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making gold for flying epix mountFollow

#1 Jul 24 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
I bought normal flight mount and now only have 700g.What i should do to make many money fast and easy?

My professions
#2 Jul 24 2007 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
Step 1: Go to a populated area of your closest city.

Step 2: Stand out on the corner.

Step 3: Keep your fingers crossed.

Step 4: Trade earnings for virtual money.

Step 5: Epix mount timezz!!!

Edited, Jul 24th 2007 10:25pm by Hirunobi
#3 Jul 24 2007 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
Sell everything you don't need. Either in the AH or to a vendor. At lvl 70 you can make probably half the gold you need just by doing quests. Netherstorm is full of good quests.
#4 Jul 25 2007 at 3:37 AM Rating: Excellent
rotativo wrote:
I bought normal flight mount and now only have 700g.What i should do to make many money fast and easy?

My professions

1. Stop enchanting. Start disenchanting. You'll have to level enchanting to 300 to disenchant everything you come across, but you certainly should be able to find enough cheap greens at the AH to make 100G/day easily for less than an hour of time spent at the AH. Use a portion of the mats you get from your disenchanting to skill up.

2. Gather and sell herbs. You have your flying mount. criss-cross zangramarsh and you should be able to find plenty of herbs.

3. Do the daily quests. Make money and gain rep at the same time.
#5 Jul 27 2007 at 4:45 PM Rating: Default
4,575 posts

at that level of enchanting, you may find yourself spending money first, to get to the level to disenchant stuff, especially since you don't list that you have a tradeskill that can make things for you to d/e.

i recommend just going on herbalism alone. most of the pricey herbs are easy for you to get.

#6 Jul 27 2007 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
bluegayle wrote:
at that level of enchanting, you may find yourself spending money first, to get to the level to disenchant stuff, especially since you don't list that you have a tradeskill that can make things for you to d/e.

Please explain how buying a 10 greens for 50S and selling the DE mats for 1G = "spending money". You seem to have a different definition of "making gold" than I do. YOU DO NOT NEED (OR WANT) A CRAFTING TRADESKILL TO DISENCHANT.
#7 Jul 28 2007 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
308 posts
Strange dust sells for 1g?

THats it im putting all 99 of them up on the AH right now

#8 Jul 28 2007 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
Hatoa wrote:
Strange dust sells for 1g?

That's it. I'm putting all 99 of them up on the AH right now =)

Actually, on my server (Alliance side), a stack of strange dust sells for 1G20S, and I never have any returned from auction. Your mileage may vary.

Edited, Jul 28th 2007 3:34pm by ohmikeghod
#9 Jul 28 2007 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
I made all of my gold from level 10 -> 58 by disenchanting. The enchanting reagents market went totally haywire shortly before I hit Outland. Questing/grinding from 58-70 I made just over 1000g. I arrived in Outland with enough gold to pay for my Expert riding training and class training with 1000g left over, so by the time I hit 70, I had about 2000g on hand. That left me with 1000g after I got my nromal flyer.

A number of people here on Alla suggested I leave Netherstorm and SMV quests alone until I hit 70 so all of the quest reward xp would be converted to gold. I did that, and by the time I left Netherstorm I had made about 2000g (quest rewards, AH drops, vendor trash, etc.) I hit SMV with just over 3000g. Now, I'm sitting at just shy of 3700g having barely touched the SMV quests, with another 300+g on one alt and 50g or so on another.

I got a rare enchanting formula from a random world drop today that has a cross-server median price of just over 1000g, so I'm just going to let it ride on auction with a 1400g bid/no buyout and see what happens. In the meantime, I'll keep plugging away at quests/primal farming/skinning as the mood strikes. If I hit 5200g before the formula sells, so much the better. If the formula sells, I'll have my epic flyer sooner than I thought and I'm sure I'll be able to pick up the enchanting formula at some point further on down the road.

A lot of information I have read has suggested that when you hit 70, make a decision about where you want your gold to go and then stick to it. If you want to load up on crafted/BoE gear for the sake of higher end instances, do that. If you want to save for your Artisan training/epic flyer, do that. If you try to do both simultaneously, you're liable to go insane. It's just too much, especially if you're uncertain about what your options might be to earn gold.

In terms of gear/etc, the only things I've bought since I hit 70 was a Consortium Blaster when I hit Revered with The Consortium (30g) and a couple of limited availability vendor-sold enchanting formulas for a total of 12g. 30g for a 10%+ increase is ranged weapon dps seemed very cheap, and the 12g I invested in the enchanting formulas is just investment. They're something I'll always have that makes my toon more rounded and robust.

I check the AH almost every time I play for significant gear upgrades, but the key word is significant. I'm not about to go dropping 10-60g every couple of days for an extra +2 Agi here and there.

If you put an immediate halt to all spending except for gear repairs, critical consumables (ie. ammunition for Hunters) and flight fees, it becomes very apparent just how fantastically easy it is to earn gold in WoW. What I see happening time and time again, however, is that people earn the gold and then zip right off to the auction house to spend it on junk that they're going to "outgrow" in a week or so.
#10 Jul 29 2007 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts
Please explain how buying a 10 greens for 50S and selling the DE mats for 1G = "spending money". You seem to have a different definition of "making gold" than I do.

i assumed OP wouldn't want to raise 5000g by getting 50s at a time (1g minus the 50s investment).

after the level 20 stuff, you'll start paying closer to 50s-1g for items to d/e. unless of course, you find some cheaper items, which may or may not be common.

regardless of how quickly or slowly a person wants to raise money, sure, 50s adds up.

but for the time and effort involved, i challenge the OP to d/e items at 177 skill, increasing it if he wants to, or picking various herbs up to 375 skill, to find which method works well for him.

Edited, Jul 29th 2007 7:03pm by bluegayle
#11 Jul 29 2007 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
I'd also say, don't spend gold at the AH, or otherwise for things you don't need/won't need for a while.
#12 Jul 29 2007 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
bluegayle wrote:
Please explain how buying a 10 greens for 50S and selling the DE mats for 1G = "spending money". You seem to have a different definition of "making gold" than I do.

i assumed OP wouldn't want to raise 5000g by getting 50s at a time (1g minus the 50s investment).

after the level 20 stuff, you'll start paying closer to 50s-1g for items to d/e. unless of course, you find some cheaper items, which may or may not be common.

regardless of how quickly or slowly a person wants to raise money, sure, 50s adds up.

but for the time and effort involved, i challenge the OP to d/e items at 177 skill, increasing it if he wants to, or picking various herbs up to 375 skill, to find which method works well for him.

I buy 50 to 150G of disenchantable items every day on the AH. Those items give me 100 to 300G in mats which are put up on the AH. A lot of the items are 5S low-level greens, although there are also some higher-level items there, too. Yes, there are 50S single items - those should provide you with higher-level mats, which sell for a higher price. There are also 5G items, which can give you 10G in mats. I'm assuming that you've never played the AH for disenchanting purposes, and that would explain your lack of knowledge in how it works.
#13 Jul 30 2007 at 2:41 AM Rating: Good
122 posts
One can usually obtain greens at auction house priced at around 10 silver, which will yield 5 strange dust when disenchanted. 4 of those makes a stack. So that is 40 silver for whatever the stack of strange dust moves for on your server. On my server it is a lot more than 1g20S as Mike just said was the going rate on Duskwood server. If you do this every day for half an hour, you will make lots of money, as previously repeated in loads of posts. Some of which gets regularly necroposted for "new" forum lurkers pleasure.
#14 Jul 30 2007 at 8:48 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Also, start doing the daily quests

Daily Quest Guide
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#15 Jul 30 2007 at 9:37 PM Rating: Default

Meh, I always reccomend borrowing the money from a friend. You'll find that collecting herbs becomes much easier with the epic mount and you can pay your friend back + enjoy the mount instead of waiting longer, harvesting at a far slower speed.
#16 Aug 06 2007 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
play poker with gamemasters....i made a million before i got sitebanned... i mean really if you have 700g and have a flying mount how do you not know how to use your money in the game yet??
#17 Aug 10 2007 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
crazyhtown wrote:
i mean really if you have 700g and have a flying mount how do you not know how to use your money in the game yet??

Exactly. I totally agree.

Most people already know many, many ways of making gold in WoW. The problem is, all of these ways still require significant time investment in order to accumulate 5000g.

There is no shortcut to making gold.

Accept that fact, and move on. You already know all you need to make gold. Just suck it up and do it already.

/end rant

Edited, Aug 10th 2007 4:41pm by echou
#18 Aug 11 2007 at 12:36 AM Rating: Good
1,571 posts
How about make a plan and take your time?

What annoys me the most with some players is they have to have everything they can think of ASAP. With possibly no effort. I cannot imagine them being more than 9 yrs old with parents jumping up to fulfill their wimps as soon as they throw fit.
I bet they are going to get nasty surprised once they have to get out and encounter the real world.

I dont have any gathering profession on my 70 toon anymore. Almost all I get from enchanting now is planar essences and arcane dust. First I keep for enchants I migh need and the other I need for tailoring - I am still saving mats for some gear and making cloth.
I didnt restrain myself from buying stuff in AH either, I have to buy herbs to make potions I use, I am trying to collect some Darkmoon cards, I try to keep my alts upgraded.
I managed few epics, mostly crafted, but I am satisfied.

And still I have comfortable amount of gold, not yet enough to buy epic flyer maybe (I dont even want it tbh) but not very far from it either.

I am doing all the quests I can find, including dailies. I am farming a lot. I am fishing even when there are no pools on Elemental Plateu, food like grilled mudfish sells. I am making whatever I can with tailoring/alchemy when I decide that is more profitable to sell item than mats. I scan AH daily.

What I dont do is sitting in main cities discussing how to get epixxx over general or looking at naked lvl 1 dancing toons. I dont accept any pug invites for instances - I found out doing instances without some particular cause in bad groups just makes repair bills and poor cash.

Otherwise I am very much aware that getting anything in life, even virtual, demands time and effort and usually lots of it.
Nothing worth something is "fast and easy".

Edited, Aug 11th 2007 4:37am by Sethy
#19 Aug 19 2007 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
Or dod what I do, get lucky and find world drop Epics.

I found The Night Blade questing in SMV, then that next week, I found Plans: Hand of Eternity. I started out with 800g or so, up to 4k now. : )
#20 Aug 19 2007 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
Or do what I did, get lucky and find world drop Epics.

I found The Night Blade questing in SMV, then that next week, I found Plans: Hand of Eternity. I started out with 800g or so, up to 4k now. : )
#21 Aug 19 2007 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

1) Do Skettis and Ogrila dailies, every day. 22+g (or more) for Skettis, ditto for Ogrila, every day.

2) Enchanting takes money to level, you should probably drop it, personal choice though. Pick up another gathering profession. Fly/ride around zones and farm nodes and sell it all on AH.

3) Sell everything. AH trash or DE it. Everything that drops, everything.

4) Devote time to farming cash. Besides dailies devote time to either farming nodes, killing mobs such as elementals for their primals or questing for the cash rewards at lvl 70. Mix it up so you don't go crazy.

Finally the most vitally important key to getting the money for an epic mount, stop spending money. Quit respeccing, quit wasting money on BOE gear or sh*t you can get from a dungeon for free. Quit sinking money into tradeskills, quit paying for stuff you could farm yourself. This is the most vitally important key to making the money. Be a tight fisted miserly scrooge.

Edited, Aug 20th 2007 3:06:03am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#22 Aug 20 2007 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
bodhisattva wrote:
2) Enchanting takes money to level, you should probably drop it, personal choice though.

Bzzzt! Enchanting makes you gold (LOTS OF IT!) while you level (at least to 300, which is all you need to make money). DE AH items, use mats to level, sell the excess. You'll end up with more money than you spent purchasing the AH items. When you reach 300, you will be able to disenchant any item in the game. THERE IS NO REASON TO LEVEL ENCHANTING PAST 300 IF YOUR ONLY GOAL IS GOLD!

I have no idea why I have to keep repeating myself in every thread where the topic is about making gold through using enchanting, but I'm getting a bit tired of it. I also have no idea why experienced players (and I know that Bhodi is very experienced) keep the urban myth that enchanting is an expensive profession going.
#23 Aug 20 2007 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
/agree with ohmikeghod

The only time enchanting is expensive is when you decide to power level it. If you're patient and do it over time, it doesn't really cost you anything. You may need a small amount of gold to get started, but this is seed money that you'll get back over time.
#24 Aug 21 2007 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
Its not easy to have a epic flying, when i hit 70, there was only 120gold after bought a normal flying, but i bought an epic one 3 days later.
maybe disenchanting is a way to make gold, but its a little hard. Gold farming also is hard for us. my own way is gamble , i was lucky , win more than 10000 gold in 3 days. wow! nice days!
#25 Aug 21 2007 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
mmoplat wrote:
Its not easy to have a epic flying, when i hit 70, there was only 120gold after bought a normal flying, but i bought an epic one 3 days later.
maybe disenchanting is a way to make gold, but its a little hard. Gold farming also is hard for us. my own way is gamble , i was lucky , win more than 10000 gold in 3 days. wow! nice days!

You realize that gambling is a bannable offense?
#26 Aug 22 2007 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
azwing wrote:
/agree with ohmikeghod

The only time enchanting is expensive is when you decide to power level it. If you're patient and do it over time, it doesn't really cost you anything. You may need a small amount of gold to get started, but this is seed money that you'll get back over time.

5g exactly to get to 225 (I could get to 300 if I wouldnt find it hassle to level my toon to 35 now) and only because I was impatient and wanted to make it there in one day.
She made me so much money in return even with 225 skill its simply amazing.

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