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Ever ***** with the Economy on purpose?Follow

#1 Feb 26 2008 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts

Never would have tried this, but must have posted his 10 stack of rare gems at the wrong price....

Anyway, story goes like this.

I find stack of 10 Noble Topaz gems for 100g bo. Done.
Lucky me, that's one of the few gems I have a pattern for, so I cut them all and level a nice portion of my upper level jewelcrafting.

Being as I got them insanely cheap, I decided to play an experiment on the market.

What if I put them all up at about 10g less than the normal going price? Can I cause the market price to crash on them? Instant quick profit for me if my Idea doesn't work, lots of temporary mayhem if not.

Well, leave it to the not very smart players on my server to instantly start a price war within the Noble Topaz family. Next listing is 1g under mine, and so forth until the price got down to about 15g or so for them. I picked up about 5 of the cheapies and canceled all my auctions. Well, the other cheap ones were bought up fairly quickly, and then I proceded to list mine back up slightly under the normal price only 1 or 2 a day and got all that wonderful cash back.

Hopefully some of you can use this trick on your servers... if they are full of the same intelligent people that are on mine.
#2 Feb 26 2008 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
There's always people who will undercut to stupid prices as long as they earn something off of it. It's good for them, they get a quick guaranteed sale. It's good for you, you get to make the difference between them and market value.

It's the same deal with people who will pay stupid high prices for things when the supply is low.

Would it have been smarter for them to buy you out and relist at market? Maybe, but it's still putting gold in their oracle data variable.
#3 Feb 26 2008 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
While still very new to the game, I discovered (with my first toon) that I could mine about 7-8 stacks of copper per hour without breaking a sweat. While Copper was going for 1g50s a stack , tin wasn't fetching as much and I was quite a few levels away from being able to walk around any zone that had iron.

Desperate for cash as a lowbie, I hammered Elwyn Forest for a few hours (while watching a Billy Connelly DVD to stave off boredom).
Then I stuck the lot on the AH over the course of 4-5 hours.

The price of copper crashed to about 60s a stack and didn't get up over 1g for about 10 days.

I never thought that 1 idiot could affect the market so much - especially for such a low level ore.

Then I did pretty much the same for iron a few weeks later. Oops.
Then did the same for Silk cloth when my bank alt just had too much - about 20 stacks (I was picking it up as an extra while farming mageweave).

I've also been involved in weird price fluctuations over Expert trade skills books - especially first aid. There is a guy on my server who must make a ton of gold from first aid books - always has half a dozen in the AH at (usually) the lowest price. However, thanks to me and a couple of others, depending on who is online to put their books up for auction, the price can fluctuate by 500% over 24 hours - on Saturday and Sunday nights the market goes nuts.

I can't wait to see what havoc I can wreak at high levels...
#4 Feb 26 2008 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I never thought that 1 idiot could affect the market so much

I ***** myself over all the time, especially with Large Brilliant Shards. Ugh, when you're farming Stratholme and get like 5 stacks of them, it's way too easy to make the price plummet...
#5 Feb 26 2008 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
305 posts
I wasn't ******** with the Economy on purpose...

basically when I go into a buy-greens-from-AH disenchant, sell mats,

well the prices of all the mats I disenchant, over the course of a week,
drops by anywhere from half price to a fourth.

Strange Dust will go from 3 or 4g a stack to below 2, and I've gotten the price down as low as 1.25 gold a stack.

I coulda gotten it lower if I wanted to :)

Greater Magic Essence will start at over 1 gold each, and when I'm done it will be around 35 silver each. Greater Astral Essence about the same.

Basically the economy is not strong enough to withstand a zealous supplier.

I would have preferred that prices would stay nice and high when I go on selling sprees.
But that just never happens.

So I get while the getting is good... then go back to leveling :)
#6 Feb 26 2008 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
If you are the only seller, why would you push out so much product? If not, are you still selling mats at a profit? If not, why? I have slowed down selling mats as the supply is overloaded and the prices are too low. Look for niche markets and fill them slowly. Sellers for me right now; mid level pots, clefthide and cobrahide
#7 Feb 26 2008 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
Ore, plants, cloth, and leather are pure profit. No matter what price you put on those mats, you make gold. You could put that copper up at 5 silver per stack, and it would still be 5 silver more in the economy than there was before. Not that I'm advocating that, but IT IS NOT "******** WITH THE ECONOMY"!

What really matters is (Amount of gold/amount of time spent farming), and what you are satisfied with. Some people consider any profit less than 1 Gold to be beneath them. I don't, as long as there is gold to be made.

"******** with the economy" is not about selling farmed items. It's about buying and reselling, either at an inflated price or a much lower price. I've done both, either to bring a low price up to normal, or to lower a price that has been artificially inflated down. NOTE: when you bring an artificially inflated price down, the only people that get screwed over are the gougers or the ones that tried to "corner the market".
#8 Feb 27 2008 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

Putting many items on and watching as the price drop isn't "********" with anything. It's watching the economy at work.

Buying up all the <40 green items with agility on it and putting them all up at 5-10G each? That's ******** with the economy.
#9 Feb 27 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Any smart person would've bought all of your gems and resold them at the market price. Starting a "price war" over that is just retarded.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#10 Feb 27 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
808 posts
Overlord Demea wrote:
Any smart person would've bought all of your gems and resold them at the market price. Starting a "price war" over that is just retarded.

Shhhh! Drastically undercutting other sellers so that you can crash the market and then buy it all up after it hits bottom is a brilliant idea that is GUARANTEED to make people a lot of essentially free gold.

I'm just really worried that I won't be able to log on until late tonight and tons of people on my server will have beaten me to it T.T
#11 Feb 27 2008 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
120 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
Ore, plants, cloth, and leather are pure profit. No matter what price you put on those mats, you make gold. You could put that copper up at 5 silver per stack, and it would still be 5 silver more in the economy than there was before. Not that I'm advocating that, but IT IS NOT "******** WITH THE ECONOMY"!

Selling items at the AH does not add money in the economy. Quite the contrary I might say. By paying the AH cut, there is less money in the economy than before. If player A has 5G and buys your stuff, you net 4.5G (assuming a 10% AH cut), then the economy is weaker by 0.5G. I also assume that the item sold still exists and therefore creates no value by changing hands.

I believe what you meant to say was that any price you sell those for will increase your individual amount of gold, not the economy's. Maybe I'm missing something. I believe the economy grows when: mobs are killed and give cash or any items are sold to vendors or when quests are completed. When players exchange funds, there is no change on the server's economy.
#12 Feb 27 2008 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Laroche wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
Ore, plants, cloth, and leather are pure profit. No matter what price you put on those mats, you make gold. You could put that copper up at 5 silver per stack, and it would still be 5 silver more in the economy than there was before. Not that I'm advocating that, but IT IS NOT "******** WITH THE ECONOMY"!

Selling items at the AH does not add money in the economy. Quite the contrary I might say. By paying the AH cut, there is less money in the economy than before. If player A has 5G and buys your stuff, you net 4.5G (assuming a 10% AH cut), then the economy is weaker by 0.5G. I also assume that the item sold still exists and therefore creates no value by changing hands.

You're right, and I was wrong in stating that it creates new gold. It does create new wealth for the farmer. When mats are sold, they are generally used to create (or enchant) something else. In general that also removes gold from the economy - most crafters have to sell their goods for lower than the cost of mats, especially if they are leveling their crafting skill. New gold enters the economy through coin drops, quest rewards, or when items are vendored.
#13 Feb 27 2008 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
I wouldn't really say I've screwed with the economy but I have played the AH for what it's worth. I always cash in on BO mistakes and am not the kind, generous soul who will mail the guy asking if he meant it at that price. If he didn't he could of canceled it at any time.

I do think I've helped knock the bottom out of the light leather market on my server. I farm leathers like mad and don't give a damn what they sell for, they always sell and I'm never short on gold.
I am thinking about taking a break on it or buying out the whole market on em one day when supply is lower and remarking them all back up.

When I first started the server was still new and underpopulated. A stack of light leather would go for between 70s-1g. Now a stack is lucky to go for 20s.

#14 Feb 27 2008 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
I hope this works I think in gonna spend 50g to try this out. If it does more money towards my epic mount skill, if it doesnt then I will be herbing for the next 20hrs of gameplay, prbly wouldve anyways.

Edited, Feb 29th 2008 12:51am by vaulterofdeath
#15 Feb 29 2008 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
it worked didn't spend over 2g the herb was at a all time low and I bought them all netted me about 20g profit
#16 Feb 29 2008 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
Whats going to be really interesting is the mass amounts of Primal Nethers and Vortexs that are going to flood the AH when 2.4 goes live. I figure selling price for a nether is going to start at around 100g when that first guy tosses some in there. And wouldn't be suprised to see the price drop to 50g for the first few weeks.
#17 Mar 20 2008 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
My favorite weapon of choice is heavy knothide armor kit. They usually sell well and when there's no competition I can get for 10g or so each. When there's few competition, you can expect them to hit 5g each within a few hours.

Now if I don't have enough knothide leathers, I check the AH and farm cheap knothide leathers. It is not unusual for me to snap up loads of under 1g/scrap stack and 5g/stack regular. it ends up under 25g per stack of heavy knothide when upconverted, half of what they go on AH. 1 stack makes 6 armor kits + 2 leftover leather. Or about 3g 75s per armor kit that I can sell as low as 4g each and still make profit while crashing the market.

Once someone tried to buy all of my cheap kit (almost 150 that day!!) to resell at a markup. Lo and behold, 50 more armor kit for half a gold less than what the reseller paid. The reseller hasn't been on AH since then.
#18 Mar 24 2008 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
305 posts
I would not classify with what I am reading here as "******** with the economy".

You have a product that you make and sell all the time.
You saw prices go way too low.

So you took a chance, bought out at the lower price,
and put it at a price you knew from experience it would sell at.

At the prices you were buying at, it was barely worthwhile farming items to sell. I would not put this in the same category as price gouging.

One bad thing is when prices on the AH are too high.
But when prices are too low, then farmers can't make decent gold for their efforts.

IMHO what you did was fine.

#19 Mar 24 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
I hate it when someone sticks a whole buttload of stuff on the AH.

I just don't understand why someone would do something like that. It never really made sense to me to be honest. You are easily cheating yourself out of a lot of money just to get "a quick sale".

I'll use a newbie, in this example, like the guy who mined up 10+ stacks of Copper Ore and then dumped it all in the AH, bringing the price from 1.5g down to 50s or somesuch. I mean, jeez... not only did you ***** yourself out of sales, but then if you re-list at new prices, you are losing 10g on all of that.

The best thing to do, if you go out and mine up a large number of ore, or get a large number of cloth, unless it is selling very quickly, don't list more than 2-3 stacks at once. Stash a bunch of it in your bank, and list 2-3 as they sell.

What I like to do, is I'll devote a few hours to farming such materials, get a stockpile of it... but instead of dumping it all on the AH and ******** myself out of some gold, I'll stick a *few* up, log another character on (or go quest/farm/etc with the first) until sh*t sells, then I'll list more.

It helps prevent flooding of the market, and makes you more cash in the end.

Impatience can waste a lot of money, especially if you are a newbie relying on Copper Bars for profit. Copper Bars can be a very nice tool to get you a quick 10-20g to start your character with, if you have no alts, but at the same time, it can easily be a quick lesson learned if you do what everyone else does and dump all of it on the AH at once.

That, and another thing having to do with Patience, is look at what it is selling for. If I mine up a few stacks of Copper, and I look at the AH and I see it is 40, 50, 60 silver per stack, I say "f--- that." and hang onto it.

I'll log on, next day, and see it is up to 1.2 - 1.5g. That's more like it, I'll list it for just slightly under that, and only 2-3 stacks at a time, depending on how many is currently up and what prices.

Patience pays off bigtime. Bigtime.

Listing 3 stacks of Copper Bars for 1.1g = 3.3g. Listing 3 stacks of Copper Bars for 50s = 1.5g. That's a 50%+ cut for being impatient.

Edited, Mar 24th 2008 10:55pm by Zariamnk
#20 Mar 24 2008 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
I hate it when someone sticks a whole buttload of stuff on the AH.

I just don't understand why someone would do something like that. It never really made sense to me to be honest. You are easily cheating yourself out of a lot of money just to get "a quick sale".

Never underestimate the stupidity of the people who play the game. Sometimes the low prices will last a couple weeks or more before they rebound, but they will rebound, as long as its a commodity item.

#21 Mar 25 2008 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
It's easy to crash the market, just buy up all the remaining stock up there, and the price is yours to decide. What i usually do is buy raw gems, get them cut by a guildy for no charge (i enchant for him at no charge in return) and then sell the new gems for double the cost price. Win!
#22 Mar 25 2008 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
20 posts
OK the biggest thing about undercutters is the "I want it NOW!!!" mentality.

often they are weekend warriors (not always) who play all friday night and all sat, and all sunday arvo, they do their farming on friday sat, and then list for sale on sat night, and they want that cash in their pockets before sunday, they see other prices and they undercut because they want a quick sale. they knock 5-20% off to get that sale.

now think for a moment, If you undercut by 1c you are still going to be the cheapest there. you are still going to sell before the others. but you will profit the same amount.

the other point, if your saving for epic mount or whatever, and say your 30% along the way to your goal, undercutting prices so you can get money faster, doesnt get your epic mount faster, if its going to take you 2 months to save, why does it matter if you get 100g from the mats you farmed in 2days instead of 2 hours? why would you settle for 60g in 2 hours because your not going to get the mount for 2 months anyway.

my biggest tip for people that really try to save,

make an alt, a dranei, walk him to exodar and park him at the ah. send him bags and 100g to get him started (for listing fees) from this point on, never sell another thing on your main. every item you have to sell, mail it to your exo alt, (why exo, cause its not overcrowded, it loads faster, and its the shortest mailbox-ah trip. (after 6 months of playing and thousands of trips, the few seconds saved adds up)

send him everything, half stacks, full stacks, gems, greens, herbs, anything and everything you could sell. then at the start or end of the day, log onto the dranei and list what you have to and collect money, keep it on that toon, only transfer money to your main when you need it. if your selling on your main, you tend to check the mailbox, and the ah more often, time you should be out farming or getting more gear or whatever, your waiting on that next sale, when you get that sale pending message, you cant wait to be there to pick up the coin so you can see it in your purse total. BREAK THIS HABIT!!!!!

log onto your alt, list everything then log off, go back to focusing on your main. Dont undercut, if you have to, undercut by a couple silver, or even just a few copper. there are times someone will undercut you, dont sweat it, go farm some more. the most important thing you can do is focus on sending your alt bags full of items to sell. dont worry about what comes back from that toon so much.

I DE and sell mats, i have a set price for my mats, it costs me nothing to relist them if they dont sell, it doesnt matter if i put 20 stacks of greater nether essence up at the right price, it doesnt crash the market, if anything, it steadies the market, it means a price is more likely to stay around that level, if other sellers always see good amounts of something at a set price, they will hover around that price because thats what its worth.

If you worry more about the number of auctions you have rather than the price of each individual auction you will make more in the long run.

I sell pages and pages of crap each day, nothing more satisfying than logging on to see 300-400g waiting in the mailbox.
#23 Apr 03 2008 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
I actually stopped playing WoW for a while, when I realised that almost all of my fascination was revolving around making big bucks on the Auction House!! Now I am back in and still making good coin on the 'house! :)

No one here who seriously makes money on it would give away all their secrets which is why my handle here is certainly not my character! Patterns, Formulae and recipes often have a premium, because people need them when levelling p new characters but finding them all is a pain in the bum! When you are levelling, it pays to find all the little vendors on the fields, Westfall, Darkshire, Wetlands, Arathi and Redridge, for example, all have off-one vendors which seel these for CHEEP and usually go for 100-400X cost on the AH. Often, you will find vendors selling stuff for other classes/professions in main cities (like Lock stuff in warrior areas etc), and are usually on the last page of the menu so check in regularly.

I have also (intentionally) controlled markets in herbs by spending several weeks buying at reasonable prices and sitting on the stock, sometimes for up to two months, until the margin is reasonable, then feeding out slowly. Spawn rates don't change dramatically on the field, so supplies do dwindle. I don't really see the dilemma with this. Anyone can be a herbalist and pick what they like whilst they level, if people are too lazy/stupid or impatient to get what they need and will pay a premium, then they deserve it.

Different servers have completely different economies too, which is quite fascinating, and ones dominated by different countries also have different economies (for eg: Australian/UK dominated servers often have a much higher price on desired items than US dominated servers.

Alchemy is also a definite bonus here. It takes nothing to make a good profit from turning herbs into potions when they are in demand. I have had a herb 228 Alchemy 225 guy since he was 20 (I "wasted" time professioning rather than levelling... died a lot too!) but he has made me more gold than I can spend.. so I give potions away/Gold away a fair bit to those that need it.

Manipulating the economies to provide WoW welfare, you might say! :)
#24 Apr 06 2008 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
SpineTap wrote:
OK the biggest thing about undercutters is the "I want it NOW!!!" mentality.

often they are weekend warriors (not always) who play all friday night and all sat, and all sunday arvo, they do their farming on friday sat, and then list for sale on sat night, and they want that cash in their pockets before sunday, they see other prices and they undercut because they want a quick sale. they knock 5-20% off to get that sale.

This, right here, is why I seldom sell mats (ore, herbs, etc) on the weekends. I find I can more easily get a quick sale at a good price on Wednesday when all of that stuff is gone.

Armor/weapons I'll sell on the weekends so all those impatient folks with their new gold from their cheap sales can upgrade their stuff.
#25 Apr 15 2008 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
YEPPERS, Do it all the time and it makes me some good cash.
I hold all my stacks for a Saturday 24 hour sale as opposed to putting them up for a 48 hour sale on Friday.

On Friday I watch all the sellers under-auctioning each other, keeping an eye on Auctioneer as per the item's average selling price. I wait till there's a substantial amount of people constantly underselling each other (usually on Friday night at about 11pm), then buy out all of the low sellers as well as all of the average sellers.

Saturday afternoon I relog my AH toon, now loaded with merchandise, and check the going price of the item. If there are some that are average price, I buy them.

Then I repost all of em at about 10% above the average selling price with no competition, yet undercutting the expensive sale guys.

Make some very good cash this way, usually on the weekend I'll play this 'Donald Trump' game for a while and have fun with it, plus, by Sunday afternoon I usually make 40-50g by playing this for 30 minutes or so (note I am investing 10-15g or so in the buyouts).

Also tend to make offers on purple weapons when someone shouts them. If they've shouted for more than 5 mins or so I'll go and check the AH price. Then I'll ask them where they are, tell them I may be interested and travel to them. When I get there I'll tell them if they dont want to auction I'll give them cash on the spot, offering 1/2 the current AH value immediately. 9 of 10 times they accept (I don't get it, but I guess they want cash in hand asap). This is a huge profitmaker. Last time I did this purchased a 70 purple staff for 50g, sold it in auction within 24 hours for 180. To coin a noise, 'Kaching'.

So, yep, play it, love it. And as far as it goes, those are my secrets, though I'm sure I'm not the first or last to do this.

Here's another great moneymaker. I've experimented with different classes in the game and jump between my lower level toons when I want a change from my main. Main is a Shaman. I got a Priest in SW, a Lock in IF and a Mage in Exodar. All of em are 'resting' in the Enchanter's joint. Every time I log in, before I hit my main, I log into each lowbee and buy out the Strange Dust, Lesser Magic Essence and any 'spawn formulas', then mail em to my AH Druid in Darn. I end up with nearly a stack of each enchanting item every hour or two - cost to me about 24s a stack or 5g-8g a formula. Hold em in the bank and put em in the AH 2 at a time over the weekend for an average of 1.5g per stack and up to 14g per recipe.
To coin the noise again 'Kaching'.

Edited, Apr 15th 2008 11:30pm by OzoneSSX
#26 May 27 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
One thing that alot of you are forgeting about is plain and simple honest amounts of lazyness!!

I am lazy...

I have a couple level 70's and a brood of alts. I can kill random stuff for an hour on my mains and sell vendor trash for 10-30 Gold (elementals). Soooo...when im playing my level 20 something and want to level engineering, blacksmithing or some other currently useless skill (useless because i can just send him 500 gold to buy whatever he wants off the AH to regear every 2-3 levels if i want) I'm really not that worried about the prices....I do draw the line at some point but I'm not overly concerned that i just bought a stack of 20 wool at 1.5X the average buyout so that I can use 6 of them and just resell the rest at the normal price.

Same goes for when im leveling a gathering skill. I'm out minning, herbing, skinning away and all of a sudden...MY BAGS ARE FULL!! (the 18 slots thanks to my level 70 375 skill tailor main) so the next time im in a city I just stop by the ol' AH and dump all my stuff on there. Dont look at the average buy out, dont care what my proffit margin is, don't really care except maybe I'd get a gold or 2 over what I'd get by just selling it to a vendor.

You may think this is stupid.....but this is exactly what makes capitalism work. Greed, lazyness, and an on demand attitude. (Can you think of any other reason that you can almost allways find a first aid or cooking book being sold on the AH? JUST FREAKIN WALK TO THE DAMN VENDOR WHO SELLS IT!!!

Some times the economy is affected by stupidity. Sometimes lazyness. Sometimes you make money. Sometimes you loose..but anybody that has ever made gold off of copper ore or wool cloth is only kept in buisness by people like me. Do you know of ANYBODY who when leveling his very first toon had the money to spend 3+ gold on copper ore?
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