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#1 Sep 11 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
Okay, I'm a lvl 25 Human warrior, thinking of a mount.

Stats: I have 10g right now. Once I get the Dense Triangle Mace, I will be finished buying gear until level 40 w/mount.

I have skinning/mining for skills. Where are the best places to skin AND mine for stuff to sell in the AH? I am reading I will need 100g for riding lessons and a mount. Wow, that is a lot of friggin' gold!
#2 Sep 11 2007 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
It is really not a lot of money. You will notice that the closer you get to 40, the more money you have coming in. As long as you don't go crazy on the AH and spend all your money upgrading every other level you should do fine. As far as best places to skin and mine, I just did it wherever I happened to be leveling at the time. Although I made most of my money "day trading" on the AH, gathering professions, plus quests, plus selling drops should provide more than enough by 40 or shortly there after.
#3 Sep 11 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
ok first off why are you buying stuff from the ah?? if you are that worried you should not have to spend any money except on stuff like food or whatever. i mean you can get most your gear from drops in instances and quests. plus what you sell from greens and blues and leather and ore. you will have prolly twice the amount you need by 40. that is what i did on my priest. when i hit 40 i had around 160-180g. i bought my mount and i bought my friends cause he was a little low.

don't worry about it. but don't go spending a grip of money on the ah. it is a waste. (unless you see something that you know goes for alot more. then snag it up and resell. ex: assasins blade or something like that)
#4 Sep 11 2007 at 1:48 PM Rating: Excellent
476 posts
when you get to lvl 30, the yeti cave north of southshore is a good place to gather skins and ore at the same time.

with two gathering profs, i have confidence that you'll have 100g by the time you hit lvl 40.
#5 Sep 12 2007 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,305 posts
Questing is always a great way to make money. Once you get high enough to hit STV you should be set to grind/skin till your hearts content. As far as mining, Usually mountainous area's are... but I've had both good and bad luck in the same zone. Maybe make an alt to DE all the green+ items and sell the mats, I can make about 1-1.5g per-stack of Strangedust. If you really wanted you could farm for rare twink coveted items to sell for 100+g on the AH.

I'm only 36 on my warrior, but I already bought the mount just to get that out of the way. Now I just have to worry about getting the 81g for training then buying teh ability to wear plate along with aquiring some plate armor.

Edited, Sep 12th 2007 11:37am by fuzzzywuzy
#6 Sep 12 2007 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
JZion wrote:
Okay, I'm a lvl 25 Human warrior, thinking of a mount.

Stats: I have 10g right now. Once I get the Dense Triangle Mace, I will be finished buying gear until level 40 w/mount.

I have skinning/mining for skills. Where are the best places to skin AND mine for stuff to sell in the AH? I am reading I will need 100g for riding lessons and a mount. Wow, that is a lot of friggin' gold!

Go fishing in Tanaris. You can make your mount gold in less than a day by fishing.

Edited, Sep 12th 2007 11:50pm by ohmikeghod
#7 Sep 13 2007 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I'm 38 Hunter and alsready sitting on near 150g in the bank and that's after being an idiot and wasting money actually buying gear on the AH. I got the majority of my gold from skinning/farming in STV, Arathi Highlands and Duskwallow Marsh. There are plenty Raptors, Cats and Crocs in those areas to ensure you constantly have leather auctions on the go. Doing this has given me enough for a mount and will even let me indulge with buying a few bits of Mail once I hit 40, assuming I don't get enough via drops.

There are also bonuses like Raptor Meat and White Spider Meat for cooking tasty treats if you have Cooking at a decent level - these sell well on the AH and aren't a bad throwaway item for vendors. Same goes for bandages, get your First Aid levelled up cause people always need those supplies. And don't forget to put things like Raptor Hide, Large Fangs, etc on the AH - people need all sorts of strange ingredients for crafting.

As for mining I dunno, I took Herbalism as my 2nd Prof and it has really started paying off now.

Happy hunting :-)
#8 Sep 13 2007 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
982 posts
I made an alt on different server to test how much money i could make by just questing and skinning and mine a long the way

lvl 19 and i got 35g in my bags and i dont have any suger daddy on this server.

Just skin and mine as much as you can while lvlling (you know about the "find minerals" feature right?)
#9 Sep 13 2007 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, I mine whenever I can. I'm at 130 mining, 170+ skinning, 130+ cooking (I think), not sure where my first aid is, but I'm making heavy wool bandages now, and my fishing is around 80.
#10 Sep 13 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,188 posts
JZion wrote:
. . . and my fishing is around 80.

Raise your fishing. Raise your fishing. Raise your fishing.

There is an old adage that if you want someone to remember something, say it three times.

Go to Darkshore and fish. Fish the pools for Oily Blackmouth. There are two fishing quests from the gnome on the second floor of the inn that will help time go faster. Sell the Oily Blackmouth.

Go to Southshore and fish off the pier. There are always at least two pools, and sometimes three, that you can get right there. Oily Blackmouth, Firefin Snapper, and Floating Debris (sometimes). There's a fishing NPC right there to buy lures from. And you can take the other advice and go skin the Yetis, but they're level 30 and 31.

Get your fishing up to about 150 and go north out of Southshore and then east until you hit the river, and fish Sagefish. I'm not sure if they sell better cooked or uncooked because I cooked them and used them for my Pally at that level. Up and down the river, pool after pool of Sagefish. The turtles are neutral (yellow) and will not bother you, but watch for a group of five NPCs (undead, I think) that cross that bridge occasionally.

Southshore will be nice for you because it is loaded with beasts that you can skin. When you learn the way to the river, get off the road and you can kill and skin your way there and back. There is a good beast kill quest from the NPC in the stables.

When you are high enough level, go to Tanaris as OMG said (your fishing will be maxed by then) and make more money. You'll have your mount by then, though.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#11 Sep 13 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
For cash? Go fish deviate fish. Other than that, just remember to have your find minerals on every time you die, and skin every animal you come across. If you start to find ores which you can't mine, either go smelt until you have the level, or go back a zone and mine until you do.

Also, since you're going to be selling ores and skins at the AH, buy out all the ones people sell for pretty cheap instead of putting your price lower than theirs. That way, you'll get a better price for the ones you farmed, and you can make a marginal profit from the ones you bought at the AH.

Oh yeah, don't listen to the people who tell you not to buy gear at the AH. You're a warrior, and warriors are really gear dependent. Just buy efficiently, which means buying the absolute cheapest items you can, and sometimes buying 2-3 levels above the one you're at(if you can get it at a really good price). Look for large amounts of single items that some poor blacksmither has made in large quantity and is selling for dirt cheap. Don't upgrade too frequently, and don't upgrade for relatively small stats/armor boosts.

10G isn't bad for a lvl 25 actually. It's more than I had at that lvl the first time around. You've got a long way to 40, so I'm sure you'll make it.
#12 Sep 13 2007 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
JZion wrote:
my fishing is around 80.
baveux wrote:
For cash? Go fish deviate fish.
Deviate Fish is actually a great choice if you're on a PvE server. They make more gold that either Firefin Snapper or Oily Blackmouth, and the Oases are low enough level that 80 skill is not a problem.

I'm not certain whether it would be good on a PvP server, because there are so many quests that send hordies to the Oases. The probability of them bringing in their friends to get an HK should be enough to keep you away (or at least on your toes). Keeping a constant eye out for gankers will also impact your fishing.
#13 Sep 13 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
JZion wrote:
my fishing is around 80.
baveux wrote:
For cash? Go fish deviate fish.
Deviate Fish is actually a great choice if you're on a PvE server. They make more gold that either Firefin Snapper or Oily Blackmouth, and the Oases are low enough level that 80 skill is not a problem.

I'm not certain whether it would be good on a PvP server, because there are so many quests that send hordies to the Oases. The probability of them bringing in their friends to get an HK should be enough to keep you away (or at least on your toes). Keeping a constant eye out for gankers will also impact your fishing.
#14 Sep 13 2007 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
2,018 posts
I'm not certain whether it would be good on a PvP server, because there are so many quests that send hordies to the Oases. The probability of them bringing in their friends to get an HK should be enough to keep you away (or at least on your toes). Keeping a constant eye out for gankers will also impact your fishing.

At 25 it might be a little dangerous but I've always just run to the first oasis right outside of Ratchet and never had any issues.
#15 Sep 19 2007 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
I'm now level 30 and have skinning at 220 and fishing just over 100. Fishing is extremely boring, and oily blackmouth don't sell for ****. I'll check out southshore.
#16 Sep 19 2007 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Work on your MINING, you should be putting stacks of mithril up for sale on the AH by your mid-late 30's, and those sell for 12-15g each. Seriously, go out and mine like crazy.

Once you hit your higher 30s, like 35-36 go to wailing caverns and farm the elite raptors for skining. They're only level 16-17, so whenever you can quickly solo them, go there. Skin those for perfect deviate scales, medium and light leather, and deviate scales. You're really only there for perfect deviate scales.

Theres fishing bots on most servers farming deviate fish 24/7, the prices are ridiculously low to bother trying. Unless you can sell stacks uncooked for 8g a stack, don't bother, instead go level up your mining and run around arathi + STV gathering tin ore, iron ore and mithril ore. Don't smelt it, sell it in ore form by the stack.
#17 Oct 12 2007 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
Level 38+ now and mining mithril has really paid off. Over 100 gold now and I keep going, and even have the money to spend at the AH on stupid potions and scrolls to keep myself buffed while questing.

Where are the Wailing Caverns?
#18 Oct 12 2007 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
you are too high for WC now. Wailing Caverns are generally used by the Horde (I believe in replacement for the Stockades or Gnomer, Idk my Alliance side instances) for the 17-22 bracket. At your level you should be running SM and RFD.
#19 Oct 12 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Anobix wrote:
you are too high for WC now. Wailing Caverns are generally used by the Horde (I believe in replacement for the Stockades or Gnomer, Idk my Alliance side instances) for the 17-22 bracket. At your level you should be running SM and RFD.

I think he wants to go to WC to farm as someone suggested. WC is southwest of Crossroad (Horde town in the center of the Barrens). It's right above the 2 oasis pools (one's smaller than the other).
#20 Oct 15 2007 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
I will check this out tonight. I am level 39 now and just about to hit 40.
#21 Oct 15 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
JZion wrote:
I have skinning/mining for skills. Where are the best places to skin AND mine for stuff to sell in the AH?

The Charred Vale in Stonetalon is an excellent place to mine for everything from Copper to Truesilver at low levels. It is more conveniently located for Horde, though, so take care if you're on a PVP server.
#22 Oct 15 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
I will check this out tonight. I have been to Theramore Isle, and I'll have my mount tonight when I hit 40 and I'll head right out there and start mining!
#23 Oct 15 2007 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
i wouldnt worry about mount money at lv 25 unless your korean cause youll make that in like 2 seconds and be lv 70 in 10 minutes
#24 Oct 15 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
982 posts
i wouldnt worry about mount money at lv 25 unless your korean cause youll make that in like 2 seconds and be lv 70 in 10 minutes

Read before answer pls :

I will check this out tonight. I have been to Theramore Isle, and I'll have my mount tonight when I hit 40 and I'll head right out there and start mining!
#25 Oct 16 2007 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
Woo-hoo! Level 40! I am at the Inn at Nijel's Point with Brother Anton (now THAT sounds gay) getting a quest that I will put off until after I do The Charred Vale.
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