Princess ThePsychoticOne wrote:
That's basically all i did in abyssea earlier. Haste x4, enblizzardga, dia2, and then i spammed dia1. It was quite boring. 30k exp, and 5.5k crour (grabbed myself a teal saio) was kind of nice though for 90 mins.
Yeah but you did hastes and enblizzardga and Dia2 though. This BLM didn't do
anything but Bio spam. For an hour plus.
We were there for 3.5 hours. I got from lv.75, 6k tnl to lv.79, 3k tnl. Also, a ******** of cruor. I think I have enough to buy all the key items (except the 2M item), all the maps, all the confluxes, and all of the gear sets.