
Immune cold;


Speed 30 ft., fly 120 ft. (good)
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d6/19-20 plus grab), bite +13 (1d8/19-20)
Ranged frostbolt +17 ranged (2d8 cold and 6d6 bludgeoning)
Space 10 ft.Reach 10 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +12)
1/day – Freezing Cloud(Cold damage Incendiary Cloud)


Str 10, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 13;
Base Atk 14; CMB 19; CMD 37
Feats Critical Focus, Dodge, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +17, Fly +19, Perception +20, Perform (sing) +8, Sense Motive +10
Languages Auran


Frostbolt (Su) A snowstorm owl can fire a coalesced ball of frost from its outspread wings as a standard action. This attack has a range of 200 feet with no range increment, and requires a ranged attack to hit. A creature critically hit by a frostbolt is encased in ice for 1 round if it fails a DC 22 Fortitude save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Blizzard Aura (Su) A snowstorm owl is surrounded by a 100-footradius spread of severe winds that blow out from the center, dissipating swiftly at the limit of the aura's range. In this area, ranged weapons (but not siege weapons) take a -4 penalty on attack rolls, Fly checks are made at a -4 penalty, and exposed flames are extinguished. Small creatures must make a DC 10 Strength check (if on the ground) or a DC 20 Fly check to move toward the snowstorm owl, while Tiny or smaller creatures can be knocked backward (1d4 x 10 feet if they are on the ground and fail a DC 15 Strength check, or 2d6 x 10 feet if they are flying and fail a DC 25 Fly check). Creatures on the ground that are pushed back take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet, and flying creatures that are pushed back take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage regardless of the distance they are pushed. In addition, once every 1d4 rounds, a large piece of hail strikes a random creature (other than the snowstorm owl) within the area of its blizzard aura. This hail deals 5d6 points of cold damage and 5d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 22 Reflex halves). The save DC for the hail is Constitution based, while those for resisting the wind effects are fixed. Multiple auras do not stack.

Stormsight (Ex) A snowstorm owl ignores all vision penalties and concealment from weather effects, including those created by fog cloud, obscuring mist, and similar spells.
Freezing Cloud(Range: Medium; 20 ft area) - An incendiary cloud spell creates a cloud of extremely cold mist. The mist obscures all sight as a fog cloud does. In addition, the arctic temperatures and growing ice crystals within the cloud deal 5d6 points of fire damage to everything within the cloud on your turn each round. All targets can make Reflex saves each round to take half damage.
As with a cloudkill spell, the mist moves away from you at 10 feet per round. Figure out the smoke's new spread each round based on its new point of origin, which is 10 feet farther away from where you were when you cast the spell. By concentrating, you can make the cloud move as much as 60 feet each round. Any portion of the cloud that would extend beyond your maximum range dissipates harmlessly, reducing the remainder's spread thereafter. As with fog cloud, wind disperses the mist, and the spell can't be cast underwater.

It's basically just a variant on the Thunderbird, but I think it'll be interesting.
#44 Sep 17 2012 at 2:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
As often happens, a fight I expected to be easy turned out to be anything but, while a fight that should have been difficult turned out extremely simple. The party was split and each player got to control some of my party group NPCs during the adventure.

Gribbletoo's Path
The gnome, tinkering on his alchemical golem, Stanley, is called into the office of Lady Velandrathal Argentus. She tells him of a plant that only produces fruit once every thirty years. The fruit is said to have magical properties, as well as being tasty. Seeing a chance to sample once-in-three-decade unique pancakes and syrup, the gnome agrees to collect some samples for her. He and Tikal set off, accompanied by Biggs and Wedge.

Sure enough, during their encounter with the Snowstorm Owls, the party is forced to use the sunrod/tanglefoot bag combo. The owls prove to be minor trouble and go down fairly easily. They continue on, and another owl encounter is averted by the intervention of a silver dragon. Gribbletoo notices that the dragon has some wicked scars on its left shoulder. Continuing on, they finally find the berries, but must kill a giant hungry moth to reach them. The Luna Moth goes down pretty easily.

Gribbletoo's experiments with the berries result in a strange, ever-filling syrup bottle with magical properties(it functions as a Cauldron of Plenty and can be used to cast Heal(CL12) on Gribbletoo once a day). The party also gets some extra monetary compensation for bringing samples of owl feathers and moth dust to Lady Argentus.

Obrek's Path
Obrek's been training with Captain Oliver, learning the way of the gun. As they train, they're interrupted by Lem and Agniray. Astaroth's fortress is mostly empty as the demons head off to face Simon. So they(Obrek, Oliver, Lem and Agni) head in looking for intelligence.

As they approach the fortress, they encounter a pair of wasp demons. In order to give Obrek a chance to play with his new gun, I have them stay up in the air, spamming Chaos Hammer at the folks on the ground. Lem and Agni are unaffected. Obrek makes every save pretty easily. Oliver fails almost every save, nearly dies and is perpetually slowed. Agni can't seem to bypass the SR to save his life(SR 22, his CL is 9 and he has a Cha bonus of +4). Still, after a hard fought 6 round battle(which took over an hour irl), they triumph.

Continuing on, they find the throne room guarded by a pair of demon knights, which should have been a harder fight. Somehow, however, Obrek one-rounds each of them. Only Agni succumbed to the fear aura thanks to his crappy will save.

While in the throne room, they find that most of the remains of Obrek's sword have been stolen(it's valuable mithral, after all). They do recover a few shards that were embedded in the throne. Not enough to reforge the blade, but enough to make decorative mithral filigree for a new pistol(+1 Distance with some minor bonuses when smiting) for Obrek. They also sell the Demon Knights' equipment for a tidy fee.

Next week I won't be running an adventure(I've got too much to stat up for it in a week), but hopefully my roommate makes good on his promise to run one.
#45 Sep 17 2012 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
I liked the part where the characters were motivated by pancakes.
Server: Midgardsormr
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage

IcookPizza wrote:

I think RDM's neurotic omniscience is sooooooo worth including in any alliance.
#46 Sep 17 2012 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
cidbahamut wrote:
I liked the part where the characters were motivated by pancakes.
Did you see the pancake golem in the other thread? This character is seriously pancake-centric.
#47 Sep 17 2012 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
I skimmed it and only registered that it was some sort of alchemy golem. Totally did not see that it was made out of pancakes.

Hurray for pancake-crazed characters! I kinda wish our campaign was equally silly. The most we've got is a wizard who we had to strong-arm into acquiring pants.
Server: Midgardsormr
Occupation: Reckless Red Mage

IcookPizza wrote:

I think RDM's neurotic omniscience is sooooooo worth including in any alliance.
#48 Sep 17 2012 at 5:02 PM Rating: Excellent
4,419 posts
cidbahamut wrote:
I skimmed it and only registered that it was some sort of alchemy golem. Totally did not see that it was made out of pancakes.

Hurray for pancake-crazed characters! I kinda wish our campaign was equally silly. The most we've got is a wizard who we had to strong-arm into acquiring pants.

Suspiciously specific wording, there.
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#49 Sep 18 2012 at 3:09 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,527 posts
cidbahamut wrote:
Hurray for pancake-crazed characters! I kinda wish our campaign was equally silly. The most we've got is a wizard who we had to strong-arm into acquiring pants.
For the most part they're serious, but the gnome is quite silly and the player plays him as such.

Certainly helps alleviate the tension caused by the other player's critical failure problem. He rolled 12 natural 1's last weekend.

Edited, Sep 18th 2012 3:09am by Poldaran
#50 Sep 27 2012 at 3:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
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The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
I'm working on the Zen Archer Monk now(will likely finish it tonight). I'm thinking of having the players play as the villains for a session and handing whomever gets the monk a tin can filled with ice cream koans written on scraps of paper. Then, whenever the monk is asked a question, the player draws one at random, leaving the others to interpret what was said.

I've named her Kieyanna. When the players meet her, they will be tasked with convincing her not to join Simon's team. After they make their case, this will be her reply:
When the rabbit of chaos is pursued by the ferret of disorder through the fields of anarchy, it is time to hang your pants on the line of darkness. Whether they are clean or not.
Which you may recognize as a quote from something. I've put together a longer list of similar ice cream koans and metaphorgottens I've taken from TVTropes, as well as some lines and actual koans I tweaked myself to morph into non-sensical statements. Here's what I've come up with so far:

God, with a sword, can make a man a king. But a king, with a sword, can only make a man a knight. A knight, with a sword, can make a man a corpse.

To walk the path of peace, we must be prepared to climb the mountain lion of conflict.

Dark is the suede that mows like a harvest.

An *** may do the work of an ox in a time of no horses.

When many expect a mighty stallion they will find hooves on an ant.

It's a wise crow that knows which way the camel points.

When casting pebbles into water, look at the ripples being formed thereby. Otherwise this activity will be an empty amusement.

If the instrument is broken, then the music will be sour.

A name is but a cloud upon a summer wind! But the wind is felt most keenly in the dark. But what is the dark other than an omen of the sun?

People are like paper dolls. Paper dolls and people, they have a similar shape.

In a race between a turtle and a rock, don't varnish your clams.

A man who believes that it takes two to tango has simply forgotten about the band.

The goose may fly, the fox may stalk, but only the pig hunts for truffles with his nose.

Seagulls cannot lick their own necks. This rarely seems to impede them.

When a tree dies, only the woodpeckers profit.

The loaf of bread that tries to twist its fate is not a loaf at all, but is, in fact, a pretzel.

It is said that when you meet another on the road, greet him with neither words nor silence. Barnyard noises are always appropriate.

Which is more dangerous, a snake or a spider? A spider, because if a snake comes at you you can hit it with a stick.

A stroke of the brush does not guarantee that the fire will burn.

The shortest path between two points is a straight line. Do not forget your map on the table, for dinner will be ready shortly.

Once, there was a maiden...
...who met a thing outside the world, and there was a beauty to it.
It burned with an unholy wrath that could destroy Creation.
It hated her as much as it loved her.
Its kiss was blood and perfection, for its teeth were sharp.
It offered her power, and with it, hooks to tear her soul.
With care not to burn her fingers, she took it into her life.
And then she died.

To win against an opponent stronger than yourself, you must not be weaker than that opponent.

If you wear the head of a wolf, you will still not keep the flies out of the pudding.

A broken mirror holds many reflections, but fallen flowers are eaten by insects.

A man walking through the forest finds a tiger

It may seem we grasp at straws, but strawberries are the sweetest of all.

He who hesitates does not rush.

If you know there was something to know, and you haven't been told about it, there is no way you can keep your mind from thinking of fish.

He who dares is daring.

When you stab a tiger in the skull, there is no way of knowing what’s going through his mind.

If you remove the final straw from a camel’s back, camels can go forty days without water.

Well, it's much like the dilemma of the centipede. If he relaxes and lets things happen, he can walk naturally all day long, his hundred legs not missing a step. But, if he thinks too hard about the complexity of what he's doing, those legs might crash into the teahouse and kill everyone.

A wise man never puts all his eggs in a single basket because the other baskets will be jealous.

Even if a single arrow breaks when you bend it, if you bundle three together, you run out of arrows three times as fast.

You can't make an omelette without destroying a forest.
#51 Sep 29 2012 at 12:41 AM Rating: Excellent
4,419 posts
There's more than one way to skin an omelette.
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
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