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No love for Blacksmithing?Follow

#1 Mar 25 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Did Blizzard forget about Blacksmithing? Really, does anyone remember the arcanite reaper? Thats the last time I remember BS'ing making anyone money. I am at a giant hump at 290, I just had to make five items which require 26 (!) thorium bars, ******************* and it's not like even at level 60 that anyone would've had use for it.

So I was hoping this patch would do something, wrong. However, right now there are incredible weapons with Blacksmithing, they are all BoP.

Someone please tell me, does anything at higher levels of Blacksmithing sell? Or should I just elvel it up when I feel bored since it's useless?
#2 Mar 25 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
12,049 posts
You already listed the use: you get awesome BoPs are max level.

You've been here for a long time, buddy; how have you forgotten that crafting skills hardly EVER make money?
#3 Mar 25 2008 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
Last I checked, Adamantite Cleavers aren't bad for money. For 8 Adamantite Bars, you can get 15-30g out of them at times if there aren't already a million of them up.

I also see Adamantite Breastplates commonly up for 60g or so, that wouldn't be so bad if you don't mind farming a couple Primal Fires (the Primal Earths should come naturally if you mine your ore).

Not a -lot- of money per se, but those are a couple examples of decent money crafts in Blacksmith.

Also, have you tried selling Adamantite sharpening/weightstones to guildies or even on the AH?
#4 Mar 28 2008 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
I feel you man! BS seems to be getting the big old SHAFT a ROO!~

I am perpetually stuck at 359... admantite doesnt grow on trees and sure aint easy to come by with out an epic flyer.

AT 360 and 365 you are able to make the FELSTEEL set which as far as I have seen pay pretty good on AH. I dont like the BOP Stuff either. What gives, they are pretty much impossible to make, due to the fact that the MATS are nearly impossible to come by. Dont get me wrong I think the stuff is great, I went axesmith for my orc warrior. BUt I figure its a EPIC FLYING MOUNT vs lvl 1 2hander axe. Forget the conversion to the 2nd and 3rd verions, I could probally buy 3 epic flying mounts by that time! And its not like I could turn em around and sell them for a gazillion Gold, bloody BOP!

Just ranting... seems like BS is a pretty useless selfish crafting skill. Not at all like leatherworking(knothide leather armour kits), Tailoring(BAGS), Alchemy(POTS).

THE ONLY THING TO MAKE AND BE USEFUL IS RODS (for enchanters)! SO enchanters be ready to pay a pretty penny for your RODS!!! ;p

Edited, Mar 28th 2008 6:29am by Krullon
#5 Mar 28 2008 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
660 posts
I mine when I see a node but most of the time I find it easier to just buy the mats for most things (except primal fires, going for 35g on my server now >:-O )

The Adamantite stones sell pretty good for me. Now that Nethers and Vortexes can be sold I'm trying to power level my BSing to 375 so I can make myself some kickass BoPs.

The money is not from Bsing, that's more for personal gain. The money is from mining. You can make a $#@%-ton of money by selling your ore
#6 Mar 28 2008 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
At least blacksmithing has some great endgame items. You want to see a trade skill that was forgotten by blizz take up leather working. Then lets talk.
#7 Mar 28 2008 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
daaronte wrote:
At least blacksmithing has some great endgame items. You want to see a trade skill that was forgotten by blizz take up leather working. Then lets talk.

Yeah, it kinda sucks that only 2 classes can really make use of Leatherworking items except for Armor Kits.... only Druids and Rogues wear leather, really, in most cases.

Blacksmithing, you got Warriors, Paladins, Shamans, and Hunters who can wear their products, and Tailoring has Mages and Priests, but let's not forget the awesome and ever-so-coveted (Imbued) Netherweave Bags.

Engineering has cool flying mounts, and lots of neat things they can make.

What does LW have? Stuff for 2 and only 2 classes, and Armor Kits and a couple Profession-specific bags that I *never* see in the AH.

#8 Mar 29 2008 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
The other side of blacksmiths getting the shaft is that tanks don't get ANYTHING useful out of blacksmithing (or any other crafting tradeskill in general). All of the BOP armorsmith gear is skewed towards fury warriors and retribution paladins, and of course the BOP weapons are similar.

Why not add a couple recipes to blacksmithing allowing them to make maybe some BOP leggings or a chest piece, or maybe add a BOP tanking sword for christ's sake.

God knows farming the Sun Eater takes long enough. Heck, a lot people get King's Defender from Kara before Sun Eater ever drops.
#9 Mar 29 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
LWing makes way more money than BS on account of the high-demand LWing patches. each season of new arena gear, and each new raid instance means theres someone looking for someone else to craft a nethercobra or nethercleft armor patch, and the basic patches still sell decently well too. now that nethers are BoE a LWer can say "crafting nethercleft leg armor, your mats +30g, 90g with my nether!" and make a decent hunk of gold.

bs pretty much got shafted this patch. a bunch of plans that drop in a raid instance really doesnt excite me. itll come around tho; im guessing wotlk will have some new kind of BoP weaponry/armor to make at 80.
#10 Mar 30 2008 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
Lousy example on the LW patches - anyone who'd need 'em is in a guild with a LW that can make the suckers for them.
#11 Apr 09 2008 at 12:01 AM Rating: Default
61 posts
Not true I'de agrue that the BoP chest is a great tanking piece. It has alot of stam, armor, hit and crit. I use it with my tanking gear. Hit is a very important stat for a tank If you dont hit the mob you dont cause threat. Having some crit is nice too to help out your TPS. But yeah we should have a boe epic. Like engineering does. Other then the somewhat usefull world drops. Ill probably have the eng gun all the way through BT but not a single smithing BOE.
#12 Apr 11 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
Blacksmithing is, I think, the only original profession I’ve not taken past 300. I’ve not played my warrior much since the expansion. But should I take him up again I’m now wondering if I should bother leveling up his blacksmithing. I’ve been saving up thorium bars. Would it be a waste to use them for leveling up blacksmithing?
#13 Apr 13 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
yeah it would be a bit of a waste...

you can use thorium to get up to 315 at about 20 bars per point, or you can use the fel iron and fel chain recipes at 4-8 fel iron bars per skillup.
#14 Apr 14 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Blacksmithing, along with Tailoring, are fine the way they are. In fact, I'd like Leatherworking to be more like Blacksmithing so I could actually craft something that I'll use besides drums.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#15 Apr 15 2008 at 12:58 AM Rating: Good
Zariamnk wrote:
daaronte wrote:
At least blacksmithing has some great endgame items. You want to see a trade skill that was forgotten by blizz take up leather working. Then lets talk.

Yeah, it kinda sucks that only 2 classes can really make use of Leatherworking items except for Armor Kits.... only Druids and Rogues wear leather, really, in most cases.
What does LW have? Stuff for 2 and only 2 classes, and Armor Kits and a couple Profession-specific bags that I *never* see in the AH.

Leatherworking also makes mail at higher levels, coincidentally right around the time hunters and shaman learn mail proficiency.
#16 Apr 15 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
65 posts
shammytank wrote:
Not true I'de agrue that the BoP chest is a great tanking piece. It has alot of stam, armor, hit and crit. I use it with my tanking gear. Hit is a very important stat for a tank If you dont hit the mob you dont cause threat. Having some crit is nice too to help out your TPS.

Stam = Good
Armour = Good
+Hit = Good until capped
Crit = Meh
No defense = really bad

You can't rely on armour and stam to carry you as tank, you need avoidance as well. There are some pretty good tank sites out there, just have a look around. Also crit is unreliable as threat generator, there are much better abilities out there.

As a pallytank, there are just 2 or 3 pieces from BS I'd use, and all are BoE. And even they I'd switch for T4 for the extra spelldamage.

shammytank wrote:
But yeah we should have a boe epic. Like engineering does. Other then the somewhat usefull world drops. Ill probably have the eng gun all the way through BT but not a single smithing BOE.

There should be some plans for all specs. There are a couple of good healing plate gear, and a lot of plate dps gear. Hardly anything for tanks, except various resistance gear.

Cheers :)
#17 Apr 27 2008 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
What i was saying about the Bulwark is it fills in very nicely some holes in my stats. Yeah I could wear the T4 chest but then I would lose hit...not caped as it is HP goes down and DEF/avoidance goes up. Which I want to avoid I usually find myself rage starved as it is. As for the other tanking pieces from smithing... The only ones worth anything are BoP Like my boots. Which arn't that great the boots from ZA are better ...if they drop. Would be nice to have something usefull to sell sharpening/weight stones just dont cut it. Yeah there is the rods but usually don't do well on AH.
#18 Apr 29 2008 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
If you are talkin about making money BS is not the way, in the same way other crafting profs (LW,Tailoring) anrent particularly good money-spinners.

However if you mean for usefulness I absolutely love BS.
for tanking , the Blazeguard swordsmith weapon is amazing, Also Red Havoc boots are only surpassed by t6/BT drops (although again, they are BoP, so no money to be made.
for PVP , well basically <3 Stormherald
for DPS the Bulwark is ridiculously OP.

Obviously you can only specialise in one of the three, but unless you're a t5/6 raider you cannot get items to replace these (barring Mallet of the Tides over the Blazeguard, but then some would also debate that)

I would reccomend every warrior to take BS, even tho it is a horrible experience trying to level it.

#19 Apr 29 2008 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
Love for blacksmithing is this change:

Blacksmithing BOP Weapons Dual-wieldable in 2.4.2
Blacksmiths are probably going to be happy, all their BOP Weapons have been changed and aren't unique anymore ! That's a nice change alone, but if you took the time to read the 2.4.2 Patch Notes you probably remember seeing something mentioning Main Hand weapons changed to One-Hand .... Well that's the case here, you can now dual-wield them !


No love for armorsmiths though.

Profit for blacksmithing in my experience is through rods and crafted epics. The former is readily available and a steady seller, often with little or no competition. Keep one or two of each rod type on the AH at all times and profit. The latter requires an investment (or luck) to get plans but can make several hundred gold per sale.
#20 Apr 29 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
490 posts
Yes, it's a major pain to level to 300, I think I actually did some Dark Iron stuff, with BC now it's probably not that hard to get the mats, as long as you have someone to run with you to the Dark Anvil/Forge (unless you don't need it anymore, I'm not sure). But once you get to 300, it's easy to get to around 350 with the trainer, vendor and early rep recipes using mostly fel iron. As soon as you get recipes for the weightstones, sharpening stones, and runes of warding/shielding, make those - they only level you up for about 10 levels, but they're the most efficient for mats.

After that, I'd go and farm recipes in the OL instances. Felsteel can make some money, although you'd probably make more just selling the ore needed to make all that felsteel: e.g. Felsteel Helm = 8x Felsteel Bar = 24x Fel Iron Bar + 16 Eternium Bar = 48 Fel Iron Ore + 32 Eternium Ore. Felsteel Helm sells for about 55g on my server, I'm sure I could get more than that selling the ore, but it wouldn't level my BS.

Also, the Aldor/Scryer recipes aren't too bad to make, they sell alright as well.

I'm at 367 now, I just gather as I see it (saving up for my epic flyer) and when I have enough, I make felsteel stuff to level. I farmed the Khorium set of plans for myself, but I have a feeling Felsteel is the easiest set to get the recipes for, just run those instances (Crypts, Arc, and SL) over and over, you'll get more of worth than farming the Ragesteel and Khorium - although I did get to Revered with Kurenai from farming Khorium, as well as getting a good amount of Aldor rep tokens.

I still think it's worth it to slowly get up to 375, just to be ready for WotLK. Having said that, will there be anything of use to us in that expansion? We can only hope - as an armorsmith and paladin, it's a gamble.
#21 Apr 29 2008 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Morthandeus wrote:
Love for blacksmithing is this change:

Blacksmithing BOP Weapons Dual-wieldable in 2.4.2
Blacksmiths are probably going to be happy, all their BOP Weapons have been changed and aren't unique anymore ! That's a nice change alone, but if you took the time to read the 2.4.2 Patch Notes you probably remember seeing something mentioning Main Hand weapons changed to One-Hand .... Well that's the case here, you can now dual-wield them !


No love for armorsmiths though.

Profit for blacksmithing in my experience is through rods and crafted epics. The former is readily available and a steady seller, often with little or no competition. Keep one or two of each rod type on the AH at all times and profit. The latter requires an investment (or luck) to get plans but can make several hundred gold per sale.

Doesn't help Paladins, I love stormherald, although I will probably never make it. Maybe it is enchanting, but I know my friend made Ruinic Spellthread for his epic mount.
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