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What should I tip?Follow

#27 Jun 23 2008 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
For something where mats cost 1000g I wouldn't tip by %, they'd probably get in the neighborhood of a 25g tip from me in most cases.

Generally most enchants will get a 10g-15g tip, maybe as high as 20g if they come to me. I would never use a crafter's mats, with the exception of nethers under the old system which you payed for outright anyway.

Generally, I find that I get tipped around 100g for an epic gem cut if the person farmed it themself. If they bought it off the AH, they don't usually tip much higher than 50g. Given that I can sell a Solid Empyrean Sapphire for 800g within an hour and the raw gems sell for 300g or less, yea -- that's fair. It makes you hesitant to cut gems as a service though.. since even if they bought your raw gem you'd end up losing quite a bit of money, over 50% in some cases.

Enchants can't be crafted and then sold (yet) so this same raw mats vs. finished goods discrepency doesn't occur, and the enchant value really is the same as the mats involved. The enchanter doesn't lose money by selling raw mats and then performing the enchant (infact, he/she makes MORE money that way) so I think it's fair to tip enchanters well, but not nearly as high as a crafter that eats over 400g of lost profit just by performing the service rather than grociering.
#28 Jun 25 2008 at 6:43 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
When I was about level 40, I got a firey weapon enchant on two weapons using my mats. A level 70 enchanter with 375 skill was nice enough to come from wherever he/she was to IF to do the enchant for me. The mats cost me about 50g in total, so I tipped 5G (10% of my mats cost). The enchanter informed me that my tip WAS TOO GENEROUS! I told the enchanter that I thought 5G was actually a pretty small tip for coming to me and performing this service...

I think it also varies somewhat from server to server... I am on a VERY high pop server with quite a few enchanters on trade channel saying "level 375 enchanter/enchantrix LFW" so I assume this is driving the tip amounts lower since the services seem to be so readily available...

I also had an enchanter looking for a Truesilver Rod on trade chat one day... As a BS, I had made one for fun and kept it in my pack, so I whispered him and sold it to him for the cost of my mats with no up-charge. It may not have made me a profit, but it made me popular with an enchanter, so he will probably be more inclined to help me in the future.

I don't get offended if someone asks me to BS something for them using their mats and only tips a gold or two.. If someone is looking for a BS to make something and I am busy getting ready to quest or do an instance or something, I just don't answer the Trade Chat query. If I am sitting in a city and going to the Bank/AH or whatever and have no particular plans, I answer, make what they want, and take whatever tip they are willing to give me.
#29 Jun 25 2008 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
1,305 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
yosh*thegreatestmageever wrote:
y tipping practice is born out of what i have found from other people
you dont like it, good... /2 who can enchant bla bla bla, my mats will tip.

You don't seem to understand that giving a tip of 2G for an enchant where the mats are 1KG is the same as leaving a 5 cent tip to a waitress in a restaurant. It's like saying "oh, yeah! I tipped for your lousy service!". Since tips are optional, in cases like this it's better not to tip at all instead of insulting the enchanter. Yes, you will find people who aren't insulted... but they should be.

Guess I'll stop tipping for fear of insulting enchanters because of my poverty.

Being that I'm an enchanter, I don't have this problem. The few times I do find a mage that doesn't have his up his *** to give me a port to shatt he'll usually get a 5 or 10g tip just because I don't feel like thinking about all the factors like if he came to me or if I made him wait. I just open a trade, put 5 in the gold slot and press trade. Most are elated to see that kind of tip.
#30 Jun 25 2008 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
In FFXI, crafting takes millions of gil, is a long arduous process accompanied by constant failures. A single point can cost most crafters millions alone

I definitely agree with this. WOW is a lot better for the crafter in all of us. I know in FFXI I spent a fortune in bonecrafting. At least in WOW a synth is guaranteed. FFXI you have the an ability to fail and lose mats. Which causes a major problem when some of the items take endless amount of time trying to get the drop in BCNM's or buying it for 4 mil gil of the AH.

Edit: 4 million is a rough estimate I don't remember how much venomous claw was, I haven't played in a while.
#31 Jun 25 2008 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
fuzzzywuzy wrote:
...because of my poverty.

Being that I'm an enchanter

Something fails to compute. There really shouldn't be any such animal as a poor enchanter. How would you recognize him, anyhow - The lack of a Gucci saddle on his epic flyer?
#32 Jun 25 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
There really shouldn't be any such animal as a poor enchanter.

There shouldn't be any such animal as a poor lvl 70. Making money is so easy. There is NO reason to be poor in this game. None. Zip. Nada.

Being poor is a choice. If you coose to be poor, then it's your choice. It has nothing to do with your professions, skills, etc... The money is available, and you just choose to not take it. So if you're poor, stop complaining. The only reason you are poor is YOU.

And I say all that with love :)
#33 Jun 25 2008 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
I tip 10 gold for everything if I have to travel to the person. I tip 20 if they travel to me.

If someone specifies a price for their service, I either pay it if I think it's fair market value, or I pass and look for another seller. Fair market value might be very high for a rare craft--Biznicks Accurascope or whatever--but since I can generally find someone willing to take 10g on even my low-population server, I don't throw my money away on what people think they deserve rather than what the market will bear.

There's no morality to pricing services in this game. Charge what you can get, and don't get on a high horse if that's not much compared to the effort you put in. If it wasn't fun farming up that rare recipie, you wasted your time IMHO. This is either a very fun game or an extremely low-paying job. Don't make it the latter.
#34 Jun 25 2008 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
YJMark wrote:
There really shouldn't be any such animal as a poor enchanter.

There shouldn't be any such animal as a poor lvl 70.

I wasn't thinking of a level 70. There are so many money-making options at 70, that disenchanting becomes an afterthought. I've had rich Level 11's, 20's, 40's and 50's from disenchanting. There is no reason for an enchanter to be poor at any level, not just 70.

I guess that there are two types of enchanters, those that get rich and don't need tips, and those that exist to be taken advantage of by players that purport to adhere to "fair market value". The latter type are also the ones that complain that: 1) they cannot make money from the profession; 2) the profession is too expensive to level; and 3) ask whether they should drop enchanting for a different profession.
#35 Jun 26 2008 at 4:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
I guess that there are two types of enchanters, those that get rich and don't need tips, and those that exist to be taken advantage of by players that purport to adhere to "fair market value". The latter type are also the ones that complain that: 1) they cannot make money from the profession; 2) the profession is too expensive to level; and 3) ask whether they should drop enchanting for a different profession.

That is so true. I always have to shake my head anytime someone goes - "I've leveled enchanting to 350, but I never use it and I'm broke. Should I drop it for Herbalism so that I can make money?". /slap
#36 Jun 26 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
On the subject, I try to do tipping in-game like a restaurant. If it's my mats, it's 5%. If it's an enchanter's mats, I tip 10%. It may sound cheap, but for me, I tip extra for the effort spent in getting the mats (either by them stockpiling it or getting it from the AH). When I enchant, I find people rarely tip at all, or will generally tip 1 to 2 gold, even on higher enchants. It's one of the reasons I'm at 359 and holding. I could go out and advertise my enchants, but I find that I'm at the stage where I just use it to DE any BoE drops I get on my characters. I'd been stockpiling Outland mats for a while, but sold a lot to bankroll my second epic flight training. Like Mike, I make infinitely more money from disenchanting than I did by enchanting for people. Now, my enchanting is usually just for alts or guildies.

On the subject of making money, I've made two guides that are, for all intents and purposes, obsolete. The daily quests in Outland and Isle of Quel'Danas make moneymaking at 70 stupidly easy, and selling (or disenchanting) all the gear that drops, vendoring the grey trash, and selling the Scryer reputation items and motes you get makes a few hundred gold per session if you do all 25 possible dailies. There's still money to be made in Azeroth pre-60 (and my guide there still helps people who haven't got a 70), but the demands have changed there too. I know of people that took up enchanting at 70 just to disenchant and nothing else. They bought few (if any) recipes, and don't advertise enchants at all. I know of people that spend days on epic birds, mining, or farming motes using engineering, or prospecting gems from stacks of ore with jewelcrafting. They make tons of money. It's not a bad thing, just different.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#37 Jun 26 2008 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Wondroustremor the Flatulent wrote:
On the subject, I try to do tipping in-game like a restaurant. If it's my mats, it's 5%. If it's an enchanter's mats, I tip 10%.

If you stop and think about it a bit, it should be the opposite. The 'chanter that supplies his own mats is making a profit from the mats, possibly from the enchant, and then the tip is added on. When you supply the mats, he makes next to nothing (unless he's the one that sold the mats on the AH). The fact is that some mats are hard to come by, even for experienced enchanters, and it's probably better for you to use your gold getting those than for him (especially if he might not have the gold for some of those mats). Sure, he doesn't have to do much, but he does have the recipe that you spent that hard-earned gold for the materials - the next enchanter with that one might not be so easy to find.
#38 Jun 27 2008 at 4:06 AM Rating: Good
I hadn't thought of it like that, Mike- I was thinking more along the lines of giving someone more of a tip for going out of their way to provide the mats. Thanks for giving a unique perspective! Smiley: boozing
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#39 Jun 27 2008 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
Nothing but knowledge of the game will make you a good tipper.

You need to think how much effort has gone into:

A. Getting the recipe.
B. Collecting the mats

If it's a super rare recipe then I'll tip a lot more then a vendor one.
Also, if I'm providing the mats, I tip a lot less.

Generally for a 100g plus enchant I tip at least 25g.
#40 Jul 01 2008 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
408 posts
I can't figure out why most chanters won't just give you a price when you want to use their mats. They keep asking me how much I'll give them. Would you ever use that in real life? When I do go look up how much the mats cost and offer them above that, they still want more.

Mages are the same way with ports. I have a mage so I know how much they really cost and get sickened by the price inflating going on.
#41 Jul 01 2008 at 8:08 PM Rating: Excellent
260 posts
Here's the ones I particularly enjoy (NOT!):

Them: WTB Fiery enchant.
Me: Okay if you have the mats, I can do it.
Them: Okay pls link mats.
Me: <links mats>
Them: Okay, I got the mats, meet me in SW. <Invites me to party.>
And so I port to SW. Not much of a biggie, since I'm in Shatt atm.
Them: Can you do X enchant? And Y enchant? And Z enchant?
I link the mats to that and about 5 other enchants they ask about.
They buy one of the enchants, tip me 2 gold, give me some mats and I do the enchant and then they ask about more enchants.
They wander off to the AH to look up mat prices.
Meanwhile I am still in party with them, but since it's not a party I created, I can't invite more folks. Meanwhile 5 other people ask me for enchants but I can't invite them, and since the original buyer is AFK, I can't get THEM to invite either. But I'm just trying to be polite.
Meanwhile they're running 3 or 4 characters from 2 or 3 different accounts, sending mats back and forth and running to the AH.W
I'm tapping my feet, they've already given me partial mats, so I don't want to just disappear on them.
Meanwhile they invite 3 or 4 other people to the party, most of whom want to know what I can enchant for free with my mats.
I'm waiting around, they're supposed to be buying mats. Suddenly I get a "hey I leveled! ding!" Turns out they're in stocks somewhere and not even paying attention to the fact that I've been waiting on them for a half hour.
#42 Jul 02 2008 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
5-10g Minimum, 10-20g for Rare. The one thing that I keep seeing repeated by people is that "All the person is doing is clicking a button." While that may be all that we are doing now, think about what it took to get that Receipe, Formula, Plan, as well as the required level to learn that plan. THAT is what you are paying for. On my realm, pre-bc, I was the first one with the +22int enchant ( Thats 2200 Dark Iron Ore just to go from Honored to Revered ). People tried getting the enchant for 1-2g, if not free. That is like slapping a person in the face.

I don't believe in the 50g or 100g tips, but thats jsut me. Some people are willing to pay those, but I have noticed it's the people that charge those prices that never tip in return.
#43 Jul 02 2008 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
lionlemur wrote:
not even paying attention to the fact that I've been waiting on them for a half hour.

Dude - you have way too much patience. If the guy goes AFK, pulls in a bunch of other annoying people, etc... - leave the party. Mail him back his mats. Call it good.

lionlemur wrote:
Meanwhile I am still in party with them, but since it's not a party I created, I can't invite more folks. Meanwhile 5 other people ask me for enchants but I can't invite them, and since the original buyer is AFK, I can't get THEM to invite either.

Also, when others are asking you for enchants, you don't have to be in the same party. Just tell them where to find you, and you can enchant their stuff. This shouldn't really be an issue.

Either way, I respect your patience, but could never do that myself. If I'm enchanting someone's stuff, and they disappear for any length of time (i.e. > 1 min), I'm moving on. I've got better things to do than sit around waiting for someone who isn't responding.

#44 Jul 02 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Meanwhile I am still in party with them, but since it's not a party I created, I can't invite more folks. Meanwhile 5 other people ask me for enchants but I can't invite them, and since the original buyer is AFK, I can't get THEM to invite either. But I'm just trying to be polite.
Meanwhile they're running 3 or 4 characters from 2 or 3 different accounts, sending mats back and forth and running to the AH.W
I'm tapping my feet, they've already given me partial mats, so I don't want to just disappear on them.
Meanwhile they invite 3 or 4 other people to the party, most of whom want to know what I can enchant for free with my mats.
I'm waiting around, they're supposed to be buying mats. Suddenly I get a "hey I leveled! ding!" Turns out they're in stocks somewhere and not even paying attention to the fact that I've been waiting on them for a half hour.

You my friend, are either a moron or too nice. I'm guessing the second one.
If I had been you I would've send them /w "If you don't get here in about 5 minutes I'm going to assume you're letting me keep your mats for free." Anybody stupid (and rude) enough to go into an instance while you're waiting on them deserves nothing better. Give 'em a boot to the head, and if they cry to a GM you show them the SS you took.
#45 Jul 03 2008 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
lionlemur wrote:
I'm tapping my feet, they've already given me partial mats, so I don't want to just disappear on them.

There's the root of the problem right there. Enchanting is an "all or nothing" deal. NEVER accept partial mats unless you are putting up the rest. If they try to give you partial mats, decline the trade window and explain that you can't do anything unless they give you the full amount of mats. If they give you more than the full amount of mats for an enchant, ask them if the extra mats are part of the tip. If not, return the spare mats when you perform the enchant.
#46 Jul 03 2008 at 1:23 PM Rating: Excellent
260 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
lionlemur wrote:
I'm tapping my feet, they've already given me partial mats, so I don't want to just disappear on them.

There's the root of the problem right there. Enchanting is an "all or nothing" deal. NEVER accept partial mats unless you are putting up the rest. If they try to give you partial mats, decline the trade window and explain that you can't do anything unless they give you the full amount of mats. If they give you more than the full amount of mats for an enchant, ask them if the extra mats are part of the tip. If not, return the spare mats when you perform the enchant.

Well as some of you have mentioned, yes, I am way too nice.

This person was juggling 4 characters and 2 accounts, trying to get all the mats together, which is why she gave me partial. I can understand how it is - I keep some mats on some characters, some on others. Also, well she was (allegedly) doing it to be nice to someone else - she was babysitting a couple kids for a friend of hers and twinking up two low lvl characters for them. So I was giving her a bit of benefit of doubt.

I wasn't too antsy or in a hurry at first - mainly because I was checking my mail, de-ing things from my bank alt, etc. However when I noticed 1/2 hr had gone by I started getting irritated. I was in the process of mailing her back her mats when she yelled "ding". (Actually I don't even know if she was on the character who dinged, or if it was one of the kids by then. <shakes head>

I realize I don't HAVE to be in a party, it's useful for finding someone though, and when I de for people, I rather have them in party just so they know exactly what everything de's into, and there's no nonsense about "I know you got a shard and you kept it."

LOL and more than that, I really don't like trying to keep up with doing enchants for more than one person at a time, otherwise it becomes a hassle trying to remember who wanted which enchantment on which item.
#47 Jul 04 2008 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
This is strange. Most of you said they tip about 20-25g at least or in other words prefer to tip "properly". But I'm afraid that the facts are totally different.

I have never received a tip as an enchanter, nor my roomy. It doesn't matter if I have the mats or they are yours. I won't even think of taking money for clicking a single button. If I'm doing it with my mats I prefer to go at AH and check the pricing. That's what you must pay me.

And now about the mages. I have also a Mage and again none ever gave me 1G tip for portal. I refuse taking money for the reagents too. Usually if hes a good fellow he would give me about 50s. Thats something like to pay for Prayer of Fortitude or Intellect or to ask the group to pay you the reagent used for Reincarnation.

Its sick to talk about economy or market ingame. You are supposed to have fun while playing. Just fun.

Edited, Jul 4th 2008 12:06pm by Metosa
#48 Jul 04 2008 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
Metosa wrote:
This is strange. Most of you said they tip about 20-25g at least or in other words prefer to tip "properly". But I'm afraid that the facts are totally different.

I have never received a tip as an enchanter, nor my roomy. It doesn't matter if I have the mats or they are yours. I won't even think of taking money for clicking a single button. If I'm doing it with my mats I prefer to go at AH and check the pricing. That's what you must pay me.

And now about the mages. I have also a Mage and again none ever gave me 1G tip for portal. I refuse taking money for the reagents too. Usually if hes a good fellow he would give me about 50s. Thats something like to pay for Prayer of Fortitude or Intellect or to ask the group to pay you the reagent used for Reincarnation.

Its sick to talk about economy or market ingame. You are supposed to have fun while playing. Just fun.

Edited, Jul 4th 2008 12:06pm by Metosa

I just have to ask you what is your rarest enchant. I am personally a level 385 enchanter with a number of fairly rare enchants, some of which I payed over 1k to get the recipe for. Yet you would say that I shouldn't expect anything for doing the enchant. I am all about helping others and I would never charge a guildy or a good friend but not expecting anything that is just plain ridiculous.
#49 Jul 05 2008 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
I dont have such recipes, true, but it doesn't actually matter that much. I have enough gold and I'm not looking for profit. I'm considering all this as a favour. It doesn't make sense for me just to lay up some good fortune.

#50 Jul 08 2008 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
Probably 90% of the people that agree to craft an item for you are doing it simply because they feel like being nice, or because it gives them a skill-up.

That being the case, consider the item's market value, then tip what you can afford. Most of us don't expect a 2g tip from a lvl 20 player for toughend leather gloves, or a 10g tip from a lvl 40 player. However, if you have the money and resources to get the mats for some lvl 70 epic, then you should probably be able to afford a tip that makes it worth the person's time, keeping in mind that lvl 70 players are out there making 10g+ per daily quest.

Anyone that spent "weeks" farming for a particular pattern with the idea they would get rich off of crafting needs a lesson on the reality of WoW.

#51 Jul 08 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
109 posts
I am in need of a lot of transmutes lately, but I am not sure what to tip for them. The items really arent that expensive, but considering the cooldown, I want to make it worth their time.

Are all x-mutes on the same cooldown becasue if so I am probably better off just buying arcanite bars off the AH then trying to find someone to x-mute it when they can make a ton of money of primal mights?
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