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Disenchanting and being OUTBIDFollow

#1 Aug 20 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Some people here talk about disenchanting for profit, well what do you do when you're CONSTANTLY outbid on everything?

Ohmikegod, you say you make about 150-300g of bids everyday on your server. How many of these do you win? Also, you must have been doing this a while, so my more important question is, how many others are doing the exact same thing as you?

I'm getting insanely frustrated, and you make it sound incredibly easy when its not. Bid 50s, disenchant, sell for 1g. It just doesn't work when you have a million people doing the exact same thing. I swear some people on BOTH servers I play on sit in the AH 24/7 doing nothing but outbidding me.

/rant and hope I get some responses.
#2 Aug 20 2007 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Anyway here's how I see it

Mike says he makes 150-300g a day. Maybe he's the only serious disenchanter on the server.

Some new guy decides to get serious about the disenchanting market, and Mike and new guy fight for bids. Theres only ~100-400g of profit to be had everyday, and they split that. Now Mikes making 50-200g a day. A 3rd person wants a cut. Now they're fighting trying to undercut eachother on their enchanting reagents, and they're making less and less gold. Maybe 100g each on a good day.

A 4th person comes along. And a 5th, and a 6th. All of a sudden you're spending way too much time at the AH to make like 35g a day, you'd be better off skinning.
#3 Aug 20 2007 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
When I used to D/E for profit, I'd often have more than 100 active bids at a time. Out of those, a lot of the time I'd get overbid, and whatever i didn't get overbid on, I'd D/E for profit. Since the percentless feature of enchantrix was disabled, it pretty much meant that you'd have to cruise the auction manually. It also meant that you had to know a little bit about what kind of materials you could expect to get from an item, what the minimum number of materials is likely to be, and what those materials would earn you.

In other words, you'd have to be able to look at an item by level (some do it by iLevel but that's just too much work for me) and figure out on the fly what the minimum possible sale price for the D/E'd mats would be. Then you can start bidding.

In a game where the overall sense from the player base is that they're immature, impatient, and not all that bright, is it surprising that doing this would weed out most of the rabble?

If you're outbid on every single thing you're bidding on to D/E, chances are you're bidding too conservatively. You can't hope to make a fortune from every D/E. Some times you get a wicked deal, other times you're happy for 50s-1g at a time. As long as you end up with more than what you start with in the long run, u r teh winz.
#4 Aug 20 2007 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
It's all part of the AH/disenchant game.

At a guess, I'd say 75 percent of my bids would be outbid. When I was actively doing the DE/AH route, I was also bidding 150-300g every day.

This does take a bit of capital to invest and a willingness to watch your gold supply fluctuate quite a bit. Invest 200g one day...get a couple bids, lose a couple bids...a couple days later pull in 300g for a net of 100g.

Having competitors does make it harder, to be sure. But, I think you have to do two things. First is have a staple item or items and second is diversify. Have a couple staple items that you know people won't be able to flood the market with. I used Greater Eternal Essence, which is much easier to track than say copper ore. It's also harder to come by than Arcane Dust which can be very volatile. Greater Eternal was consistently at 8G and up. If someone listed it at 7.5g or lower, I'd buy it out and re-sell it. I might only break even (roughly) at that price, but I'd also head off the undercutting. Other times, the price would raise up to 10g or more, but rarely would the price sustain itself above or below 8-8.5g. Knowing the market is key.

The other tactic is diversification. If you're trying to sell Arcane Dust and some bozo(s) is undercutting like crazy, have something to fall back on. The Arcane Dust market is cold, then try the lesser/greater planar market. Older high end mats (Dream and Illusion dusts, for example) may be a good seller. On my server, Illusion Dust was often less available and could be sold for more than Arcane Dust. Watch other markets (motes/primals for example) and buy/resell if you can do so profitably.

Another will probably see the same names in the DE market after a while. On my server, there were consistently half a dozen or so regulars. They typically are the sane ones. It's the get rich quick guys that are a pain in the butt. But, they're also the ones that are easier to buy out because they list things that can be resold for more. Anyway, if the regulars are undercutting, then maybe get in contact with them and come to some kind of agreement (i.e., collude) about prices.

Overall, I'd just say it takes time and effort. I'm not saying you're not putting in time and effort, and I can understand your frustration. But, I'd also guess that it isn't "incredibly easy" or effortless for ohmikeghod either. He may make it sound like it is, but I'd bet he has put in a lot of work to get the point where he knows the markets, etc. I think the more competition you have that is doing the AH/DE game, your profits will go down, but with patience, the profits are still there.

Also, if there are too many players doing the AH/DE thing and the time you're investing for a slim profit margin is too great, you may just be better off farming and selling mats.
Wow, that got long-winded...

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 4:29:29pm by azwing
#5 Aug 20 2007 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
mikelolol wrote:
Some people here talk about disenchanting for profit, well what do you do when you're CONSTANTLY outbid on everything?

Ohmikegod, you say you make about 150-300g of bids everyday on your server. How many of these do you win? Also, you must have been doing this a while, so my more important question is, how many others are doing the exact same thing as you?

I'm getting insanely frustrated, and you make it sound incredibly easy when its not. Bid 50s, disenchant, sell for 1g. It just doesn't work when you have a million people doing the exact same thing. I swear some people on BOTH servers I play on sit in the AH 24/7 doing nothing but outbidding me.

/rant and hope I get some responses.

There are two parts to working the AH for disenchantables: buying and bidding.

Buying is the "sure thing". You absolutely know that you will make gold by disenchanting what you buy. If your percentless amount is 50, then you know that you can double your money, at the very least. Some items might get you more profit, but none will give you less.

bidding is snother thing altogether. I'm outbid often. It's no skin off my nose if I'm outbid, BECAUSE I GET EVERY COPPER BACK IF I'M OUTBID. No loss whatsoever. I lose about 75% (maybe more) of my bids - so what? I make gold on the things I do get.

Often, when someone puts a low bidding price on an item I want to DE, they put that bid price way w-a-y too low. A bid of 10S on an item that can provide you 60S in mats? Bid 30 instead of 10. Any disenchanter going through the AH for stuff to DE will either have to take a cut in his profits, or lose out to you. ...and it doesn't hurt you if he gets the item - your profit margin isn't being hurt, but his is.

I never stay on the AH to "protect" my bids. That's futility in the making, and a time waster. If someone overbids me, it's either someone who can use the item (and I'm glad for them if they can), or a disenchanter who is making less profit than me (and that's OK with me, too).

Then there's patience. There have been periods when the profits are low. Either items are overpriced, or mat prices have been undercut so much that you can't find stuff to DE at a profit. Those are the times that you have to wait things out. Put your mats up at a reasonable price (DO NOT TRY TO UNDERCUT THE UNDERCUTTERS), and if they don't sell, just re-list them. Since mats don't have an auction house fee, you lose nothing. Eventually the market will re-balance itself. Something you can do is make the lowest reasonable price for mats that you can make a profit at a "fixed" price. Sell higher than that when the market is booming, but never sell lower than that fixed price.

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 3:45:32pm by ohmikeghod

Let me add one more thing. The periods when profits are low are also the times when the get-rich-quick guys drop out. They can't stand a week of nothing happening, so they stop disenchanting. That's a good thing, because they were the cause of the market becoming so bad in the first place. The AH is a great evener - if you can't make gold, neither can they. It becomes a test of patience. Make sure that they flinch first, and then slap them silly.

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 4:03:07pm by ohmikeghod
#6 Aug 20 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
3,761 posts
Thanks everyone, I guess I was being totally delusional thinking I was the only one seeing 75% of my bids get outbid. One thing I had never even thought of, was choosing bid prices (ie: 30 silver instead of 10). I kind of slapped my head when I saw that.

Back to the AH, and time to get serious :)

I guess I was under the illusion that theres more competition then there really is.
#7 Aug 20 2007 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
wow, same here, -imaginary- rate up

#8 Aug 20 2007 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
The first thing i do on a fresh scan is percentless 1 100
this gives me all items with %5 profit and that profit is at least 1gold. this is fine for me, you can set higher if you want to do less amounts. then i refresh scan of just armor and weapons. and bid on stuff, i'de say i win a lot of my bids because i'm willing to only take a 1-2g profit on items so i bid higher then most. But to answer your quest, I don't even know how much bids i get back i just keep a flowing cycle. After 3 weeks of doing this i have enough gold flowing around so it helps i dont have to sell anything for less then i want to be able to buy more items. and i can afford to let bids sit out there.

-removed some repeated info.

Edited, Aug 21st 2007 12:46:06am by crazyhtown
#9 Aug 21 2007 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
I get outbid not on 75% but sometimes on 90% of my bids. So what? I still make profit of what I get.
As others have said - time and patience. And dont count too much on just one thing.

I bid on anything that I find worth, stuff for DEing, cloth (I make belts and other stuff I can DE and sell dust/essences with profit), herbs (prices of some potions are worth even getting herbs from AH), primals and gems (I make those diamonds out of them)..... anything that can be of any use and is low on price.

I never buy to resell because I dont think I could be that good in that, but I still make good money with my ways.

Yes, I spend lot of time in AH and I dont have much time for running instances after some drop or raiding.
But then when I see somenone in all purplez having crying fit over 10g repair bill...

#10 Aug 21 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
47 posts
I have been doing the DE thing for some time now. I have settled into a "lazy" routine where I focus on things that will only net me a good amount of gold. I no longer drop down below items that will not reliably get me 1 gold or more in profit. I know I am giving away a huge piece of the pie, but the time savings is important. I routinely make about 200-500 gold a week if I put any amount of effort into it. My general strategy is:
  • Run a scan - I usually do the full AH scan instead of just the weapons and armor
  • Check the bids/buyouts from Auctioneer - Just to see if there is some screaming deal
  • Do a precentless 40 - Do any buyouts that yield 1 gold or more
  • Do a bid broker - focus only on those that yield 1 gold or more with about a 50% profit
  • search for certain "blues" - I always look for Aquamarine Signets and Imbued Netherweave gear. The returns don't make 50%, but I know I can 2-3g for each shard so it is worth it.

  • That is about all I do and never re-bid on an item if I am still online. It takes too long and defeats the purpose of "easy" money.
    #11 Aug 21 2007 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
    3,761 posts
    Update: I got outbid far less today on those items that are ridiculously low priced. For example, the 2 silver bid, 1.5 gold buyout items. If it DE's into 80s worth of mats, I now bid 38s42c for example,instead of spamming the 'bid' button.

    Also the prices were stupid last night on strange dust, people selling stacks for 12 gold and stuff. I listed 8 stacks for 2g and they sold within hours.
    #12 Aug 21 2007 at 6:48 PM Rating: Default
    gamble is the best way to win more gold in game.
    #13 Aug 21 2007 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
    mikelolol wrote:
    Update: I got outbid far less today on those items that are ridiculously low priced. For example, the 2 silver bid, 1.5 gold buyout items. If it DE's into 80s worth of mats, I now bid 38s42c for example,instead of spamming the 'bid' button.

    Also the prices were stupid last night on strange dust, people selling stacks for 12 gold and stuff. I listed 8 stacks for 2g and they sold within hours.

    With any luck at all, they were bought by the price jackers, and others will also undercut them into bankrupcy.
    #14 Aug 22 2007 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
    122 posts
    Strange Dust, Strange Dust, Strange Dust. What can I say....

    This has been my main mover in the mats market. I would consider dropping the D/E game if a stack of Strange Dust dropped to 2G. Sure it's lucrative to buy some weapon for 6G that DE into a Essence worth 8G, but theres always the chance of the DE yielding dust instead. Strange dust is a staple EVERY enchanter needs a lot of. If you want to skillup past 65 (I think you stop getting skillups from disenchanting at that figure), you have to use strange dusts. If you undercut to sell, you are cutting YOUR OWN profit. It is much better to relist at your fixed price later, as the dust will sell. The key to this is to watch how the market fluctuates during the week. Find your servers most and least expensive days/hours. I'm sure people can make money off buying the supply on "cheap" days and relisting on "expensive" days. The one with patience and knowledge of the market will prevail.

    #15 Aug 23 2007 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
    476 posts
    if you can't win enough items to DE for the profit-per-day that you're shooting for, then specialize in something else. i highly recommend uncommon weapons 41-45 and 51-55 (green and blue essence). DE armor 41-50 and 51-57 for dream and illusion dust and you will occassionally hit these essences, too.

    bkhovde wrote:
    Strange dust is a staple EVERY enchanter needs a lot of.

    the profit (in terms on gold-per-click) makes strange dust too bothersome to deal with. i leave that for new enchants and lowbies with no gold. at least move up to vision dust. it's popular for powerleveling.
    #16 Aug 23 2007 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
    If you haven't done it already, download Enchantrix. When using it with Auctioneer, you can issue the /enchantrix percentless command to list things that have a buyout that meets the parameters you set within the addon. Since these are buyouts, you get them now, then any other bid items you lose doesn't matter as much.

    On the percentless list in chat, alt-right click to search for that item's auction (huge time saver).
    #17 Aug 23 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
    1,264 posts
    bkhovde wrote:
    Strange Dust, Strange Dust, Strange Dust. What can I say....

    When I first got started, I trafficked a lot of Strange Dust. Over time, as my capital grew and I could afford higher end items, the time and effort it took to buy/DE/post the Strange Dust wasn't worth the profit because I could get more return from higher level mats. The profit margin was lower for high end mats, but the net gain in gold was higher. Making 2g off Strange Dust versus 2g from Greater Eternal Essence requires a lot more time, for example. Also, the Strange Dust market can be very volatile, with people flooding the market and undercutting. It happens with higher level mats, too, but with less frequency and less volatility in my experience.

    bkhovde wrote:
    Sure it's lucrative to buy some weapon for 6G that DE into a Essence worth 8G, but theres always the chance of the DE yielding dust instead.

    However, there is also a chance that you'll get two Greater Eternal Essences. So, yes, in some cases you may lose a little money when you get dusts, but the times you get two Greater Eternal will make up for it. I spent a lot of time with the Greater Eternal market. It's more limited in supply than many other mats and there is a constant demand for it. Because of these factors, it's also one where undercutters were never successful. The price on my server always stabilized around 8-8.5g. Any time someone tried to undercut, I'd just buy them out and post at 8-8.5g. I never lost money and rarely had to hold on to stock for very long. Contrast this with Strange Dust, where you may have to wait days to ride out the undercutters, or flood your bank with Strange Dust trying to buy out supply (usually an exercise in futility).

    But anyways...
    bkhovde wrote:
    The one with patience and knowledge of the market will prevail.

    #18 Aug 23 2007 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
    3,761 posts
    Update: I've made 10g so far and leveled my enchanting quite alot, I started again the day I posted this (on my 44 mage).

    I used to have herb/alch, but I dropped alch around level 30 for enchanting. I left enchanting around 100 for a while. In the past few days, I've made 10g and got my enchanting up to 228, got my updated enchanting rods, trained skill level artisan (5g).

    Even after all the rods, overpriced materials for said rods, trainer costs, I'm still up 10g off my 50g seed money. And now I can DE so much stuff. I sent another 40g to my mage, so now he has 100g to play with. For the next few days I'll work on pure profit (gold), I'd like to bump that seed money to around 200g+ before I start leveling enchanting again. So I'm pretty happy :)

    Just need more seed money now. I have more I could send myself, but I'll be patient with that 100g, its more then enough to start with. I can DE any item up to around the level 63 range.

    I'm not spending much time playing, I ran ulda once yesterday, and I'll try to quest a bit today. But generally I spend about an hour in org, bidding and disenchanting until I log off. At this rate I think I'd have quite a fair chunk of gold by 49, and I'll work on getting some good gear and 300 enchanting so I can stay in that bracket for a while. I'm not going to twink with ridiculous enchants (ie: 15 spell damage to bracers is like 150g of primals and shards alone), but I'll be able to afford alot of good solid enchants, like 150 health to chest, stam to bracers, int to staff, stuff like that.

    While I'm doing BG's everyday I'll keep making money and battleground marks. I figure I can easily hit 600g+ by 60, and I only need 540g for training. I'll get my PVP mount at 60, since I'll be running the battlegrounds anyway.

    I guess my pre-60 goal is 300 enchanting and alot of gold. I'd like to buy my epic flyer the day I hit 70, but we'll see how it goes.

    Edited, Aug 23rd 2007 1:30:28pm by mikelolol
    #19 Aug 24 2007 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
    Glad you are making more now. I helped my son with his epic flier last week, so was down to no gold. Disenchanting is back up to around 700g now.

    My mage is my disenchanter (275). My only concern is that with future items over lvl 70, I'm going to have to level the character (42 mage) higher to learn the disenchanting above that level.
    #20 Aug 24 2007 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
    azwing wrote:

    When I first got started, I trafficked a lot of Strange Dust.


    #21 Aug 24 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
    162 posts
    AureliusSir wrote:
    Since the percentless feature of enchantrix was disabled, it pretty much meant that you'd have to cruise the auction manually.

    Dude, Enchantrix still works. I use it every day. It's a little flaky if you don't do a scan right before using it though.
    #22 Aug 25 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
    Caeremonia wrote:
    AureliusSir wrote:
    Since the percentless feature of enchantrix was disabled, it pretty much meant that you'd have to cruise the auction manually.

    Dude, Enchantrix still works. I use it every day. It's a little flaky if you don't do a scan right before using it though.

    Yes, Enchantrix still works, but only up to a certain level (40? 50? Don't remember). After that, all it says is "Disenchant predictions unavailable". I think there's been a newer version put out since I got mine and it might include higher level items and their D/E predictions, but for the longest time if you wanted to know the likely outcomes of anything that gave Illusion Dust or higher, you had to understand on your own what the tiers/quantities would be.
    #23 Aug 25 2007 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
    3,761 posts
    Beta is fixed now, I love it, shows disenchant predictions on everything

    I can finally go through level 55-60 weapons, and it will show whats old world (DE's to greater eternal essence, illusion dust) or new world (DE's to lesser planar essence, arcane dust).

    I dont think many people know about it. I've been making a ton off greater eternals, I bought 4 weapons today for 5g each, disenchanted to a total of 10 greater eternals =D

    Edited, Aug 25th 2007 5:17:37pm by mikelolol
    #24 Aug 26 2007 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
    538 posts
    Just to reinforce one of the points (oh)mike made in his excellent post: for me the key to moneymaking is patience. Just wait, wait, and wait some more. There's a time for everything.

    I once saved all the netherweave cloth I could find because I thought one of my alts would need it for tailoring (and as a druid I'm not using it for bandages). I dropped the alt in the end, and found myself with about 150 stacks of netherweave, worth about 5g each on my server. On the first few days I would list 10 stacks, 3 times a day (!!!) and yes, they were selling that fast. One day they stopped seling entirely. I put them again to check if it wasn't a fluke and again, not selling. I decided to wait for a couple of weeks (I'm not in a hurry and can't be bothered to analyze that specific market, it's just a little business I have on the side). I'm now back to selling about 20 stacks per day (and almost rid of all my cloth :)

    Same for blue items - I always check, if there's another item already listed, why undercut? I'll just wait it out...
    #25 Aug 26 2007 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
    hi all
    I am a newbe in this game and would like to start a enchanter and use the D/E for profit. I have a newbe question though, when trying to level as enchanter,
    do I have to have a piece of armor to cast a buff on it(I.E Minor healing).I would like to know if it is something I can hold on to or has to be cast right away?
    thanks and please do not be to hard on me
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