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Brand New to game, how to make money?Follow

#1 Oct 12 2007 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
Ok, my wife and I just picked up the game the other day. How the heck to I make any money? We've made a lot of characters, but settled (again lol) on a paladin & warrior combo (the purple guys with horns). Is gathering the way to go? If so, which 2 for each of us? We both have mining, she has herb gathering. What should I do? I was considering enchanting (for disenchanting) or is that not a good way for me to go. Is 2 miners a bad idea? BTW, where the heck is an auction house? We are still in the new area we started in, working our way out.

Vallo lvl 7 Paladin <----- lvl number subject to rapid change (hopefully)
Azuremyst server
#2 Oct 12 2007 at 5:49 AM Rating: Good
95 posts
Ok first toons, yes go with two gathering. Go with mining, skinning, herb. One go mining and skinning, the other go herb and skinning. You'll kill enough beasts to level skinning. Just take turn skinning like whoever loots skins. Enchanting can be an expensive proffesion to level. Auction houses are in all major cities except the outland city shatt but you don't have to worry about that now. When you get to a major city (Stormwind, Ironforge, Exodar, Darnassus) speak to a city guard and the auction house'll bring up a red flad on your mini-map to point you in the direction of the Auction house. Hope this helps.
#3 Oct 12 2007 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
Mining/Skinning. Sell at Auction House (AH), along with green weapons you don't use that COULD sell... you'll figure this out as you go along. Don't buy stupid ****.
#4 Oct 12 2007 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
982 posts
..or you can try disenchanting. Read the following:;mid=1157378790253194230;num=273;page=1
#5 Oct 12 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
201 posts
since there are 2 of you, no need to overlap skinning on both. one skinner can skin all the mobs, and leave a profession slot open to you.

i suggest this, and it doesnt matter who gets what, but you have the following 4 professions between the 2 toons.


one toon picks mining, the other picks herbing. then decide who wants to skin and who gets Disenchanting. Mining and herbing are not suggested on the same toon due to the mini map tracking feature only tracking one resourse at a time.

that way you can gather 3 items (4 if you count disenchatning), as well as enchant your own armour on the 2 toons as you level.

New player tips.
Always log off in a city or an Inn for the rested EXP bonus
vendor all grey itmes.
White items are used in some way in the game and can be sold. look up white items in the AH to see if they have value. try to sell them in AH, if they dont sell, or have no AH value, vendor them.
disenchant all greens you find and cant use. D/E all soulbound quest items you cant use, as well as D/E old gear that gets replaced as you level.

if you plan on changing your profession later to something might want to stock pile gathered materials on a bank alt toon. if not, sell every thing you collect in the AH.

remember, do anything you want....if it is fun and entertaining. just cuase they say to do somethign on the boards...doesnt mean you have to.
#6 Oct 12 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
117 posts
*Nods at the above answers*

*)2 gathering is the simplest way to go i think and sell at the AH - Mining is great, as is skinning later on.. Disenchanting is an option but possibly not quite as easy to master as gatherng

*)Browse the AH to get to know prices and pick up bargains to resell or for use

*)Don't buy stuff off the AH if you can help it and realise most stuff while levelling you will outgrow very quickly.. be careful - we all can get carried away and money drops rapidly

*)Auction Houses are where players can out items they find to sell to other players (there are even neutral AH's in Booty Bay etc to sell to the enemy players)

*)Take your time - money shouldn't be a huge problem really as you progress. Killing stuff and doing quests get you money and as long as you don't get addicted to buying lots of stuff off the AH you should be fine. Money grows as you level as the mobs (enemy beasts, creatures etc) drop better stuff.

*)Sell Greens, and if you find any blues or purples(epic) sell them certainly for money if you want they can bring you lots of money

*)Have fun and enjoy the exploration and you'll find yourself rich in many ways ;)
#7 Oct 12 2007 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
2,188 posts
One of you should definitely take enchanting for the disenchanting, as you said.

Get the auctioneer add-on pack. Download it from a reputable source to avoid keyloggers, scan the file with an anti-virus program anyway, and install it. I use curse but cannot recall the url, just google "wow" and "curse" and you will find it.

You will have to scan the auction house to develop a database of prices, but after a couple of weeks of scanning once a day you will be able to mouse over items to see what the current price is on the AH, what they disenchant into, and what the price for the DE mats is (since there usually are different mats an item can DE into, it gives you an average price).

This will let you decide whether you should sell an item or DE it and sell the mats.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#8 Oct 12 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
I would suggest taking Alchemy, as opposed to skinning. Have one of you go mining/enchanting and the other do herbalism/alchemy.

Alchemy is pretty easy to level and doesn't really cost much at all. The various potions, etc. that you can make are a nice boost for leveling and reducing down time.

Personally, I have never found that skinning really makes a lot of money. Others may have better experiences selling skins and may tell you otherwise. But, I have found that the market is often saturated by too many suppliers.

Also, make sure and get all the secondary professions: cooking, first aid, and fishing. These are very beneficial over the long run.
#9 Oct 13 2007 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
All the advice thus far given is great. As still a somewhat new player, I have managed to earn myself roughly 2000 gold just from the normal process of playing. I have not yet, at any time, required myself to stop and solely focus on earning gold for anything. Currently sitting on close to 800+ gold as I recently got my lv 60 mount + training so the 2000g figure is a rough estimate based on the previous purchase of the lv 40 mount + training and my sometimes stupid buying habits. They're not kidding when they say "you outgrow your gear very fast." I've bought stuff I replaced the same day. I am fairly confident this trend will continue for me, as the economy of my server is so far quite healthy.
#12 Oct 14 2007 at 7:41 PM Rating: Default

Hmmm, seeing as you are both plate wearers, why doesn't one of you become a blacksmith? From what I understand, some of the armor that you can make now if pretty good at later levels.
#13 Oct 15 2007 at 5:09 AM Rating: Default
982 posts
Yes it can come in handy while lvlling, assuming you keep the BS up to your lvl standards
#14 Oct 15 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
ChlKilt wrote:
Yes it can come in handy while lvlling, assuming you keep the BS up to your lvl standards

Blacksmithing is a waste of resources until you hit the level to make BoP purples. You can buy cheaper at the AH than you can making them. Sell the ore and/or bars. Otherwise, you will waste them leveling your blacksmithing skill and end up selling the crafted stuff for less than you would have made selling the ore. Crafting skills (ALL CRAFTING SKILLS) are money losers.
#15 Oct 15 2007 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
2,188 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
Crafting skills (ALL CRAFTING SKILLS) are money losers.

This is so true.

The mats for an item will sell for more than the crafted item. So, if you provide the mats (by mining them and then selling them on the AH), and then you buy the item made with those mats (when the guy leveling his BS sells the crafted item on the AH), you come out ahead. So, you get the crafted item and some extra gold.

Another way to look at it is, that you just got a BS to make an item with your mats, and give you a tip!

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#16 Oct 15 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Default
797 posts
At a low level, you'll find light feathers, strangle kelp, swift thistle, oily blackmouth and firefin snapper sell surprisingly well. I would make one toon a leatherworker, perhaps an alt that you don't level up. That leatherworker would be used to convert all the leather scraps, which typically don't sell, into light leather, which will sell well. Sell the ore in stacks of five, since that's what jewlecrafters will want for prospecting and any toon that wants the ore for smelting will be happy with that stack size also.

Edited, Oct 15th 2007 5:01pm by ItsaGaAs
#17 Oct 15 2007 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Crafting skills (ALL CRAFTING SKILLS) are money losers.

True, but there are some exceptions.

For example, most of the items I can make on my smithy will come at a loss. However, I can make rods for disenchanters for a suitable cash flow(gold, silver, and truesilver). I was also able to make money on Iron Hauberks and Shining Silver Breastplates while leveling if I only bought the mats I needed from the AH at a low price (and yes, I'm still counting ALL the mats to sell the item AND the cost to put it up for auction).

Now with engineering on my alt, I can make scopes, Advanced target dummies, mithril casings(at the tiniest of profit mind you), and fishing lures. I even helped my LW friend make money by DEing the leather armors he can make(hint: you have to use recipes that use hides, since it will take less leather and hides are SUPER cheap on my server).

Anyways, there are ways to make money as a crafter in WoW, so don't let people tell you otherwise. You just have to find a niche market.
#18 Oct 15 2007 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
982 posts
Blacksmithing is a waste of resources until you hit the level to make BoP purples. You can buy cheaper at the AH than you can making them. Sell the ore and/or bars. Otherwise, you will waste them leveling your blacksmithing skill and end up selling the crafted stuff for less than you would have made selling the ore. Crafting skills (ALL CRAFTING SKILLS) are money losers.

Dont know about post-TBC but i made consumables and gear for skill up (thorium gear, at the time thorium sold for 2 or 3 g max) and usage.

But i must admit crafting profs are money consuming, although rewarding.
#19 Oct 16 2007 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
ItsaGaAs wrote:
I would make one toon a leatherworker, perhaps an alt that you don't level up.

Perhaps you should do your remedial reading in the trade skills FAQ. At the very least you should read it to prevent from making dumb-*** remarks like the above.
Level 5 - maximum skill is 75 (Apprentice - need to be at least 50 to raise).
Level 10 - maximum skill is 150 (Journeyman - need to be at least 125 to raise).
Level 20 - maximum skill is 225 (Expert - need to be at least 200 to raise).
Level 35 - maximum skill is 300 (Artisan - need to be at least 275 to raise).
Level 50* - maximum skill is 375 (Master) - Primary professions can only train in the Outlands so the account must be Burning Crusade enabled.

#20 Oct 16 2007 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
baveux wrote:
Crafting skills (ALL CRAFTING SKILLS) are money losers.
Anyways, there are ways to make money as a crafter in WoW, so don't let people tell you otherwise. You just have to find a niche market.

I really wasn't saying that you cannot make money, but that the money you make is less than the amount you'd get by selling the mats. Niche markets only work until competitors for the same niche arrive - then it becomes a price war, ultimately destroying the niche.
#21 Oct 16 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

All good responses but there’s one question that wasn’t answered yet.

To find the AH, ask the guards about it. Usually you can do this when you hit the lvl 5 town (not the very newbie zone you start in). That usually directs you to your nearest large city, where at first, you’ll get lost in but it’ll all grow familiar to you soon enough.

The guards also can tell you about tradeskill and class trainers, as well as bank locations.
#22 Oct 16 2007 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,175 posts
1. Pick up Auctioneer from
2. Read up in other threads about using the Enchantrix feature of Auctioneer
3. Never worry about gold again.
#23 Oct 16 2007 at 10:15 AM Rating: Default
797 posts
Ah, undeserved abuse, how thoughtful of you. Thanks for misunderstanding my post. Of course he would have to level a leatherworking alt high enough to convert the leather scraps to light leather. Level 5 is pretty easy to achieve in one evening. Beyond that would be up to them.

Edited, Oct 16th 2007 11:16am by ItsaGaAs
#24 Oct 16 2007 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
I really wasn't saying that you cannot make money, but that the money you make is less than the amount you'd get by selling the mats.

I'm pretty sure I understood the difference between making and losing money, hence the point I made about Iron Hauberks and Shining Silver Breastplates. You can still make money(yes, meaning an overall gain of it) even after you count in all your mats, and the price to put the armor up for auction. Even though these specific items may not make you money on your server, you may take the example of it and apply it to other items.

Thinking back on it now, there are quite a few more items for BS you can craft for cash. One of the first green helms you can make(almost ALWAYS the lowest mail helm on the AH) can fetch quite a bit because it has good stats and is lower leveled than most others that drop. I also made some good coin selling bronze darts and steel axes(both throwing). Since both of these have stats on them, I simply advertised it in the trade channel and had quite a few warriors buy them off me.

Niche markets only work until competitors for the same niche arrive - then it becomes a price war, ultimately destroying the niche.

Not precisely. Economics teaches us that prices will always result in zero economic gain unless there is a monopoly. This means that whenever there are no competitors, you'll make an economic profit(as you set the price). If competitors pop up, you'll make zero economic profit, which still means total profit for you. Too many competitors = loss, until someone leaves the industry and you go back to zero economic profit.

As there are barriers to entry to WoWconomy(such as having to continuously post your auctions up) and diminishing returns on inventory(having to use your slots up/having to pay to put your auctions up) it occurs quite often that you will hold a monopoly to certain markets.

To sum it up, I'll repeat it again that you CAN make money off of crafting. You just have to be smart about it.
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