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Had a strange dream...Follow

#1 Oct 28 2011 at 1:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
...and since no one's posting much of anything else, I figured I'd share it. Smiley: tongue

The dream was an anime, sort of. Kind of a cross between La Corda d'Oro and some others. Main character(some girl who was also my viewpoint for the dream) was a member in some kind of school band/orchestra. Played third piano or something. Then, while walking into the stock room to look for piano oil or some other nonsense(it was a dream, doesn't have to make sense), found a violin. Picked it up and busted out the theme to Madoka. Several others heard her play and were all gushing about her violin skill. Then, shortly after that, she was also me, but a female me. And I/she was visiting my family, helping my younger sisters put up Christmas decorations, talking about promotion to first violinist, but terrified because I/she didn't know how to play violin, only that one song, somehow. Possibly by magic. And one of the strings of Christmas lights was burnt out.

Then my alarm woke me up.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled non-posting.
#2 Oct 28 2011 at 1:56 AM Rating: Excellent
16,960 posts
Smiley: lol

I love setting my alarm for ~15mins before I actually need to get up, hitting snooze and having the most vivid dreams.

Sometimes they're @#%^ing strange, sometimes their scary, but they're usually good in some way.

Edited, Oct 28th 2011 1:56am by Kirby
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#3 Oct 28 2011 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Kirby the Eccentric wrote:
but they're usually good in some way.
#4 Oct 28 2011 at 2:15 AM Rating: Excellent
16,960 posts
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#5 Oct 28 2011 at 2:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
#6 Oct 28 2011 at 6:07 AM Rating: Excellent
sounds like you need to pitch this to some one. Pretty sure that is how they come up with some of the anime shows out there >.>
"BOB! I just had a dream about animals, balls, and video games last night!"
"OMG Steve! That will be the next big thing!"
Pokemon was then made.

Your dream could be the next big thing.

Edited, Oct 28th 2011 7:07am by Sandinmygum
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#7 Oct 28 2011 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Your dream could be the next big thing.

Guy turns into a magical girl from one of his favorite anime? ...I might know a few people that'd be a hit with.

Edited, Oct 28th 2011 11:19am by Allegory
#8 Oct 28 2011 at 1:04 PM Rating: Excellent
10,564 posts
I dreamt last night that I was in a video game killing zombies. I knew it was a video game because there was a vendor, and I knew I needed a small silent gun for killing because for some reason the zombies wouldn't actually aggro you as long as you stayed quiet. So we were in this abandoned high school and the place had zombies every 5ish feet, but we just briskly moved through them without making a sound until one of my buddies accidentally ran into one, which proceeded to grab him. I remember thinking "need to hit R1 to pull out my gun", so I pulled it out and shot the zombie's arm off. Then we ran and the zombie chased after us, causing other nearby zombies to aggro. We made it out but that's all I remember. >_>
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