So, since i recently realize you can search for just "a", and it will return all of your (unnuked/journal) posts (even if they don't actually have an "a" anywhere in them, ijdk why that is), i decided to play with it to see how many posts i had in various forums. Here's what i got:
Crossite forums: 1,367
=3: 309
=28: 1053
=4: 4
ffxi main forums: 7,227
=10: 5,848
ffxi feedback: 1,159
endgame: 181
tradeskill: 33
mission/quest: 6
job forums: 4,045
blm: 485
rng: 57
fjob=2: 2,617
nin: 626
race forums: 2
server forums: 593
fairy: 511
garuda: 54
Total: 13,307
total when searching specific forums, and selecting everything: 13,239
So i guess 68 posts in item/quest/etc pages.
Total journal/nuked posts: 4418
I'm bored.