I need to start posting more.
I haven't had a beer in 5 days. That is a record. I was previously getting drunk 5-7 nights a week. Well, not like plastered, but I'd just hang out and have some beers and the next day realize I drank 10-14 beers the night before. Not good for my liver. Not good for my waistline.
Been going to the track 3x a week. Walk 7 miles, jog 2 miles, walk 1. Feeling a little better.
Looking into the free clinics around here. Have to go through a lottery selection process, but hopefully I'll be getting some mental health services and medication to try to finally get out of this funk. Would like to go back on ADD meds too.
**** weddings. I have like 3 of them to go to this month.
Considering reactivating FFXI. Burned out on WoW.
hy **** you