Well at that point... I don't think that word means what thou think it means. A weeaboo would blindly defend their glorious empire of japlandia,without any logical counter arguments to defend their point. Just because Pold is in the minority of people that like dubs doesn't make their preference wrong, just contrary to the majority opinion. The fact that our localization market has focussed on capping out shows as fast as possible for decades, is just starting to realize that a season isn't worth 90 bucks in a box set, is starting to be more friendly with the anime community as a whole among other things bodes well for the growth of the market, but it hasn't even begun to scratch how well developed the seiyuu market is in Japan. The industry here has improved a lot in the last several years but it is still very hit or miss. Go ad hominem elsewhere Kirby or find out what weeaboos actually are and get back to me when you can provide some kind of actual argument.