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Help - I'm rolling in gold!Follow

#1 Sep 20 2007 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
So my lvl 41 lock main has about 180g. I'm a tailor and a skinner. Obviously, not having had to pay for my mount helps, but that's still a bunch of extra cash. I'm seriously considering switching skinning to engineering.

My question is this - does money became scarcer later in the game? I guess that at lvl 70 you really have to focus on getting good gear. Not that there's any point in saving up (since I'll be making much more money then), but it would be a pain to find I have to level a gathering profession from scratch at 70.

As a further point, I would say most of this money came from selling gear, maybe 1/4 came from selling recipes purchased from vendors, and 1/10 came from gathering. What percentage of your income would you say comes from your gathering professions?
#2 Sep 20 2007 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
180g at 40ish is very respectable. Most classes need another 540g for riding training at 60, then ~900g for their flyer at 70, and finally 5000-5200g for their epic flyer. For the most part, the represents the largest expenses that anyone of any class is almost bound to have to account for. Depending on your class and goals at level 70, there are also a fair number of epic world drops/BoE crafted epics that can drain you very quickly.
#3 Sep 20 2007 at 10:59 PM Rating: Excellent
3,761 posts
Just FYI, your warlock epic mount will probably cost as much, or more then a regular classes epic mount. Don't kid yourself into thinking its 'free'. My mage is 59 now, and I breathed a sigh of relief that I can just throw down 540g for training and grab a PVP mount. The warlock quest chain is very expensive and time consuming. Honestly if you want to bring a group through Scholo and DM to help with your mount, expect to shell out some gold for high level help, nobody ever runs those anymore (especially dire maul). Back in the day you needed a group of 5 well geared 60s to finish the lock chain, and it was very hard. Now, everyone past 58 hits the outlands and never looks back, and for good reason. Dire maul/scholo loot just sucks in comparison, and so does the XP recieved. Why go back? The only 'group' you'll find for DM will be a bunch of 55-57 lowbies who aren't in outlands yet, and I seriously doubt you'll be able to finish the dreadsteed summoning part without a full group of 60s (or a few lowbies with a level 70 helping you).

So you might get lucky and have a very generous, helpful guild, but for the most part you'd be on your own.

Whatever you do, don't drop skinning for engineering, thats a terrible profession, especially for a warlock with tailoring. The ONLY useful item you can make end-game is an epic helm, and the tailored helms are better anyways. And 180g is pretty good at 41, but that won't get you very far at all with engineering, you'll be broke by 175 skill at the latest without mining.

Later in the game skinning will be a pretty good gathering profession, but eh, we don't really grind on beasts as warlocks. I would have went herbalism or mining myself. If you have cooking maxed out, you can farm certain beasts that drop good cookable food, and sort of double your profit there. The only beasts I kill are basilisks at 70, for the +spell damage food. Pretty sure you can skin those. So if you plan on sticking with the skinning, know it gets more profitable in outlands, and you should keep cooking maxed out so you can cook all the meat you'll wind up with.
#4 Sep 21 2007 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts
it's not that money becomes more scarce, but you need to pay more out to do stuff.

Eg everyday I spend probably 5-10g on repairs.

Around lvl 50-60, I remember training and it took about 30-40g each 2 levels….well maybe each 4 levels, since i would skip some abilities for next time.

Also, around 50-60 is when you can actually spec into the tree you may desire for, now that you have enough points to get into another tree ability without affecting your leveling effectiveness (eg, mage and presence of mind, if they choose it)

Recipes you need for tradeskills may cost 10-50g or more.

At 60 you can immediately get your epic riding mount, which will set you back around 540g-600g. You could hold out also, but since you have gathering skills, you’ll benefit from faster mount. If you go for the warlock epic mount, you'll still spend a few hundred gold to get all the pieces, unless you have a warlock friend who doesn't mind sharing some stuff.

It’s great that you have 180g, but don’t think it’s sufficient. Whatever you did to get that 180g, keep doing it. You’ll need more money.

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 12:01pm by bluegayle

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 12:02pm by bluegayle
#5 Sep 21 2007 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
ramivore wrote:
it would be a pain to find I have to level a gathering profession from scratch at 70.

Not really. It's pretty easy to run over to a lowbie zone and start gathering. Then just work your way up the zones as your level increases. It's not like you have to worry about the mobs, and with an epic 60 mount you can travel pretty fast.

I've rearranged my skills many times. Things I've started from scratch at 70 and leveled up... Tailoring, skinning, herbalism, mining. Once you are 70, it's more about deciding what you want to focus on and making it happen. By then you already know you can do it.

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 1:07pm by dadanox
#6 Sep 21 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
ramivore wrote:
it would be a pain to find I have to level a gathering profession from scratch at 70.

Not really. It's pretty easy to run over to a lowbie zone and start gathering. Then just work your way up the zones as your level increases. It's not like you have to worry about the mobs, and with an epic 60 mount you can travel pretty fast.

I've rearranged my skills many times. Things I've started from scratch at 70 and leveled up... Tailoring, skinning, herbalism, mining. Once you are 70, it's more about deciding what you want to focus on and making it happen. By then you already know you can do it.

Edited, Sep 21st 2007 1:07pm by dadanox

QTF, I have restarted skills at 70 a number of times also. Since, you have the epic mount (or should have) and almost nothing aggros, it is a pretty quick process to level up a gathering skill from scratch.
#7 Sep 21 2007 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
mikelolol wrote:
nobody ever runs those anymore (especially dire maul).

You missed a post on the warlock forum...

Warlocks that will help YOU (Epic Mount)
#8 Sep 21 2007 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Good point Mike, I don't have the required warlock items to do the quest, but I'd still be willing to help..I put my info in that thread.

QTF, I have restarted skills at 70 a number of times also. Since, you have the epic mount (or should have) and almost nothing aggros, it is a pretty quick process to level up a gathering skill from scratch.

Yeah, herbalism especially is incredibly fast to powerlevel at 70. Mining takes quite a bit longer, but its still pretty fast.
#9 Sep 22 2007 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
180g is nice for level 40ish but dont kid yourself its so much.
Apart from mounts there are lot of things you will have to spend on.

I use tons of consumables, since I dropped herbalism for tailoring I buy herbs out of AH - every stack of 20 potions cost me between 50-70g and I can burn them in 2 runs like nothing. If worst happens and I have to repair it can cost me around 30g for measle 2 wipes.
I like my alts, specially the hunter girl lately and I got interested in JC. Up to 350ish skill I spent about 1k gold on her and I am still not earning anything really.

I have all the crafted gear I could get, I have epic flying mount, I still have enough gold not to worry if I loose 100-200 otw. But I have my ways to make gold too, at 70 its not so hard even without gathering profs.
But at 41 I would seriously think about dropping something that makes money. You still have long way to go.

#10 Sep 22 2007 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, thanks for the all the helpful advice guys. After reading this and some other threads on this forum, I've decided to try to invest some of the money in leveling enchanting some on my alt. I have a lvl 20 mage who I had originally planned to twink out, but I quickly discovered that this burned up gold pretty fast. More than that, mages are terrible at 19 on the BG! He can try his hand at the disenchanting racket. If it turns out that I hate it, /shrug, I had the money to burn for now.

What was really bothering me was the idea that I had a gotten a bit of a windfall, but that it really wasn't doing me any good. Maybe this way I can turn it into an investment. I'll try being a little more liberal with the potions too.
#11 Sep 22 2007 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
What was really bothering me was the idea that I had a gotten a bit of a windfall, but that it really wasn't doing me any good. Maybe this way I can turn it into an investment. I'll try being a little more liberal with the potions too.
The best investment would be to start checking the AH for lvl 57 gear, for the specific gear you want. I've got a 42 priest and I'm looking to get a full set of invoker gear for 57. I've got maybe a third of the pieces already, but it'll still take a couple of weeks to get the rest of the set.
#12 Sep 22 2007 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
There's a "tip" that you get when the game loads. Its crucial to remember IMO, and its a money sinkhole if you pay close attention to it:

Quests done at max level provide money instead of XP.

That key right there is worth at least 1-2k gold for you at 70.

When you get to Outlands, quest what you must, instance what you can, but for the real EASY money. Save the quests that you can.

I made 800g in about 4-5 hours of gameplay doing quests, and just selling the trash drops I got while doing so. Now all my alts follow this method more.

Its more time consuming in a sense because you don't get the juicy quest XP, but if you're rested, a instance for your lvl should provide 900-1400 xp per mob killed, the end result is pretty much 3-5 runs in an instance will provide a lvl to you, giving you substantial shots at good drops to use for your toon, and selling / DE'ing, and saving those quests for rep later, and great substantial gluts of cash @ 70.

#13 Sep 23 2007 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
982 posts

As a further point, I would say most of this money came from selling gear, maybe 1/4 came from selling recipes purchased from vendors, and 1/10 came from gathering. What percentage of your income would you say comes from your gathering professions?

Selling gear is 0.00001% of my income, disenchanting is like 60% of my income (on alt which is far more richer then main) and the rest is questing and mining on main.

#14 Sep 28 2007 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
Keep on what you're doing!
#15 Sep 28 2007 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
The best investment would be to start checking the AH for lvl 57 gear, for the specific gear you want. I've got a 42 priest and I'm looking to get a full set of invoker gear for 57. I've got maybe a third of the pieces already, but it'll still take a couple of weeks to get the rest of the set.

No offense but thats a horrible investment. The green quest rewards from Outlands between 58-59 will blow those pieces out of the water. By 61 you'll have replaced every single Azeroth piece with items that are vastly superior in every single way.

Edited, Sep 29th 2007 3:57am by mikelolol
#16 Sep 29 2007 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
mikelolol wrote:

No offense but thats a horrible investment. The green quest rewards from Outlands between 58-59 will blow those pieces out of the water. By 61 you'll have replaced every single Azeroth piece with items that are vastly superior in every single way.

And such a pity really. I spent fun evening in BRD on my baby hunter and got nice gloves and shoulders I would so like to keep for a bit. I mean I consider running BRD in level 52-56 group quite an achievement and would love to brag with my loot a bit longer.
But meh, dinged 57 and OL here I come soon to get some ugly greens :(

#17 Sep 29 2007 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
And such a pity really. I spent fun evening in BRD on my baby hunter and got nice gloves and shoulders I would so like to keep for a bit. I mean I consider running BRD in level 52-56 group quite an achievement and would love to brag with my loot a bit longer.
But meh, dinged 57 and OL here I come soon to get some ugly greens :(

Haha, I still haven't got a robe on my mage yet...ugly tunics FTL. I mean, running the instances is fine (BRD, LBRS, Strat etc..), I just wouldn't pay for the dungeon sets.
#18 Sep 30 2007 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
hehe correct

at a point a few levels ago i worked out my leatherworking was not exactly making me gold and as a hunter thought the mail recipes were sure as hell not for hunters so i went to mining took about 10 hours only to get to 300 skill and as i am now level 66 can get around 50g an hour mining the right areas

want to make gold in mining , its easy as a high level to re skill and as long as you can mine when others are not easy to make real gold

my advice is for all low level players to forget making gold by making stuff , take up gathering anything cloth , skinning , mining ,herbs whatever there is always a decent market for, yes if to many do it the prices can drop but watch the market and supply the demand . when i was low in level i would farm linen or silk when the price was good

on this character at 40 i had around 500g between this and 6 other low characters i was building up

i see to many power levelling and destroying the market for made stuff anyway , what is the good of selling 10 of the same thing all at once and the next person does the same but cheaper ? makes no sense at all
#19 Oct 04 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
As said by previous posters, I would continue doing what you are doing atm. 180g at that level is really nice. As far as getting Eng, that prof makes hardly any money at all compared to other profs. Its really fun and helpful if youre a hunter, but as a lock, the only good thing from Eng that you get is the PvP factor (bombs, grenades, etc) and the Epic goggles. Few guns (minus the gyro) sell in AH. Not to mention eng is very expensive and a pain to level, especially if you dont mine. I think what you have going is good to be honest. Keep the tailoring for your frozen set and keep skinning away. Outland makes you good cash from quests, yet the day to day costs of repairs, reagents , item mats, etc. add up really really fast.
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