For real.
I'm not even burned out on WoW, I'm just bored. There's such a lack of variety when it comes to challenging content at level cap. I can run the same Heroic 5's only so many times. The guild isn't ready to start 10's, so I'm just ******* bored. Even with Abyssea the only real endgame content going on in FFXI at the moment, there's still a ton of **** you can do inside.
Plus there are still plenty of things to run through and help others with. In WoW, you don't really have an opportunity to help your friends out with quests or missions, since it's all soloable.
Queue times for battlegrounds make them annoying. I'd complain about Random Dungeon queues too, but I guess I could shout for a group.
I'm tired of leveling new characters through the same quest lines. I can't get into PUG raids because they all want you to have the achievements already. I like doing stuff with the guild, but there's no real fun in logging on to play solo.