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#27 Aug 27 2007 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
982 posts
Many posts for a simple proffesion,

I Disenchant and sell = gold

When i come across something that needs a certain skill lvl i skill up with the mats i have = (almost) free

I can tell you i skilled up my enchanting, tailoring and Blacksmithing (and starting engineering) all funded by disenchanting

Enchanting is a must have on an alt imo..
#28 Aug 29 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
I am sorry but i do not know where you get that it is a cheap profession even if farming the AH for materials.

Enchanting is THE most expensive Profession in the game. If you are only looking to make gold and make it right away, go Mining/Herbalism/Leatherworking combo's.

With people overcharging for Rare Recipes/Mats (sometimes in the 1000g marker on recipes; at least on my servers) and the fact that level 300 Enchant recipes use a HUGE amount of Brilliants and Eternals, as well as Illusion Dust, which is insanely expensive. Not to mention the cost of Large Prismatics or Greater Planar Essences (most of the decent high level recipes require 8 Prismatics and 8 Planar and some of the good ones require Primal X or Primal Might. Enchanting is way expensive.

Most Enchanters will enchant your stuff for free and ask for a donation, but by no means is it a 'money making or even a cheap profession'. Stop being a post ***** and trying to say it is when you clearly know NOTHING about it. I have almost EVERY rare recipe in the game, and have spent many hours and hours farming rep and my recipes to keep costs down but on average have probably still dumped a couple thousand gold into keeping enchanting alive.

If you have a lot of gold and a lot of time to kill with farming rare recipes/rep then this is a great profession to allow you to get the best out of your gear. But people posting that this is a cheap profession, when they themselves are doing such things as 'Herbalism and Alchemy' do NOT know what they are talking about. Please get off your soap box.

You sir are the one Providing disinformation....the reason that Experienced players INSIST that it is EXPENSIVE is because they are indeed EXPERIENCED ENCHANTERS..........

So Bottom Line, don't ever sell any of your greens, only sell the high end blues; DE the rest and it shouldn't cost you 'as much' to level enchanting, but it will still cost you...

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 12:55pm by Runical
#29 Aug 29 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
3,761 posts
Most Enchanters will enchant your stuff for free and ask for a donation, but by no means is it a 'money making or even a cheap profession'. Stop being a post ***** and trying to say it is when you clearly know NOTHING about it. I have almost EVERY rare recipe in the game, and have spent many hours and hours farming rep and my recipes to keep costs down but on average have probably still dumped a couple thousand gold into keeping enchanting alive.

LOL did you read any of this thread? How many items do you buy/disenchant everyday? 0? 5? 20? 100? 300?

Try disenchanting 50 items a day, then selling the mats for profit. Once you have enough profit, move up to 100. Then 200. Then just bid on every single item that will make you profit, every single day.

Items below level 45, I make at minimum 100% profit on. Usually more.

The better items that DE into dream dust/illusion dust/greater eternal essence/arcane dust I dont mind a 50-70% margin on. They provide more gold per disenchant, so I'll bid 3g to make 4.5g consistently. Or 5g to make 7.5.

Learn to disenchant for profit, you need enchantrix for this. You can make 1k gold per week doing this, sometimes more.

Edited, Aug 29th 2007 12:54pm by mikelolol
#30 Aug 29 2007 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
Runical wrote:
I am sorry but i do not know where you get that it is a cheap profession even if farming the AH for materials.

\_________person who does not know (and will never know) how to make money enchanting.

Enchanting is THE most expensive Profession in the game.

\_________person who needs to learn how to read.

With people overcharging for Rare Recipes/Mats (sometimes in the 1000g marker on recipes; at least on my servers) and the fact that level 300 Enchant recipes use a HUGE amount of Brilliants and Eternals, as well as Illusion Dust, which is insanely expensive. Not to mention the cost of Large Prismatics or Greater Planar Essences (most of the decent high level recipes require 8 Prismatics and 8 Planar and some of the good ones require Primal X or Primal Might. Enchanting is way expensive.

\________AHA! This explains it all! Person is not a disenchanter. Person buys from disenchanters, making them wealthy and making himself poor simultaneously.

Edited, Aug 30th 2007 12:25am by ohmikeghod
#31 Aug 30 2007 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

\________AHA! This explains it all! Person is not a disenchanter. Person buys from disenchanters, making them wealthy and making himself poor simultaneously.


I'm serious...knock it off.

You tell me how I'm supposed to consider it cheap when I've got two options to skill up post 360:

a) CE Revered formula spammed on crap gloves: 100g worth of reagents/enchant
b) Formulas that nobody on my realm can afford

Either way, it's the cost that's holding me back. Not necessarily the cost to me, but if nobody is willing to pay for the mats, the enchants don't get done. Over a period of time with no skillups, their reluctance to soak the cost becomes my necessity if I ever want to see any skillups. Ergo it becomes my only option to spam "cheap" enchants on myself. Try soaking 100g in opportunity cost/enchant and tell me that's not a big deal. It's managable, but that's 1500-2000g+ I'd much rather be investing on something else, even if that something else is just a tidy nest egg for WotLK.

You have a lot of good information to share ohmikeghod, but you really need to stop talking down to people like disenchanting for profit is the only use for enchanting. It's not. Some of us actually like having access to the higher level enchants, just like some people like to be able to make BC BoP crafted epics.

Edited, Aug 30th 2007 8:44am by AureliusSir
#32 Aug 30 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Default
982 posts

I'm serious...knock it off.

You tell me how I'm supposed to consider it cheap when I've got two options to skill up post 360:

a) CE Revered formula spammed on crap gloves: 100g worth of reagents/enchant
b) Formulas that nobody on my realm can afford

oh my god!!

If you put it that way then every proff is expensive. But i can tell you if i didn't took up enchanting i would by poor instead of rich.

Enchanting is really and I say again the easiest money maker in game!!

Anyway if you dont agreed then you dont know how to use it correctly try getting some guides or something but pls stop flame people who do know how to make money with it...

ohmikeghod.. why dont they understand?

#33 Aug 30 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

If you consider it to be two seperate skills, disenchanting for the gathering of materials and enchanting as the "crafting" skill then the enchanting part of this IS expensive.
You cannot level enchanting without putting lots of money into it (AH mats or greens/blues) or losing money (D/E drops but missing out on 1 gathering skill).

Disenchanting is something that does take time and although it can make much more gold than gathering it's at the cost of XP as you have to stay in a capital to do it (even the 20 minutes added to your day trading could be a significant chunk of XP).

But yes I agree with mike..

#34 Aug 30 2007 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
AureliusSir wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

\________AHA! This explains it all! Person is not a disenchanter. Person buys from disenchanters, making them wealthy and making himself poor simultaneously.


I'm serious...knock it off.

You tell me how I'm supposed to consider it cheap when I've got two options to skill up post 360:

a) CE Revered formula spammed on crap gloves: 100g worth of reagents/enchant
b) Formulas that nobody on my realm can afford

c) Have a disenchanting alt at 300 (no higher) that FINANCES the money loser. The alt doesn't need to be higher than L35, either.
d) Disenchant until you can afford the formulas and reagents (don't worry about the dusts, essences, and crystals - they will be there).
#35 Aug 30 2007 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
AureliusSir wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

\________AHA! This explains it all! Person is not a disenchanter. Person buys from disenchanters, making them wealthy and making himself poor simultaneously.


I'm serious...knock it off.

You tell me how I'm supposed to consider it cheap when I've got two options to skill up post 360:

a) CE Revered formula spammed on crap gloves: 100g worth of reagents/enchant
b) Formulas that nobody on my realm can afford

c) Have a disenchanting alt at 300 (no higher) that FINANCES the money loser. The alt doesn't need to be higher than L35, either.
d) Disenchant until you can afford the formulas and reagents (don't worry about the dusts, essences, and crystals - they will be there).

You've entirely missed the point.

2000+g for 15 points of skill is still 2000+g.

End of story.

So you say, "But no! You're getting the mats for so cheap! That's what you'd pay if you bought them on auction so it's really not that expensive."

That's also what I'd get if I sold them on auction.

The value of my current enchanting materials inventory is sitting in the neighborhood of 1000-1200g. I see absolutely no benefit to leveling an alt to 35 to do what I can already do on my main. It's not like I can be off doing dailies or grinding instances on my main while simultaneously cruising the auction and disenchanting on an alt.

The original question in the thread was whether or not enchanting is an expensive profession to level. The question is not whether or not disenchanting will help with that expense. I also have 375 Mining on my main and it's no less lucrative than (dis)enchanting. It's not like D/Eing for profit gives me that much more of an edge to offset what I'm losing when I'm spamming enchants on throw-away gear instead of selling the reagents on auction.

So yes, while I'm cruising the auction and filling my bank bags with dusts and shards and essences to hold in reserve for skillup purposes, I'm getting those mats at a "reduced" cost. The lesser dusts and essences pay for the cost of the higher tier greens to D/E for the 360+ formula requirements. While I'm grinding away for "cheap" mats, my overall gold reserves are remaining almost entirely stagnant. Were it not for daily quests and mining, I'd probably be seeing a steady decline.

I'm not QQing about it. It's part of the profession and as I've already said, other professions have it just as bad.

What I won't accept is the statement that enchanting is not expensive to level. Houses are expensive. There are a great many benefits to owning one, but that doesn't mean they're suddenly not expensive.
#36 Aug 30 2007 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
AureliusSir wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
AureliusSir wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

\________AHA! This explains it all! Person is not a disenchanter. Person buys from disenchanters, making them wealthy and making himself poor simultaneously.


I'm serious...knock it off.

You tell me how I'm supposed to consider it cheap when I've got two options to skill up post 360:

a) CE Revered formula spammed on crap gloves: 100g worth of reagents/enchant
b) Formulas that nobody on my realm can afford

c) Have a disenchanting alt at 300 (no higher) that FINANCES the money loser. The alt doesn't need to be higher than L35, either.
d) Disenchant until you can afford the formulas and reagents (don't worry about the dusts, essences, and crystals - they will be there).

You've entirely missed the point.

2000+g for 15 points of skill is still 2000+g.

End of story.

Wrong. 2000G is only equal to the ammount of effort put into acquiring it. Now, you can make 2000G in 10 hours of play (1 hour per day over a 10-day period), or 40 hours of farming primals. The second is obviously more intensive than the first. Which 2000G would you prefer? Since you have no idea on how to make money, but have a good idea on how to spend it, I suspect that you will opt for the wrong one.

So you say, "But no! You're getting the mats for so cheap! That's what you'd pay if you bought them on auction so it's really not that expensive."

You don't seem to get it, do you? The mats you use enchanting are a drop in the bucket compared to the mats you create. Even if you use your own mats for enchanting your own stuff, you'll end up making a profit on the mats you DO NOT use. Oh, woe is you! instead of making 200G/day, you only make 160G per day. QQ more, because you don't have the mental wherewithal to use your profession to make money while leveling your skill.

I'm not QQing about it. It's part of the profession and as I've already said, other professions have it just as bad.

Yes, you are. And you continue to do so every time you mistakenly state that it's an expensive profession. Because you aren't able to do it, no one can - is that it?

What I won't accept is the statement that enchanting is not expensive to level. Houses are expensive. There are a great many benefits to owning one, but that doesn't mean they're suddenly not expensive.

If you could make money just for owning a house, would it still be expensive? You're not only using the wrong analogy, you're still crying about YOUR (certainly not my) inability to make money from the most lucrative profession in the game.

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 12:01am by ohmikeghod
#37 Aug 30 2007 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
982 posts

What I won't accept is the statement that enchanting is not expensive to level. Houses are expensive. There are a great many benefits to owning one, but that doesn't mean they're suddenly not expensive.

I see your point, but still if you compare lvlling BS to lvlling Enchanting its cheaper post TBC. especcially at the early stages.

For exmaple:
lvlling blacksmith 1 - 225 will need you to have
bronze bars
coarse stones
gold bars
iron bars

etc etc

these mats (most of them) will cost you gold for the buyouts and not silver or bronze

For enchanting the first 50 point are earned with disenchanting and those items can be bought for < 10-20 silver.
After that you'll need something like 25 strange dust to get at 75 (also <30 silver and prob. already in the bags from the first few skillups)
After that you'll need some visions, astrals, strange and souls to get to 225.
Most of them from disenchanting items <1 0r 1g50s

So if you where powerlvlling BS or enchanting you'll see that enchanting is in fact cheaper then BS (same goes for tailoring btw)

The problem with the crafting proffesions is that you either need to grind for the items or buy from AH, enchanting however (with the exception of a few gems) is bought of cheap due to the "trash"greens.

I happen to experience this by myself..

#38 Aug 31 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
ohmikeghod wrote:
Wrong. 2000G is only equal to the ammount of effort put into acquiring it. Now, you can make 2000G in 10 hours of play (1 hour per day over a 10-day period), or 40 hours of farming primals. The second is obviously more intensive than the first. Which 2000G would you prefer? Since you have no idea on how to make money, but have a good idea on how to spend it, I suspect that you will opt for the wrong one.

Wow...are you ever off base and reaching.

I don't expect you to have followed my postings here on Alla, but as I've already said, for a few months I was one of the wealthiest players on my server (epic flyers being the great equalizer and all). On my very first ever WoW toon, I had the money for my first mount before I was level 30. Epic land mount before I hit 50. Normal flying mount before I started xping in Outland at 58. I had purchased all of the pricy pre-BC formulas long before I could use them (Crusader, Unholy, Lifestealing, Fiery, etc.) At the same time as I was getting to Outland, the enchanting reagents market went to absolute sh*t on my realm for well over 3 weeks. I'm talking Dream Dust 3-4g/stack. Arcane Dust 10-13g/stack. Consequently, I stop D/Eing for profit. If there was any gold to be made, it wasn't worth the effort. Since my realm was recently opened for transfers the market has stabilized, but I already have my epic flyer and no pressing need for gold for anything else.

There is simply no way you can say I don't know how to make money, and since I've responded to a great many, "how do u mak goldz in WoW" threads with specific advice to curtail spending, you can't say that that's an issue.

More to the point, where have I said I've bought materials for enchanting? I haven't. I never have. I never will. All of the materials I use come from cheap greens or drops.

The that nobody in their right mind is going to say 2000g is not a lot of gold. I haven't said it's an insurmountable sum to obtain. I haven't said it's too much. I've simply said it's a lot of gold. If you add up the current market value of all of the materials I've used skilling up enchanting, it's probably well over 5000g, and most of that was from 300-369 (which I just hit last night).

You don't seem to get it, do you? The mats you use enchanting are a drop in the bucket compared to the mats you create. Even if you use your own mats for enchanting your own stuff, you'll end up making a profit on the mats you DO NOT use. Oh, woe is you! instead of making 200G/day, you only make 160G per day. QQ more, because you don't have the mental wherewithal to use your profession to make money while leveling your skill.

Before I proceed, it's time for you to put your money where your mouth is.

What is your enchanting skill?

If it's not 375, you're not qualified to comment any further.




Have I complained that I'm broke? Have I complained that I can't afford to skill enchanting anymore?

No. I've simply stated that the auction value of reagents used to skill enchanting from 300-375 is very, very significant, which defeats the argument that enchanting is not expensive to level.

Yes, you are. And you continue to do so every time you mistakenly state that it's an expensive profession. Because you aren't able to do it, no one can - is that it?

Again, you need to start using facts in your arguments instead of false inferrences. I didn't say I can't do it. I'm currently 6 points from cap and doing just fine, tyvm. For the last time:

The auction value of reagents to skill from 300-375 is very, very signficant.

That is the statement I'm making. Not, "QQ I can't afford it."

What I won't accept is the statement that enchanting is not expensive to level. Houses are expensive. There are a great many benefits to owning one, but that doesn't mean they're suddenly not expensive.

If you could make money just for owning a house, would it still be expensive? You're not only using the wrong analogy, you're still crying about YOUR (certainly not my) inability to make money from the most lucrative profession in the game.

L2read. I used to have a lot of respect for your posts, but lately any time someone asks about the cost to level enchanting it's simply an excuse for you to ignore what they say and run off on a rant trying to prove an obsolete point.

Just stop.

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 7:35am by AureliusSir
#39 Aug 31 2007 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
AureliusSir wrote:
If it's not 375, you're not qualified to comment any further.

I'm not at 375. That does not make me unqualified.

The auction value of reagents to skill from 300-375 is very, very signficant.

That is the statement I'm making. Not, "QQ I can't afford it."

That's my point exactly. The AUCTION value of WHAT YOU ARE CREATING through Disenchanting is high. If you aren't putting up your mats for auction, then you aren't making money. Let your enchanting customers buy the mats YOU create, and it won't be expansive at all. If they can't afford the mats, then they can't afford the enchantment. THERE IS NO REASON WHATSOEVER FOR YOU TO BE BUYING MATS!

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 11:49pm by ohmikeghod
#40 Aug 31 2007 at 11:50 PM Rating: Excellent
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
That's my point exactly. The AUCTION value of WHAT YOU ARE CREATING through Disenchanting is high. If you aren't putting up your mats for auction, then you aren't making money. Let your enchanting customers buy the mats YOU create, and it won't be expansive at all. If they can't afford the mats, then they can't afford the enchantment. THERE IS NO REASON WHATSOEVER FOR YOU TO BE BUYING MATS!

I'm going to say this again, since you seem to be struggling with it.

I do not, have not, nor will I ever buy mats from auction.

It's a concept called opportunity cost.

If my only option to skill up is to spem enchants on my own gear (or throw away gear), the materials I am using could have otherwise be sold on auction.

Are you still with me?

That means, if the auction value of materials to skill from 360 -> 375 is 2000g, then that's 2000g that vaporizes in the skillup process before it ever reaches my gold reserves.

Still with me?

You keep talking like there's a stream of people wanting high-end enchants that run 100-300g+ in terms of mat cost. I doesn't friggin' matter if I provide the mats and charge them cost or send them to the auction to buy the mats, some of which might be ones I have listed.

Not nearly enough people on my realm are interested enough in high end enchants for me to skill up enchanting within any reasonable time frame.

I'm not kidding when I say I'm lucky to find one person every 3-4 weeks who is willing to provide mats or pay mat cost for an enchant that will give me a skillup. Everyone wants enchants that require high end shards, essences, and primals for, but only if they can get a steal on it.

When the least expensive enchants I have to skill up take as many materials as they do, pretty much every single TBC enchanting material I get goes into the bank for skillups. That leaves the sale of pre-BC materials covering the cost of the TBC greens I'm disenchanting for those mats. There are no TBC mats left over for sale.

Are you still with me?

People in raiding guilds have guild enchanters. They don't spam trade looking for things like Spell Strike, Spellpower, Arcane/Shadow Resistance, etc. +30 Intellect is a good one, but nobody wants to pay 80-90g for it. If I had +35 Agility to 2h weapon, that one might sell from time to time, but the materials for it on my realm would cost someone well upwards of 300g.

Do you understand what I'm talking about when I say, "cost"? Either someone else is buying mats or paying me for mats I have on hand. That is a cost to them. It can be a very significant cost, which is why it's so incredibly rare that anyone wants to pay for them. If it's not someone else willing to pay for them, it's me using them on throw-away gear (because none of the "affordable" 360 skill enchants I have are something a Hunter would use).

Here's the kicker; I've already repeated it here more than once, but you appear to have missed it each time:

If nobody else is willing to buy materials for the enchants, whether it be directly from me or the ones myself (or others) have listed on auction, there are no skillups to be had. None. Not without sacrificing those materials on throw away gear. This isn't a matter of me giving the mats away to people. It's not a matter of me buying materials from auction to spam on my own stuff for skillups. Right now on my realm, it's D/E TBC greens for the cheapest mats I can get and burn them for skillup, or I get no skillups.

Have I lost you yet?

That means all the time I'm putting into cruising the auction for cheap TBC greens isn't going to profit. It's not going to my gold reserves. It's going into thin air, and despite being cheap, those TBC greens aren't free.

And at a cost of about 3-5g each, with usually 5-10 required to get enough mats for a single enchant that would offer me skillups, that means every other non-TBC item I disenchant has the profit from the sale of the mats going directly into the TBC greens that I'm D/Eing for skillup materials.

Look at it this way:

If everything I D/E was going on auction for sale, yes, I would be making a significant amount of gold. But it's not going on auction for sale to line my pockets. The pre-TBC mats go on auction and the proceeds buy the TBC greens I need for mats to skill up on my own stuff because nobody else is willing to pay for the materials for the enchants that would give me skillups.

Your premise is that I should be having my enchanting customers pay for the mats. Because of the cost of materials and the fact that the people most interested in tweaking have their own in-guild enchanters, there are no customers.

And please, for the love of all friggin' things holy, get it through your head:

I do not buy mats.


Edited, Sep 1st 2007 12:53am by AureliusSir
#41 Sep 01 2007 at 3:37 AM Rating: Good
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

WHY DO EXPERIENCED PLAYERS KEEP INSISTING THAT ENCHANTING IS EXPENSIVE? OK, I'll attribute this one to lack of knowledge or inability to read other threads. But I'm going to start downrating any post that perpetuates this urban myth. I didn't on this one, but be warned! It's plain disinformation, and it's wrong.

A: Enchanting is ridiculously expensive for several reasons.

B: Not everyone wants to become a Disenchanter, some of us take enchanting to actually be Enchanters. SOOOO not the same thing. You're focusing solely on Disenchanting, which can be a healthy money maker. Until you get to higher-level enchanting and realize that every skill point costs massive amounts of gold, because you literally have to give away free enchantments and hope for the generosity of strangers to recover SOME of what you're losing.

C: Yes, I bid on every item I can get my furry little paws on. I disenchant everything I possibly can. And some nights I make a ridiculous profit. But the DISenchanting side of enchanting doesn't take into account the ENchanting side of enchanting. If I'm selling the materials, I'm not using the materials to skill. And if I'm disenchanting everything I get ahold of, I can't sell quest rewards to vendors or item drops on the auction house. And if I'm focusing on selling my materials, I don't have enough supply to give away the free enchants I'm forced to give away in an effort to skill.

D: Honestly, after taking TWO enchanters to 375 and a third one to 225, I've reached the point where I don't even bother giving out free enchants, unless it's to partymates or friends. Otherwise, I just buy a cheap green item and self-enchant it over and over for the skill points. It's just as "profitable" as the traditional method of gaining skill in the profession.

Perhaps if disenchanting could take you all the way to 375 you'd have a point. But until you actually finish the long, slow, pains-taking climb to 375 and get the endgame enchants that actually sell, you really don't know what you're talking about. I apologize for being so blunt, but it's true. Enchanting is easily the second-most-expensive profession in the game (after Engineering, solely because virtually nothing Engineering makes can be sold for a profit). Hell, even Jewelcrafting was cheaper for me to grind to 375 than Enchanting.

Edited, Sep 1st 2007 7:42am by Saboruto
#42 Sep 01 2007 at 6:03 AM Rating: Excellent
47 posts
Wow, how the thread strayed from "What is Enchanting?"... It seems like everyone agrees on opportunity costs and the value of materials. I think the main difference of opinion has to do with the idea of "leveling enchanting". I, like most people I assume, "powerlevel" enchanting. I do not spam trade for all of the various reasons. I think that is what Aureliusir is talking about. For that to occur, you indeed are "burning" mats on repeat enchantments in short order. Ohmikeghod is saying there is no cost if you list all mats and then do enchants for free with mats (my interpretation). With that understanding, both are correct in their arguments. Aureliusir has a large opportunity cost in Gold (burning own mats) and Ohmikeghod has a large opportunity cost in Time (waiting for people to want an enchant that will give a skillup). I would say it will take Mike weeks to level to 375, where Aureliusir can get there in hours. Both are correct and wrong depending on your view of opportunity costs.
#43 Sep 01 2007 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
lemmiwinks, Defender of Justice wrote:
Wow, how the thread strayed from "What is Enchanting?"... It seems like everyone agrees on opportunity costs and the value of materials. I think the main difference of opinion has to do with the idea of "leveling enchanting". I, like most people I assume, "powerlevel" enchanting. I do not spam trade for all of the various reasons. I think that is what Aureliusir is talking about. For that to occur, you indeed are "burning" mats on repeat enchantments in short order. Ohmikeghod is saying there is no cost if you list all mats and then do enchants for free with mats (my interpretation). With that understanding, both are correct in their arguments. Aureliusir has a large opportunity cost in Gold (burning own mats) and Ohmikeghod has a large opportunity cost in Time (waiting for people to want an enchant that will give a skillup). I would say it will take Mike weeks to level to 375, where Aureliusir can get there in hours. Both are correct and wrong depending on your view of opportunity costs.

I think it boils down entirely to whether you view enchanting as strictly a "gathering" profession, or a production profession in line with Tailoring, Leatherworking, etc. The confusion stems from the fact that when you first take on enchanting, you get both. I'm not big on leveling alts. I tried three of them to 20 and then burned out. That means that on my main, if all I wanted Enchanting for was to use as a gathering profession, I would have stopped at 300. It seemed an awful shame to have a primary profession sitting stagnant 75 points below the cap, and when Enchanting is capped (4 points to go as I write this) and I have the ability to make use of any and every formula I can get my hands on, the cost to myself to have the top-tier enchants done will be quite reasonable, all things considered. I can farm/fish/mine Primals. I can D/E to my hearts content and get back to making money with Enchanting with spare mats held in reserve for personal/guild enchants, and everything will be wonderful.

Taken a step further, the next expansion has been announced. So far as I can tell, profession skill caps will be raised. This means that being able to use any enchanting formula currently in the game will not be the only benefit to having enchanting higher than 300: when WotLK comes out, I'll likely be able to D/E any and all WotLK greens/epics straight out of the box if Blizzard maintains the current D/E skill requirement scale. For enchanters currently sitting on 300 skill (and their high horses) for D/E only until WotLK comes out, this is what I predict:

1) They're going to miss out on a boatload of gold because they won't be able to D/E WotLK greens when they're still "new".
2) TBC greens are going to become less available as the level 70 population moves on to the new areas, meaning that supply of TBC enchanting materials is going to drop.
3) Enchanters pushing their skill ahead from 300 -> whatever the WotLK D/E requirements will find themselves scrambling for materials and paying outrageous prices on dwindling supplies to get caught up. If they decide to sell their souls to the WoW god and power their way to 80 in a week so they can solo TBC instances for greens to D/E...well...I can't compete with that.

Regardless of what they do, they will have to experience the 300-350+ grind, and they will do it under far less hospitable circumstances. Currently on my realm, level 51-60 pre-TBC greens are hard to come by on auction, and the reagents sell for sometimes 50% more than their TBC counterparts. I would expect the same to happen to TBC greens/reagents when WotLK comes out. People content with their level 35 D/E alts will be faced with a 15 (or more) level grind or risk being left behind.

Edited, Sep 1st 2007 2:30pm by AureliusSir
#44 Sep 01 2007 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Regardless of what they do, they will have to experience the 300-350+ grind, and they will do it under far less hospitable circumstances. Currently on my realm, level 51-60 pre-TBC greens are hard to come by on auction, and the reagents sell for sometimes 50% more than their TBC counterparts. I would expect the same to happen to TBC greens/reagents when WotLK comes out. People content with their level 35 D/E alts will be faced with a 15 (or more) level grind or risk being left behind.

Yep, and who knows what might change? Before BC, with the announcement of Jewelcrafting and Prospecting, it might have been reasonable to think level 35 would be the cap to prospect anything in the game. Wrong. Blizz said you have to be level 315 (so a level 50 toon to reach 300+ skill) to prospect adamantite.

So who knows, maybe we might need level 395 enchanting to disenchant the high end WoTLK greens. You're probably right, 350 enchanting skill and level 50 alts, but I'm just saying we don't know for sure. Blizz could decide theres too many DE alts, and don't forget those we can get a cheap new level 50-60 alt in the death knight characters. Blizz could say "level 65 requirement for 376-450 enchanting, and to DE high value mats you need 390 enchanting".

Whats funny is prospecting and jewelcrafting work the same as disenchanting and enchanting. Would you say jewelcrafting is a cheap profession? Done properly, you literally don't need mining to level it. Its the same auction house patience technique as leveling enchanting, buy cheap ore, prospect for many gems, use gems to level JC. I'm sure we'd all agree JC is a very expensive profession to level. Sure you can MAKE tons of gold, I've heard of jewelcrafters with 40,000 gold. But its still expensive to level, just like enchanting.

Edited, Sep 1st 2007 5:46pm by mikelolol

Edited, Sep 1st 2007 5:47pm by mikelolol
#45 Sep 03 2007 at 9:53 PM Rating: Good
mikelolol wrote:
Blizz could decide theres too many DE alts, and don't forget those we can get a cheap new level 50-60 alt in the death knight characters. Blizz could say "level 65 requirement for 376-450 enchanting, and to DE high value mats you need 390 enchanting".

I could live with that, because frankly I agree. Just the other day I was bored in Shatt waiting for a party to form up so I decided to do the unthinkable (for me, anyways) and advertise the three enchants I had left that were still yellow in my list (Cat's Swiftness, Major Spellpower, Spell Strike).

The line in trade channel read something like this:

WTE [Enchant Boots: Cat's Swiftness] [Enchant Gloves: Spell Strike] [Enchant Gloves: Major Spellpower] Your mats.

The discussion to the one and only response I got went something like this:

Them >> how much for spell strike?
Me >> free with your mats
Them >> i don't have mats how much?
Me >> You could probably get them from auction for 80-90g
Them >> wtf my de alt could make them for 30g i'll give u 50

Obviously, he didn't get the enchant. On the bright side, I hit 375 tonight so to hell with the general public.
#46 Sep 04 2007 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
AureliusSir wrote:
Them >> how much for spell strike?
Me >> free with your mats
Them >> i don't have mats how much?
Me >> You could probably get them from auction for 80-90g
Them >> wtf my de alt could make them for 30g i'll give u 50

I can't count the times I've had similar encounters. I was spamming fiery the other day (free with their mats) and had the following conversation:

Him: How much?
Me: Free, if you supply the mats
Him: I only have three gold
Me: Then you have to go to the AH and see if you can buy them for that amount - I don't carry mats with me.
.(about 5 minutes later)
Him: I was at the AH and the materials are too expensive. Will you take a payment plan?
Me: Sure! As long as you supply the mats, you can spread free over as many months as you want.
Him: [Expletive] you [expletive] [expletive] with pigs!

#47 Sep 04 2007 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

Me: Sure! As long as you supply the mats, you can spread free over as many months as you want.

Classic lol Just beautiful.
#48 Sep 05 2007 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
i have enchanting and alchamy most of my friends say im stupid and ill never have money. but i am lvl 52 my alch is at 300 my ench is 225 havent goten around to going to uld to upgrade but i have plenty of g this is my first toon so i cant compare to nething. but it my opinune its easy to upgrade enchanting cheap if you know how to. just use dust to get skill and sell shards and esence. o and grind on humanoids to get lots of green jrops. its easy

Edited, Sep 5th 2007 9:57pm by gesho
#49 Sep 07 2007 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
I would very much agree to the fact that disenchanting is very profitable. I just started enchanting today and i went to the auction house and bought every weapon that was under 30s which ended up being about 3g worth. Disenchanted all of it, and got 11 Greater Magic Essence and 6 strange dust. The Greater Magic Essence sells for 50s a piece on my server which is still a low population server lets do the math 50 x 11 = 5.5g - 3g = 2.5g profit. It also brought my enchanting to 17.
So I'd say tat so far it's working out.

Edited, Sep 8th 2007 12:46am by TheCzech
#50 Sep 08 2007 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
ohmikeghod the Venerable You Sir, are an Idiot.

This post asked if Enchanting was expensive to level, that means not stopping until 375 and you are the pimp enchanter on the server.

To get the best enchants and ALL of the enchants on the server.

He didn't ask about making gold, you pathetic F*cKw@d.

He asked if it was Expensive to level....Are you hearing it yet? Let me repeat it, he asked if it was expensive to level?

You clearly only leveled your 'alts' enchanting to 300 so please to STFU and post some useful information for once.....go find a post on 'How to Farm Gold, the Chinese way!'

Yes we all know how to make gold and farm gold and farm Primals and blah blah blah but why would you sit in front of a computer doing the same thing over and over??? For 40 Hours??? When there are tons of ways to make the game better and to make this said gold, and have fun at the same time. Get a life already, and move out of your moms house. Stupid Troll... Back Under the bridge i say! Begone with you!
#51 Sep 10 2007 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
Runical wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable You Sir, are an Idiot.

and you are a flaming ******. What does that prove?

This post asked if Enchanting was expensive to level, that means not stopping until 375 and you are the pimp enchanter on the server.

To get the best enchants and ALL of the enchants on the server.

He didn't ask about making gold, you pathetic F*cKw@d.

He asked if it was Expensive to level....Are you hearing it yet? Let me repeat it, he asked if it was expensive to level?

...and I answered. The answer is NO. I answered several times, as a matter of fact. What you need is something like steroids for nerve cells in order to raise your comprehension level to that of a flatworm. You must have a hard time with only a single functioning neuron, and need some help achieving double digits in the I.Q. department. However, you can take pride in the fact that you have raised stupidity to new levels.
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