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How do you make money with your crafting profession?Follow

#1 Aug 16 2007 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
Hey All! It is time to update the Trade Skills FAQ with relevant Burning Crusade information.

First up: Making money with a crafting profession. What sells well as an Alchemist, Blacksmith, Leatherworker, Tailor, Jewelcrafter, or Engineer?

Please post on this thread if you'd like to contribute to our Trade Skills FAQ. I will of course give proper credit =D I'll be skimming through the last 2-3 pages of posts for this type of information as well, but any input is welcome.

Edited, Aug 16th 2007 11:33:28am by thermalnoise
#2 Aug 16 2007 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
As a tailor:

Specialized cloth/cooldowns
BoE epic crafted items (spellstrike/battlecast)

That is really about it. I didn't do tailoring to make money, I did it to get the best gear I could pre-BT.
#3 Aug 16 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
Anobix wrote:
As a tailor:

Specialized cloth/cooldowns
BoE epic crafted items (spellstrike/battlecast)

That is really about it. I didn't do tailoring to make money, I did it to get the best gear I could pre-BT.

Thanks for replying. I suspected this would be the answer for Tailors. I know that most pick up tailoring for the awesome BoP gear now (which I debate dropping Herbalism for every day as a priest, but I'm a potion freak and wouldn't have it any other way). But we do get the "How do I make money" questions on this forum and I'd like to get the FAQ updated.
#4 Aug 16 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
Earthstorm Diamonds as alchemist (transmute mastery).

Primal Earth is 3-4 g on my server and those 9 gems are under 1g each. I farm Water Primals in pools mainly and if no other fisherman is camping them I can get nice supply in few hours just fishing around.
Besides, Water Elementals are easy kill for my lock.

Diamonds I sell daily for cca 70g.

I tried Primal Mights but I find it a hassle farming different Primals in overcamped places and I cant get much profit out of them considering the prices of Air and Fire Primals on my server.

Otherwise I use my tailoring mainly for making 20 slots bags for myself out of PMC and I am still gathering Spellcloth.
When I farm lot of Netherweave I make belts, DE them on my alt and sell dust - I found out I earn more that way than with simple cloth selling.

#5 Aug 16 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
704 posts
As a leather worker I have found that there are a few items that are popular. The problem is the mats often equal the amount you get out of them.

Toughened Leather Gloves
Barbaric Bracers
Deviate Scale Belt

These are all low level blue items that sell quite well to people looking for twink-like gear.

Blacksmiths need the Green Leather Armor to make the green mail armor and Gaurdian Gloves for Truesilver Gauntlets. A lot of people need Hillsman Cloaks for the Yeti Fur Cloak quest. Hunters wuold benefit for the ammo pouches and quivers although they may be overflowing the AH.

Once you reach 250 LWing you can purchase a salt shaker and farm deep rock salt and refine it and sell for quite a bit since the shakers have such a long cooldown.

And of course never underestimate the Armor Kits.

Edit: Added some stuff in italics that I remembered from my other posts.

Edited, Sep 5th 2007 4:13pm by AtrophyGFour
#6 Aug 16 2007 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
1,175 posts
As a <=225 alchemist, brew up Swiftness (Briarthorn/Swiftthisle), Free Action (Stranglekelp/4x Oily Blackmouth) and Greater Healing pots (Kingsblood/Liferoot) along with transmuting Iron to Gold.
#7 Aug 16 2007 at 10:23 PM Rating: Excellent
The short version? I don't; Outland dailies are my bread and butter since I got my epic flyer, but that's not to say I'm without options:

Enchanting (currently @ 360)

#1 gold maker is D/Eing cheap greens from auction. That is all.

Enchanting my own gear is a loss (opportunity cost).
Enchanting for guildies is (at best) a break even scenario.
Enchanting for strangers would be mediocre profit for mammoth irritation.

Mining (375)

Capped mining + Epic Flyer + Outland = weeee!!

I'm fairly new to Outland mining (dropped 375 skinning for mining a couple of weeks ago) but so far, it seems that the best profit to be had comes from knowing your market. I'm not sure if more established realms see the same price fluctuations as mine, but there are days when Ore sells better than Bars and vice-versa.

Here's the sneaky trick, however:

When ore is priced below bars, the tendancy might be to convert the ore you mine to bars for the added profit, right? Maybe not. If enough people on your realm have noticed the same thing, there is going to be a shortage of ore on auction very soon because other miners are buying it up to convert to bars and trying to flip them while the price is good. It seems like a good idea; it's faster to buy 20 Adamantite Ore from auction than it is to mine it, and if the price difference/stack is 5-8g, that's quick and easy profit, right?

Except by the time they get to their mailbox to pick up the ore and then toddle off to the nearest forge to smelt it, the other half dozen or so people cruising the market for bargains have beaten them to the punch and have already started the undercutting wars. Now, that "cheap" ore has been converted to bars in a flooded market and a break-even scenario is sometimes the best you can hope for (if the bars sell at all).

In other words, it's almost always better to sell the ore as-is. It lets you avoid the above scneario, and also increased the size of your potential market. Other miners might buy your ore to smelt, and jewelcrafters might buy the ore to prospect.

The exception might be Gold/Truesilver/Eternium/Khorium Ore, because it can't be prospected.

In other words (and something that applies to all professions), knowing your market is one of the best gold-production tricks a person can learn. Buy low/sell high, and have some idea as to how fast different commodities sell relative to how many are already listed.
#8 Aug 17 2007 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
I dont :)
#9 Aug 18 2007 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
milcontwo wrote:
I dont :)

Then you must still be in the process of raising skill or doing something wrong.
Any crafting profession can make money if nothing at 375 when you are done with all you planned to do for yourself with it.

#10 Aug 18 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Sethy wrote:
milcontwo wrote:
I dont :)

Then you must still be in the process of raising skill or doing something wrong.
Any crafting profession can make money if nothing at 375 when you are done with all you planned to do for yourself with it.

you can make money, but probably not make a profit on many professions.
#11 Aug 18 2007 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Crafters in high progression raid guilds can often make a killing (for example, nether vortex right now on most servers are 1000g each). So if you get a pattern like Belt of Blasting, you could charge a 2000g crafting fee. But once guilds as a whole on the server start progressing, the prices will drop.

But then the first guilds who were in SSC should be in the black temple, getting Hearts of Darkness, again charging huge fees. Its not something you can just spam in /2 and expect a buyer in 5 minutes, but crafting 1 item for 2000g is quite worthwhile..
#12 Aug 18 2007 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
Anobix wrote:

you can make money, but probably not make a profit on many professions.

Well then you might have to plan carefully the combination.
I know lot of people dont care to make alts, but leveling one toon to 20 and getting it to 225 enchanting shouldnt be such a big problem.

Maybe its my server but whatever BoE greens I made with LW or tailoring I made profit on them from DEing and selling mats. Of course it usually means gathering mats for original items myself not buying them in AH.

I took mining/JC on my lvl 46 alt to try it for fun and I havent lost any money on her yet. If I dont have enough to raise skill in JC I just mine like maniac, smelt/prospect and sell bars or gems I dont need at that moment.

I cant say much about engineering tho because I never actually tried it, but I am sure there must be a way to get some kind of profit out of it.

The way I see it, people want lot of gold and fast. If you dont do some planning and take (sometimes lot of) time and effort nothing but some rare lucky drop can get you big money in short time.

#13 Aug 18 2007 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
The difference is, you could sell those bars for tons of money, instead you make almost no money by leveling your jewelcrafting.
#14 Aug 18 2007 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
I don't recall making a lot of gold from my LW early on. I would make stuff and have about a 50/50 chance of selling it in the AH. If others are making the same thing I am. The AH usually ends up with too much of one product. Did not even bother to try and sell the whites in the AH. What I have made the most gold on is armor kits. There are usually quite a few in the AH. They seem to sell though. Everyone needs armor kits. Knothide Armor kits were good until the required material went from 5 knothides to 4. Price fell by half. The Clefthide Armor kits are my biggest profit. I farm for the Motes of Earth while I am farming for knothides. I also buy Primal Earth in the AH when it is below a certain price. Still make a good profit off of the kits. The 28 slot Reinforced Mining bag will make a decent profit most of the time. It is difficult to make a decent amount of gold from the Mail and Leather Armor because the mats are so hard to come by most of the time. Either what seems like endless farming or having to pay too much in the AH. I have not sold the leather I've gotten from Skinning. So I don't know how well that pays off. I always see quite a bit of leather for sell in the AH though.
#15 Aug 18 2007 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
mikelolol wrote:
The difference is, you could sell those bars for tons of money, instead you make almost no money by leveling your jewelcrafting.

My goal wasnt to make money but to raise something that looks like interesting profession without loosing much money.
I make enough money with my main and few other alts.

If I get her to 375 JC and decide its not worth it, I will certainly drop it for something else, but so far she is funding herself and thats all I need for now.

Gathering is boring for me, I like crafting, so I always try to find a way to make decent gold without too many skinning/mining/picking toons.
In my opinion it is possible, though slower and takes more effort.

#16 Aug 19 2007 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
1,970 posts
I do Skinning and Mining.


I find that every type of leather has sold very well so far. ESPECIALLY heavy leather, the sale speed of this particular type has been incredible. Light and medium not so much, but it certainly moves. Heavy and thick leather are the two best for me so far. I suspect any kinds after will be just as quick to move.


Every ore so far has flown off the AH shelves faster than Sudafed in a pharmacy down the road from a meth lab. Just insane. I haven't even bothered to learn smelting bars, the raw ore moves quick enough. Copper and tin were decent, iron moves, mithril, silver and gold all move very well for me. I'm expecting truesilver and every other kind after to be just as profitable.
#17 Aug 20 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
Tavarde wrote:
I do Skinning and Mining.


I find that every type of leather has sold very well so far. ESPECIALLY heavy leather, the sale speed of this particular type has been incredible. Light and medium not so much, but it certainly moves. Heavy and thick leather are the two best for me so far. I suspect any kinds after will be just as quick to move.


Every ore so far has flown off the AH shelves faster than Sudafed in a pharmacy down the road from a meth lab. Just insane. I haven't even bothered to learn smelting bars, the raw ore moves quick enough. Copper and tin were decent, iron moves, mithril, silver and gold all move very well for me. I'm expecting truesilver and every other kind after to be just as profitable.

Thank you for posting, but I am fully aware that the most reliable way to make gold in this game is to take a gathering profession and sell the mats on the AH. This is very much an established fact of WoW.

But people can and do make some profit off production crafts, and the purpose of this thread is to share (if you care to) insight on goods each profession can usually sell to others.

.. .... ..

Thanks so far for all the replies. I'll be working over the week to update the FAQ.

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 9:21:42am by thermalnoise
#18 Aug 21 2007 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
I have alchemy on my main pre-300.

I've made most of my cash on there with swiftness pots, free-action, etc.

One overlooked money maker are pots that low lvl leather workers need to level their craft, such as elixir of minor agility, elixir of greater defense, etc.

I made a bunch on Frost oil for a quest or two that requires it. Rage potions at any level usually sell since most warriors do not chose to pick up alchemy.
#19 Aug 22 2007 at 12:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Alchemy 375

Mana pots always, always sell.

The secondary profitable pots would be Health pots, Elixir of Healing Power, Adept Elixir, Elixir of Major Agility, Flask of Supreme Power. Earthstorm diamond transmute is profitable nuff, if you have mining and fishing.


Perfect profession for those who want to sell their crafts - either cut your gems or cut for fee, most of the designs are useful and demanded. Personally I dont bother advertising my crafts in /2, I sell precutted gems in AH.

The absolute bestseller is Solid Star of Elune, followed by DPS gems such as Delicate/Runed/Bright Living Ruby, Veiled/Glinting/Potent Topaz, Smooth/Rigid/Gleaming Dawnstome. All Nightseye cuts are popular PvPers choice due to +STA component. Tanking and healing gems also sell, but market is usually less than DPS/PvP.
#20 Aug 22 2007 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
341 LW here. What I have found to sell the best through the levels are the Nightscape set, Dark Leather set, Wicked Leather set, and Thick Draenic set. Some of the mail pieces that sell well are Fel Scale and Tough Scorpid. I don't have all of the patterns for the Stormshroud set, but the patterns I do have sell well. As an Elemental LW, my biggest seller has been Helm of Fire. My biggest seller at the moment is Clefthide Leg Armor. Of course I have skinning, so getting mats is extremely cheap and easy and a stack of Thick Clefthoof Leather goes for around 50-80g on my server. But since were just talking crafting, I sell the leg armor for 50-60g each.

As a side note, Cured Thick Hides and Refined Deeprock Salt are decent sellers since alot of LWs don't have the salt shaker needed to produce these items and the shaker is on a 3 day cooldown.
#21 Aug 22 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
I am Herb/Alch with the Transmutation Mastery. About every four days I do a Primal Might transmute with farmed fire, water and mana. I buy the air and earth usually. So far I have had three procs with two, two and three Primals. This is definitely a money maker. But I do rely on chance here so there is no guarantee. In off days I do an arcanite bar or diamonds if I can find the mats at a reasonable price.

I also discovered Flask of Relentless Assault and so make that one as often as possible. With my flying mount I find it easier to get the more expensive mats by farming.
#22 Aug 22 2007 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Far and away the best/fastest/easiest money i make is with Alc transmutes. If your rep wtih sporgore is high enough you can purchase a transmute primal earth to primal water for 25 glowcaps.
i dont mine, so i AH primal earth for 3-5 gold each, and then every 23 hours i can turn 1 earth into 1 water. then sell the water in the AH for 20-23 gold each, an easy profit of at elast 18 gold a day just for pushing 1 button, no farming (well, i farm the AH for cheap primal earth)
i'm not 70 yet, so no specility, but when i get there, i'll go elixer spec.
#23 Aug 26 2007 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
538 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
When ore is priced below bars, the tendancy might be to convert the ore you mine to bars for the added profit, right? Maybe not. If enough people on your realm have noticed the same thing, there is going to be a shortage of ore on auction very soon because other miners are buying it up to convert to bars and trying to flip them while the price is good.

Also quite likely to be JC jumping at the opportunity to use prospect...

Alchemy (375) and Herba (390) here. I use all the mats I gather to prepare pots (mostly because I want to get discoveries). The only herb I really consider selling is Terocone due to its insance price (about 40g per stack on my server).

- primal might is not usually worth it unless you're a transmute master (I was and switched to elixir), so I only do it on off days for guildmates
- diamonds make a nice profit but don't necessarily sell easily
- other transmutes can be very profitable, especially some discovered. I got mana to fire and it's a nice money maker (primal mana being probably the easiest one to farm). Water to Air is not bad either. It's pretty much a guaranteed 15-20g per day.

- flasks don't sell on my server, as simple as that
- pots sell nicely but... it's almost impossible to make a profit on the standard ones. Of course super mana pots sell all the time, but for less than the mats! Why bother? (anyway the other reason not to sell them is because I drink them instead :)
- the potion I make the most is haste potion, selling quite well
- elixirs are where the money's at, in my opinion. There are 2 types: the ones with easy mats that will eventually sell (but slow), like Ironskin, Major Fortitude or Earthen Elixir. And the more expensive ones (in terms of mats) but that sell like crazy. Adept's Elixir always sells fast, then Major Mageblood and Major Agi sell quite well to. Major Str, Major Healing Power or Draenic Wisdom sell decently too.
#24 Aug 26 2007 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
18 posts

I've made great money with this skill on my server. It's all about finding something with low cost/easy to get mats, and a constant demand.

I think too many people see the "high" price of items like guns, and try to sell these. They just don't sell, there are too many hard to find mats, and too many good gun drops for guns to be a good money maker.

Since I'm starting to move on to higher level items, I'll share my two lower level money makers.

Best Money maker: Bronze Tube
This item is used in a relatively low level quest, and is in constant demand. Even if I buy the bars to make it with, I still double the money I put into it. And if someone undercuts your price, buy them out, and re-sell the ones you got from them. If you persevere, you will make a steady constant flow of gold from a relatively low level character. I made enough on this alone to pay for two level 40 mounts (one for me and one for a friend), and my epic land mount.

2nd Best Money Maker: Recipe: Goblin Rocket Fuel
Both mats to make this are cheap from a vendor, and you can sell it for around 2G each. Demand is kinda hit and miss with this compared to Bronze Tubes, but still pretty consistent.

One of the keys to making gold, is DON'T under cut someone who has a good price.
An example: If I'm going to sell my bronze tube for 40silver each, and someone else has them for that same price, just put yours up at 40 silver also.

Another tip for making money that doesn't apply to any certain crafting skill: Buy limited quantity items from NPC s and resell them on the auction house.

And I'm just going to assume that if you are serious about making gold, you already use the auctioneer add on.

Hope this helps,
#25 Aug 26 2007 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,175 posts
Also as an engineer don't forget that scopes are a very good way to make money, especially if you have a jewelcrafter to help you prospect for the right gems. Scopes are presently the only way to "enchant" a ranged weapon and many engineers overlook this market.

I am finding that enchanting can actually be quite profitable when paired with Enchantrix. I have been adjusting the minimum profit values slightly and been able to score a lot of old-world 50-60 level greens, which disenchant into highly valuable illusion dust (which goes for as much, if not more than arcane dust) and eternal essences (which are more valuable than planar essence). Even with an opportunity cost (trying to get to 285 so I can start offering Icy as well as Fiery), I'm still ahead 300g or so since starting using my enchanting skill to disenchant for profit with an initial outlay of 100g.
#26 Aug 26 2007 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
anathor wrote:
[quote=AureliusSir]... Herba (390) ...

How do you get to 390? With enchants? What does it buy you? Are there herbs that can only be harvested with a skill that high?

Since I am herbalism, too, I am quite interested.

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