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Gaining Jabba FactionFollow

#1 Nov 17 2004 at 4:58 AM Rating: Excellent
1,585 posts
Killing Valarians on Tatooine or Borvo's on Naboo, is what gives POS Jabba Faction.

KenHomWok wrote:
im killing valarians...anything else that gives jabba faction?

Instigator wrote:
Killing Borvo's on Naboo also give Jabba Faction.

JusteneNightshadow wrote:
What I did was go to Wayfar and run Valarian missions out of the mission terminal that is located there.

Instigator wrote:
I do same thing, but with a little twist.

You take two Valarian missions north, don't destroy the flag/base just the mobs. Delete Waypoint, head back to Wayfar.

Get two more Valarian Missions north, do again, this time, you kill the mobs from the 1st two sets of Valarian mission as well as your new missions.

I usually do this till i have 8 Valarian Camps out, then stop getting missions, and start hitting each 1 of the 8 camps, by the time u kill the 8th camp, 1st one has re-spawned all it's Valarian Mobs, so it's non-stop faction, without haven't to return to town, at this point.

Note: You can use this same Tactic on Borvo's on Naboo as well. Just do it at Theed, instead of Wayfar.

chagnonSkavenger wrote:
ok here the deal got -2500 faction on jabba need to get it better can any one tell me what to kill or do to get better in faction so i can start the theme park jabba help i ave look every where thx

Chagnon Skavenger

JusteneNightshadow wrote:

Holllow wrote:
Nice strategy. I wonder if that works with Rebel/Imperial missions too, to gain Rebel/Imperial faction?! Seems like it would. I'll have to give it a try. Thanx Justene & Instigator.


Instigator wrote:
It works for that too, but since i get 175 to 250 fp a mission, count'n flags, i usually just destroy it all.
If the Jabba Missions gave faction for flags, it'd be a diff tactic.

Edited, Oct 13th 2006 at 6:47am PDT by Instigator
#2 Dec 18 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent
1,585 posts
JusteneNightshadow wrote:
What I did was go to Wayfar and run Valarian missions out of the mission terminal that is located there.

I do same thing, but with a little twist.

You take two Valarian missions north, don't destroy the flag/base just the mobs. Delete Waypoint, head back to Wayfar.

Get two more Valarian Missions north, do again, this time, you kill the mobs from the 1st two sets of Valarian mission as well as your new missions.

I usually do this till i have 8 Valarian Camps out, then stop getting missions, and start hitting each 1 of the 8 camps, by the time u kill the 8th camp, 1st one has re-spawned all it's Valarian Mobs, so it's non-stop faction, without haven't to return to town, at this point.

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