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Can't get mining fr 268 to 300.Follow

#1 Jul 11 2007 at 5:52 PM Rating: Default
My char is lvl 54, and he is a miner.

His mining skill is 268 and have been so for several weeks.
All the kinds of vein his log says he can farm are grey. Ergo he has farmed them above the point where they can give him any higher in skill-lvl.

He can't learn anymore mining in Azeroth (to my knowledge). He's been talking to all the mining-trainers I have been able to find.

Here are all the metals etc. that he can mine:

And some funny ores that aren't listed.

Am I doing something wrong, or does he really have to wait until he gets to Outworld before he can get to skill-lvl 300?
#2 Jul 12 2007 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
122 posts
The top end Azeroth mining nodes are thorium veins and rich thorium veins. I think you need to farm this in places like Un'Goro and Winterspring.

This is from the official website, and the numbers denote minimum skill.


Small Thorium 245
Rich Thorium 275
Hakkari Thorium Vein 275
Small Obsidian Chunk 305
Large Obsidian Chunk 305
Elementium Ore3 -
Fel Iron 300
Adamantite 325
Rich Adamantite 350
Eternium4 -
Khorium 375

Small Thorium Vein Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands, Felwood, Feralas, Searing Gorge, Silithus, Tanaris, The Hinterlands, Un'Goro Crater, Western Plaguelands, Winterspring
Rich Thorium Vein Azshara, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands, Un'Goro Crater, Western Plaguelands, Winterspring

Edited, Jul 12th 2007 10:49am by bkhovde
#3 Jul 12 2007 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
You stop gaining points from smelting well before you stop gaining points from actually mining the veins.
#4 Jul 12 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
406 posts
At 268 you can mine small thorium, and thoriums veins. I have found Un'goro good for this, also I throw on a mining glove enchant on and then with 2 more points you can mine Rich Thorium viens which I have found quite a few in Un'goro. Do that till 300, then outlands it is

#5 Jul 12 2007 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

I would consider small thorium and rich thorium to be different, because they require different skill level. IE, you can go from one to the other to skill up. In that sense, I know you just haven’t been to the right zones because thorium-related veins should get you to 335 or so before it turns grey. Even if you never mine in outlands, you can keep going on thorium for a while.

So I’m not sure how you can say the thorium veins, even small, are grey at barely start getting into them around this time.

On another note though, you also didn’t mention dark iron ore. While it’s not so popular anymore, for mining skill-ups along with truesilver and small thorium, it’s very useful. You will find these in Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge

Countless miners before you got to 300 without doing those ooze-covered thorium veins. After all, a green vein will still get you skill up, and judging by all the ore miners have to get, that shouldn’t be a problem. So I know you can do it, too…I suspect you just aren’t in the right zone.

In the worst case, add the mining enchant and help yourself to the next level of ore a little earlier.

For anyone who is interested, you can mine fel iron ore all the way to 375, so mining in the first zone in Outlands is great to get you to the point where you never have to weep again as you pass up an ore vein you can’t mine.

#6 Jul 12 2007 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
250 posts
bluegayle wrote:

For anyone who is interested, you can mine fel iron ore all the way to 375, so mining in the first zone in Outlands is great to get you to the point where you never have to weep again as you pass up an ore vein you can’t mine.

Thanks for that info as soon as i hit 58 and go to OL i think ill try to do that :)
#7 Jul 13 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
185 posts
From 250 to 300 is a frustrating time with mining.

You are pretty much restricted to small thorium until 275, although mithril may help and truesilver moreso. I personally used Felwood and then to a greater degree, Un'Goro to skill up.

It shouldn't take too long. I rode around the circumference of Un'Goro Crater and mined the nodes. By the time you get back to where you started, they are starting to respawn.
#8 Jul 14 2007 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
bilbosorc has some great advice.

The crater has some great quest lines, and the mining there is good. Here's a tip, there are two nodes in the ape cave, and two in the insect cave to the south of that. If you go in a straight line from the apes to the insects (sorry about not recalling the exact names of the mobs) you'll find another small thorium node between the two. Due to the distance they'll respawn one right after the other.

Good luck.

#9 Jul 14 2007 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
I am lvl 48 and having no problems with mining. My mining is at 274, and I have personally never minned a thorium vein. I farm for my ore in the charred vale in stonetalon. Its only level 25-30 in the charred vale, but there is a surprising amount of mithril, iron, and the rare spawns of those veins.
#10 Aug 14 2007 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Just run around in the searing gorge, tons of dark iron ore veins!! I was stopped with mining for a while and then DING 300 in no time, also burning steppes has a lot of thorium. Just my 2c.
#11 Aug 14 2007 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
I've been skilling up mining in Burning Steppes lately. I dropped 375 skinning to take up mining and there have times when skilling it up has seemed like an epic grind. I'm at 265 now so I'm confident that in a couple of sessions I'll have it to 300 and be ready to hit Outland. Truesilver/Mithril/Dark Iron/Small Thorium -> 275, and from there...well, pretty much anything I find. Even if I can't get skillups from a node, I'll mine it so it has a chance to respawn as something I can get skillups from.
#12 Aug 15 2007 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
I just completed the crawl from 265 mining -> 300, and I have to say I have a new respect for Minters who hit 300 at or before level 59.

I did the last stretch in Silithius, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they were level 70 with an epic mount. At 70, none of the mobs I came across really wanted much to do with me, and I was able to clear any mobs from around any nodes I really wanted. I noticed while riding around that each of the Hives in the zone seems to have at least 2 Ooze Covered Rich Adamantium Veins, but I had no desire to go wade through tunnels filled with bugs to get to them. It took a while to get to 300, but a lot of that time was cruising Burning Steppes, EPL, and Un'Goro for nodes before I finally settled in Silithius.

My entire reason for dropping skinning for mining was because it seemed a waste to have an epic flyer without a node-based gathering profession. That, and skinning has a very limited market that has in no way matured on my server to the point of being able to count on a worthwhile return on the time I spent hopping from one group of Clefthoofs in Nagrand to the next.

As soon as I hit 300 I hearthed to Shattrath and hopped on my flyer. I hit the trainer in HFP and then zipped around the zone. I skipped a fair number of nodes that were guarded too heavily for my liking and I still got from 300-327 in about an hour. In the process, between gems, ore, and motes, I dug up 150-200g worth of product.

By the time I logged out, I had spent 15 minutes zipping around Terrokar and capped off the evening with a couple of Adamantite nodes (just because I could). The first one yielded a gem worth 40g and 6 Mote of Earth (in addition to the ore) and the second one yielded another 9 Mote of Earth. I'd say that within another couple of hours I'll be capped at 375 and able to happily mine the hell out of Outland at breakneck speed any time the mood strikes me, and that just strikes me as incredibly cool.

And so, so much better than skinning.
#13 Aug 23 2007 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
I moved a few gathering skills around and decided to do mining and herbalism on my 67 hunter alt (my gatherer). My main (priest) has alchemy and tailoring which I am keeping (can't wait to see the new tailoring gear above lvl 70).

I just now got to 275 mining (rich thorium, yeah). The bugs in the tunnels of Silithus are actually giving me around 800 XP rested, so I'm a happy miner.
#14 Aug 23 2007 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,175 posts
Once you get to 300, Fel Iron is going to be orange to you. It will likely take you several attempts to pull the entire deposit. Good thing is that a +5 mining to gloves enchant is relatively inexpensive: 3 Vision dust and 3 Truesilver bars. Once you can mine Adamanite, mine as much of that as you possibly can. As long as there are jewelcrafters prospecting, adamanite will likely not drop much in price until the next expansion. It is holding relatively steady between 20-25g a stack of ore. Smiths and engineers will also go through boxcars worth of adamanite.

Good luck with your mining and hopefully it'll make you as much cash as it has for me.
#15 Aug 23 2007 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
AureliusSir wrote:
I just completed the crawl from 265 mining -> 300, and I have to say I have a new respect for Minters who hit 300 at or before level 59.

Wasn't a crawl for me, more like a speeding race. I just mined what I saw questing. There were about 2 occasions in which a friend went AFK so I just rode around us searching for nodes for about 10 minutes, but that is literally the only set of occasions in which I did anything out of the ordinary. I didn't struggle with leveling mining, it just came naturally. I had been sitting at 300 for multiple levels before I went to Outlands and I was at 375 long before I finished the Hellfire Peninsula quests around level 62 (I went to Outlands at level 60).
#16 Aug 23 2007 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
Lorimath wrote:
AureliusSir wrote:
I just completed the crawl from 265 mining -> 300, and I have to say I have a new respect for Minters who hit 300 at or before level 59.

Wasn't a crawl for me, more like a speeding race. I just mined what I saw questing. There were about 2 occasions in which a friend went AFK so I just rode around us searching for nodes for about 10 minutes, but that is literally the only set of occasions in which I did anything out of the ordinary. I didn't struggle with leveling mining, it just came naturally. I had been sitting at 300 for multiple levels before I went to Outlands and I was at 375 long before I finished the Hellfire Peninsula quests around level 62 (I went to Outlands at level 60). probably seemed like a crawl because that's all I was doing...riding around looking for nodes. Which was made slightly worse being stuck on the ground knowing I had an epic flyer at my disposal if I could just get to 300 to mine Outland...

Once I did hit 300, though, it was about 2.5 hours from 300 -> 375. Beautiful and well worth it :D
#17 Aug 31 2007 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for your great advice, guys! ^^

Sorry I've been so late in replying (private issues).

Thiings definitely look more bright now, and I'm off to try it all out! ^L^,

#18 Sep 05 2007 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
Just took my mining from 250 to 300 yesterday. I waited until level 70 to do it.

Ungoro Crater, IMHO is overrated. Not really alot of thorium spawns there, plus it seems like EVERYONE goes there to skill up their mining.

Silithus--zone is huge, and most of the thorium you want will be in the underground bug hives. Don't even bother unless your level 70 with an epic mount, or the mobs will chase you and beat you mercilessly.

Didn't try Azshara.

Burning Steppes--this is where I got most of my skill ups. Lots of small thorium, thorium, rich thorium, and blackrock ore to skill up. Plus it seems like there was alot less people mining there, than say Ungoro.

Now I'm Outland ready!
#19 Sep 07 2007 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
i lvled from 265 to 300 ina about 4 hours in eastern plaguelands i was also a lvl 70 but a 56 or 58 i cant remeber should do just fine and i highly recomend gatherer and cartographer and use auto loot while u mine
#20 Sep 07 2007 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
It seemed so fast while leveling...because leveling takes forever lol. When you're power leveling mining at 70, it definately feels like a grind, at least in the old world where you're interested in nothing but those veins that give you skillups. I found myself pissed quite a few times seeing a mithril vein. When I was 55 I would have been happy, because hey, thats still gold to me! But its like 50s an ore at 70, so I just wanted to get my 300 mining and get out of azeroth.

Rich thorium is a pretty decent moneymaker though, I know alot of 70s go back and mine this alot. I'd still rather mine adamantite instead.

During this week I went from 181 mining to 295, I'm AFK in flight now back to outlands. I have the +5 mining enchant on my gloves, so I'll be able to mine fel iron. I'm not as lucky as Auerelis, I dont have an epic bird, so even the 300-375 grind will take me a while. But at least its in outlands :)

That felt like the longest grind, especially the mithril period. I thought it would never end. I went 175-250 in Hinterlands mainly, targetting Mithril, and eventually (at 230) Truesilver deposits. At 250 I moved to the Burning Steppes, going after Small Thorium Veins (and Dark Iron Deposits, with the odd Mithril Deposit). I stayed there until 275, then headed to Eastern Plaguelands and finished out on Rich Thorium Veins, with the odd small vein.

I used Gatherer (add-on), and Allah's maps. Try searching Allah for 'Rich Thorium Vein' for example, check the map. Using maps to exact known vein spawns saved me alot of time.

This isn't the first time I've leveled mining, though hopefully it will be my last power-leveling attempt at it. I also powerleveled herbalism a few weeks back, let me tell you, herbalism is much faster to level then mining.

Edited, Sep 7th 2007 10:49pm by mikelolol

Edited, Sep 7th 2007 10:51pm by mikelolol
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