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their loss is your gain!Follow

#1 Sep 18 2007 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
So, after my last post... I went back on WoW. Going around, doing my thing... you know, the usual! So I eventually get to a major city and decide to check up on my auctions. Only to see that some TARD is undercutting my Strange Dust by 60 silver. WTF IS THAT?! And I know this has happened to you too!

Well, a plan formulated in my head during this. I thought 'why is he the only one selling it for that cheap'. I start browsing around and see that most people sell it for about the same price I ask, personally I'm a firm believer in getting a fair price for a product be it in WoW or in real life.

So what did I do? I bought out all his items for his asking price and relisted them myself for my own asking price.

I just logged on to check my mail and every one of them sold. Talk about beating them out of their own game!

So my lesson or 'guide' here is... if you got the money to do so, always buyout some undercutting little punks merchandise and sell it under your own guise. Yeah, he may be getting what he wants, but when it sells for MORE than he got for it, you can laugh at him for missing out on all that sweet profit.

And there is a lesson to be learned here, this is for all the under cutters who may be reading. Selling your items for a stupid low price, only hurts yourself.
#2 Sep 18 2007 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
I use auctioneer to set the prices for probably 90% of stuff I want to sell just because I don't want to waste the time researching the prices for every little thing I throw on the AH. I have it set to undercut the average price by 5%. If that means I lose out on 60s here and there, that's fine. I'd rather have the money in a shorter period of time than milk out every copper I can. I've already got an epic mount on my main, flying mount on my lock... I've got every jewelcrafting design in the game outside of Hyjal/BT (and I'll be getting those VERY shortly)... so I really don't need money. I just want to liquidate all the stuff in my bags as fast as I can.
#3 Sep 18 2007 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
in many ways i agree
in the past i have brought the cheap and resold at a reasonable price , after all who but a fool sells anything at less than cost price

my real dislike on the server i am on is the crafters flood the market .i mean WTF why make 10 of something then try to sell all at once , chances are if at a reasonable price they do not sell , and there is always an undercutter , i must admit if they get tooooo!!!! cheap the enchanters win on that (hehe ) yes i have a enchanter character , recently i decided to take up jewel crafting again , i am spending more time buying out the dirt cheap jewellery sold in batches of 5+ as it is well below the price it should be sold for , and i guess other disenchanters are doing the same

but there is also on my server ( lightbringer ) some fools selling ? trying to sell low level stuff for serious gold i.e something that sells for less than 50s in the past for 2g or much more ? , now i am not sure about anyone else but there is no way i would buy something that is so overpriced ,and any new low level characters will never be able to afford decent stuff at those prices , i hope they do not sell and they keep trying as it will cost them a small fortune in auction charges

as a further note in my reply i wish enchanters would do as i do , i never buy low level armour or weapons , my reason for this is there are many low level characters looking for items and on my server hardly anything being sold when i look , which i guess is the enchanters grabbing everything that is cheap , what i do buy at times is anything cheap and crafted , that way i get the stuff i need at a reasonable price , and i got to over 200 enchanting without buying anything except thread as i do tailoring and i love killing humanoids ,

my advice for all characters is to get auctioneer and be sure to get enchantrix , use the prices as a >>> GUIDE ONLY <<< , otherwise it drives prices down.. that way the prices become stable ? and everyone gets a chance to make gold

want to make gold at level 10 , easy take up mining , copper ore sells for 1g+ a stack on most servers . or skinning , light leather sells well depending on server can be 50s to 1g+ a stack ,

or just go kill humanoids , my very first character was making at least 2g a day at level 10 from selling cloth and other drops

#4 Sep 19 2007 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
Missing out on all that sweet profit? How much profit is it considering you had to buy it from him. I always undercut all the greedy people. Enough so that some of the stuff bought is people like you buying it, I don't care, it's sold I got money in my pocket. Plus I think the WOW economy is artificially pushed higher by gold buyer/sellers, so hopefully sometimes my good deals are helping out someone.
#5 Sep 19 2007 at 3:17 AM Rating: Decent
Same problem here, i find it annoying that some people undercut my goods by 1 silver just to bump mine down, or even worse they change the bid price 1 copper lower and it bumps mine down without changing the buyout price. But creating your niche in the market is a good idea, for example, i saw two stacks Greater Magic Essence selling 4G a stack each and i immediately bought it all and sold each Greater Magic Essence for 1G each so in total i will make a profit of 12G excluding the AH tax.
#6 Sep 19 2007 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
Deciet wrote:
i saw two stacks Greater Magic Essence selling 4G a stack each and i immediately bought it all and sold each Greater Magic Essence for 1G each so in total i will make a profit of 12G excluding the AH tax.

...and you'll end up losing your ***. 10G for a stack of 10 Greater Magic Essence is unconscionable. I can out-produce your "niche" and double my money by selling the stuff at 3G/stack. You will end up buying everything I produce and selling none because I can make those essences faster than you can buy them, unless you are as rich as Creosus. I still double my money, and you can't monitor the AH for my reasonable prices 24/7. So some people will still buy mine instead of yours, note the difference, and tell their friends about some rip-off artist jacking prices.
#7 Sep 19 2007 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
...and you'll end up losing your ***. 10G for a stack of 10 Greater Magic Essence is unconscionable. I can out-produce your "niche" and double my money by selling the stuff at 3G/stack. You will end up buying everything I produce and selling none because I can make those essences faster than you can buy them, unless you are as rich as Creosus. I still double my money, and you can't monitor the AH for my reasonable prices 24/7. So some people will still buy mine instead of yours, note the difference, and tell their friends about some rip-off artist jacking prices.

...then again, there might not be an ohmikegod on his server to undercut him. With the crazy amount of Outland gold floating around, people are much more willing to slap down big prices for convenience when levelling their alts or switching over to Enchanting once they've got a shot at the ring enchants.

When there are no other sellers, I frequently put LME up for 29.99 and sell out, or GME at 89.99 and sell out. 1G for a GME is a high price point, but as you know, there's no deposit. It might work for him. It all depends on his economy, which is surely different from yours and mine.

I've never been fond of the corner-the-market tactic of buying stuff up and relisting it at an artificially inflated price. (I relist things that I buy at super-low prices, but that's a different matter.) But that doesn't mean it can't work. If people find an in-demand product with no regular supplier like ohmikegod on your server, they might very well be able to take advantage.
#8 Sep 19 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
I would venture to say, most servers have their version of ohmikeghod, and some are probably even more of a curmudgeon than he Smiley: smile. I certainly don't speak for him, but the way I read it is not so much cornering the market as offering a good at a reasonable price. In general, especially for replenishable commodity items, the populations on most servers are large enough that pricing will ultimately find an equilibrium. So the point I get from Mike is that in the long run if there is someone that prices their goods significantly above the established price, they will suffer from slower sales to the point that someone selling at a lower price will have multiple sales versus a single sale for the higher price (which sold only because it happened to be the only one on the market at the time).
#9 Sep 19 2007 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Now, I dont mind the occasional undercut, but its these Idiot ******* dumbasses that instead of reselling the 1.5g priced item for like....1.4 or 1.3g, they re-sell it for 90s. WHAT THE HELL!?

Are you seriously THAT desperate to sell your stuff? You are a complete failure if you are that stupid.
#10 Sep 19 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
Darrkk wrote:
Now, I dont mind the occasional undercut, but its these Idiot @#%^ing dumbasses that instead of reselling the 1.5g priced item for like....1.4 or 1.3g, they re-sell it for 90s. WHAT THE HELL!?

Are you seriously THAT desperate to sell your stuff? You are a complete failure if you are that stupid.

A lot of those people don't think about checking prices and stuff and just throw it up on the AH. This is where you play the AH and make profit. I do it a lot when I see GME's going for like 30-40s, I buy them out and sell them for around 1g a piece. I do the same for Greater Eternals. Last month people were in a undercutting war going as low as 6g a piece, I snagged all those up and held onto them until they stopped. I put them all back up (about 5 stacks worth) for about 10-11g a piece. Made some decent change.
#11 Sep 19 2007 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
Cochu wrote:
I would venture to say, most servers have their version of ohmikeghod, and some are probably even more of a curmudgeon than he Smiley: smile. I certainly don't speak for him, but the way I read it is not so much cornering the market as offering a good at a reasonable price. In general, especially for replenishable commodity items, the populations on most servers are large enough that pricing will ultimately find an equilibrium. So the point I get from Mike is that in the long run if there is someone that prices their goods significantly above the established price, they will suffer from slower sales to the point that someone selling at a lower price will have multiple sales versus a single sale for the higher price (which sold only because it happened to be the only one on the market at the time).

The only good thing about someone trying to corner the market and selling at artificially inflated prices is that a smart person can take advantage of it.

For example, if Deceit jacks the price of Greater Magic Essence to 10G/stack, the normal price is 3G/stack (and Auctioneer confirms the hike), I've found that for a couple of days I can make a bit more profit by selling at 4G/stack instead of the usual 3G. The price returns to normal shortly after the price-jacker decides that he really can't corner the market.
#12 Sep 20 2007 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
When I started playing I wasn't concerned about getting absolute top dollar for items, I just wanted them to sell quickly so I had some money for ammo and training. Now it's a different story though. I'd been farming Jungle Stalkers in STV for Exp, meat and hides and went with some bulging bags to the Stormwind AH.

I had mostly heavy leather but also had 5 full stacks of thick leather which I planned to make serious coin from. However someone had gone a placed another 5 full stacks on buyout for 1g50s, undercutting my planned price by a full 3g. I was worried that no-one had snapped them up so thought there might be a lull in the market but threw caution to the wind and snapped them all up.

Next day I'm 45g richer from selling all 10 stacks for an outlay of 7g50s. Lovely. Considering I'd just bought my mount the day before it was a welcome replenishment of funds.
#13 Sep 20 2007 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
all are pretty valid points, I'd say. But for instance in my post at the top, I say 60 silver. Well, I put it up their for what I paid +60 silver. I had enough money to buy out his whole lot (I believe around 12 stacks). Re listed them at MY asking price... so 60 silver x 12 = my profit! I made off with over 7 gold.

I seen it was mentioned above me how you weren't concerned about getting top dollar and you wanted to sell quickly... well there are a standardized prices (of sorts) in place for a reason. They sell at a good rate for these prices.
#14 Sep 20 2007 at 3:44 AM Rating: Default
sorry if I came off whining. most of my gold so far has come from quests. I had 2500 at one point (spent it all though). so now need to find a way to get over 5000 for epic mount training. And to try to skill up leatherworking, though I'm thinking about dropping that. Only reason to keep it is to make stuff for myself.
#15 Sep 20 2007 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
The only good thing about someone trying to corner the market and selling at artificially inflated prices is that a smart person can take advantage of it.

For example, if Deceit jacks the price of Greater Magic Essence to 10G/stack, the normal price is 3G/stack (and Auctioneer confirms the hike), I've found that for a couple of days I can make a bit more profit by selling at 4G/stack instead of the usual 3G. The price returns to normal shortly after the price-jacker decides that he really can't corner the market.

The thing is that I dont sell them in a stack, i sell them individually because from experience not alot of people would want to buy a whole lot of GME, they might want one or two pieces and would rather not want to muy a stack if they need one or two of them.
#16 Sep 20 2007 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
The basic 2 gathering professions got me what I've got today. I don't have much. I spend roughly 15 to 18 hrs per week on WoW, and for the amount of time I put into it, I am pleased with not quite having enough for Perek's epic yet. Picked up mining and skinning and went with it. Not many people mention WC runs for deviate scales but I made a pretty penny off of it. Deviate fish as well. On my server people love those fish.
#17 Sep 22 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
UnderTheGun wrote:
And there is a lesson to be learned here, this is for all the under cutters who may be reading. Selling your items for a stupid low price, only hurts yourself.

Personally, I haven't the inventory space to keep tabs on stupid undercutters. There are people who undercut intelligently to get their materials to sell first, and then there are those who think, "If my stuff sells this fast when I only undercut by 5s, imagine how fast it will sell if i undercut by 5g!!!"

Eventually the market corrects itself when people start to realize (especially in enchanting reagents) that blindly following the undercutters to move your merchandise can quickly deplete your gold reserves. Undercutters themselves never last long. The names I see next to the enchanting reagents on my realm are always the same, with the exception of the top 2-5 names on the list...those are the undercutters who **** themselves over and then give up because they can't figure out why they aren't making any money.

All it takes, however, is one undercutter starting with enough gold to keep their enterprise afloat for a week or two before they run dry to fill all of your alts with **** you're going to spend weeks (or months) trying to sell.

I prefer to keep it simple. I have a price in mind that is reasonable for my products based on what it cost me to produce them. I do not sell below that price. If that means I sit on that product for a month, so be it. I stop producing until it moves and turn to dailies/other products to keep the gold flowing in. That's all it takes.
#18 Sep 28 2007 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
You really tought that guy a lesson about business.
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